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OK updates :cuss


Worked a bit today,so

I did some more work on the factory




Also started out a very early wip on the tank repair depot



Found some old gothic ruins sets and did use them to build a ruin


(sorry for bad pic)


Made two "wing" buildings for the catherdral (the will recive alot of work so the second floor can be used more in game wise...



and two overview pics so far




more pics somtime this week depends on how much progress... C&C welcome and ideas as always

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Those buildings just get better and better :D



Since im still not full bottle on the box contents, is the Imperial City box the rather 'expensive' box that comes with the rumored 28 odd frames? or is it one of the more smaller boxes?

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Given how much you have made now, how many frames do you still think you have left? :P



The way i saw GW do it in WD i dont think was a true represenataion of the CoD sprues (they were very well, "cheap" with the buildings). Do you still think you have ample pieces left to make a considerable amount of buildings, or have you worn down your sprue count?

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I can't wait.


They looks awesome, which is unsettling (it makes me want to switch to these!) because I'm still painting up my FW structures; for use with my own CoD scenery. I can't decide which look I like the most, the thin walled structures or the thick (and very heavy) FW buildings.. :lol:


I dont think you can mix the two building types though, hmm no that wouldn't work.

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ok suggestions for additional items


1: pair of bell towers or a single steeple for the cathedral to add some height and sniper/lookout posts


2: a round fountain with a statue of some sort in a open area in front of the cathedral


3: a row of column's leading up to the cathedral or administrative building


4: fuel depot near the factory


5: IG recruiting station/Induction facility "The Emperor Wants You!" "Do your part buy a war bond!" "The only good xeno is a dead Xeno!" Maybe put an old style rhino/predator in front kinda like you see at VFW posts in the states.


6: a power plant, maybe modeled after plasma generators from Dawn of War


7: a Taco Bell :lol:


8: a med station/clinic/urgent care center


9: refuse/junk/parts yard near the factory

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OK updates again :devil:


First the new building wich will be a recruting center (when done)




then with painted roof




Did work on the base for the catherdral http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/animerik/COD/23/31.jpg


and painted the roofhttp://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/animerik/COD/23/IMGP2149.jpg


fixed some stuff on the blown up ammo depot http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/anime...23/IMGP2148.jpg

and painted it http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/anime...23/IMGP2153.jpg


Also painted the factory




alos started to paint the radar building http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/animerik/COD/23/33.jpg


thats all for now folks c&c welcome

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