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The Angels of Sorrow


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Hey guys! Haven't been into 40k lately (mostly Fantasy), but getting back in now. I decided to go Space Marines and make my own chapter. I want more of a close combat oriented army. What I need help with are the Traits I should choose as I have zero experience with them. I was thinking something like Trust Your Battle-Brothers and No Mercy, No Respite. The thing is that it seems like I will be spending a lot of points on upgrading my marines then. Which means each loss hits me harder than the normal marine death would. I came here to see if you guys might have some advice for me cause I don't know what I'm doing. :D
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You may be paying more points per marine but consider the benefit to TYBB: counter-attack and using a bolter as a CC weapon. For only 3 points? The question is: What would your drawbacks be? Can't have good with some bad :P


Also consider this: by the book those two advantages are a "significant divergence". The drawbacks might hurt.


Regardless, a DIY chapter does not necessarily need to use the trait system.


Also, do you plan on designing any fluff or story for your chapter? If so I would not recommend defining the fluff by your traits.


Copying a codex is a neat and fast way to get what you want.



Yeah, I've been thinking about fluff. That's what got me started thinking about the traits. I know I will have to have some bad, but I get to pick which bad I get. That means I can pick the best bad for me. :cuss I will let you all know what I choose and post some of the fluff later. Thanks for moving my post. Didn't notice the Liber Astartes forum. :cuss

I see your thinking about the same route I looked at when the c:sm came out. I thought Eye to Eye and Die standing make excellent thematic drawbacks with little negatives. The way the traits work out its not in your benefit to take bikes and speeders, and die standing fits since I assume you'll be fielding a few rhinos anyway. I tested it and decided to go with a sifferent approach instead. But heres what I learned:

Its an effective army against eldar, tau, and IG IF you can get to them to chew them up in cc. Its tougher v/ power armored troops. I found that i was fielding 2 full assault squads, and 4 tac squads as my core. I was using the assault squads to get in fast and engage the enemy while my 2 rhino mounted squads got into position to join in. Termie squad makes a nice force either in a LR or deepstriking behind the lines or hitting the flanks


Heres what worked best for me.



Librarian w/ Jumpack, FoA and FoD (can do wonders if you get him on teh flank of a battle line)


Recclusiarch Chaplain




2 Tac x10 w/ melta gun in Rhino w/ extra armor, smoke


2 tac x 10 with missle launcher




Terminator Squad X6 1 assault cannon, 1 cyclone, (vary furious charge or tank hunters if your mounting them in a LR for assault)


Dread w/ missle launcher + tw lascannon




2 Assault Squads X10 (1 with vet sgt w/power fist,bp) other with power weapon.




Pred annihalator, vindicator, or whirlwinds


Optional pieces:

Make the termie squad an assault termie squad and us the land raiders assault abilities

Good luck

Hey guys! Haven't been into 40k lately (mostly Fantasy), but getting back in now. I decided to go Space Marines and make my own chapter. I want more of a close combat oriented army. What I need help with are the Traits I should choose as I have zero experience with them. I was thinking something like Trust Your Battle-Brothers and No Mercy, No Respite. The thing is that it seems like I will be spending a lot of points on upgrading my marines then. Which means each loss hits me harder than the normal marine death would. I came here to see if you guys might have some advice for me cause I don't know what I'm doing. :cuss

I love TYBB, but not sure on your two traits together. TYBB works great with Cleanse and Purify.

Yep, that's another one I thought of using TYBB and C+P. It sounds like it could work well. I wasn't going to put No Mercy, No Respite on my Tactical Marines. Just on my Assault Squads. Drive up, shoot, have my tacs.get charged, and counter-charge with assault squad type thing. Not sure how well that would work, though.


Then I was also thinking Blessed Be The Warriors and Cleanse and Purify. This one is really what I like the most. Blessed lets me use all the Assault Squads I want, and Cleanse and Purify lets me get close with my Tactical Squads and still wreak havoc. The Tac. Squads will most likely be charged and the Assault Squads can counter. The disadvantages would be Eye to Eye and Faithful Unto Death. I also have fluff for this one, or more like an outline of the fluff.


The Angels of Sorrow are a Cursed Founding chapter. They come from a world known for its gruesome murders, and the Angels of Sorrow still have their murderous blood in them. Because of this they like combat more than most of the other chapters and are much more violent when it comes to hand to hand combat. They pledged to fight in the name of the Emperor to try to rid themselves of their past sins. That's when the chapter started having problems. The warriors that were being trained to be assault specialists began growing wings. They also still think of themselves as loyal, even though the Emperor has rejected them.


This explains why they have less men, as they can't recruit anymore marines. They also have limited Techmarines meaning they have less access to bikes, land speeders, tanks, etc. They have to try to maintain their resources, but being as crazy for combat as they are, that could prove difficult.


Those are all of my thoughts just kind of thrown together. When I get it all straightened out I will make sure to update. There will of course be more to the story. Please tell me what you think.


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