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With But a Word I brought Destruction!


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Okay began the Devestator squad. I havent started on the sarge yet... I didnt have a good idea how to make him.


Anyway WIP pic's for all to see!

Here are the 4 Missle launchers






and here is the single bolter trooper.






As always comments and criticism welcome!

Nice poses, as always. =) The bolter trooper does look a bit dull compared to your other works I've seen so far, but not all Marines can be doing action poses all day long. :(


By the way, I take it that all those headless ML Marines rolled 1's to hit? :D And I guess the poor Bolter guy didn't get out of the way fast enough...


Just kidding, of course. But you're doing fine, as always. I'm a very big fan of the way you pose your models.

LOL I was thinking the bolter armed guy was perfect! His squad mates are lining up their shots or reloading or aquiring targets and he is kneeling near them to provide supporting fire.

I tried doing one laying prone.. but I couldnt make it work out nice.

Still have no clue what pose I want for the sarge. I could go for the standered finger pointy one.. but I used that elswere already, and I really want to make every model as unique as possible.

I could arm him with a bp/ccw.


Oh well I will think of something.

Have the sarge with just a normal boloter and holding a huge round bullseye.


For the rocket guys: The guy on the far right is the complete badass.


The main thing I wanna know is how long will it be until every thread on this forum is owned by Nicorex?

HAHAHA you think I post alot now.. Wait till I start painting them!


Really I like posting my stuff.. I have been given lots of kick hynie idea's becouse of it.

Plus other can see flaws that our eyes over look. So if I had glued a right arm onto the left side im sure someone would call me on it.

Loving the poses, but I see a lil' mistake that I did with posing legs too. You have two devastators that have two different mark armor legs. Ie: one leg has only a shinguard and the other leg has both shin and knee plates.

If you aren't looking for it you don't notice it. And to give you any advice keep it this way for rebuilding those legs will be a pain.



EE, I am still in the construction phase. When that is finished then I clean and GS. The Mold lines will go I promise.



Quick Update!


I repositioned the Kneeling legg guy, I extended the barrel on the bolter guy and I built the Sarge.

Here are some Pics.







Hi, those are looking really nice there! :P

The only pose I don't like is the second one from the left... It looks like he just went "damn there is a rock here... ah well I can't be bothered to sidestep it so I'll just slid my leg on top of it like this... phew... and now fire!"

Also what 1000marines said about the kneepads...

Other then that I really like them. :)

KK, Look at the latest update pics i posted, mabye you will like the missle guy with his knee up more now.


Actually the idea was, I am steadying myself on this bit of rubble to get the shot off.

Throw in my insaesable appetite to make every single miniture diffrent from each other and from anything you guys might bring to the table. Well sometimes that leads to a few funky poses.


The kneeling guy works much better now! and the extended barreled sarge is very fitting seeing as they are Devs, alternatively you've inspired me to make a kneeling and straighetened leg ahh I'll just show you!


MAN! If you steal one more of my idea's I swear im going to Sue! Or challenge you to a Paint off! :)


I wonder what you would fear more???


You know I say it every single time I post stuff. The Order I do things is Construction/conversion, cleanup & GS fill then GS detail.


So anyway, Here are the finished construction/conversion pics of my Dev squad.









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