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Painted Sons of Malas...err...Malice test Marine


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I was reading the WD article on renegade Chapters, with an eye towards maybe starting up a Red Corsairs army, but I got a little hooked on the Sons of Malice fluff, and I've always wanted to try a quartered scheme.


So, here's the dude:






He's almost done, just a couple more touch-ups to go, but he's painted to what I consider an acceptable table-top level, mainly because that's the upper limits of my painting ability. :( He's missing his left hand because it broke off during photographing and I couldn't be bothered to glue it back on right away.


I'd really appreciate some feedback on this guy, as I'm contemplating starting an army of the Sons...


Speaking of which, I have no idea what their chapter badge looks like. Anybody know? Do they even have one?


And yes, I'll be painting a test biker next. And we all know what -that- means. :D






i agree that it needs more colour. It's just too plain at the moment, maybe do some of the silver bits gold or bronze. More chaos stuff would help too, especialy if you used chaos helmets. That way you have the hair, horns or some skin for more colour.

as for the paint job , it looks a bit rough.

Speaking of which, I have no idea what their chapter badge looks like. Anybody know? Do they even have one?


Malal's sign is a skull bisected down the middle one half black and one half white.


I agree with the others needs another color. I think gold would be a nice idea. And I echo the part about using Chaos Marine bits where you have the oppurtunity to add additional colors.

The white looks a little bit thick, you could paint the eyes red to add in some colour aswell.


The important thing with making your models look really good on the tabletop is simlpy painting within the lines. If you can paint neat then you're on your way to great miniatures. A key element in neat painting though is thinning those paints, white is also not a very forigiving colour to work with for relatively inexperienced paitners.


If you were after a quartered shceme the red and blue of the Brazen Claws would probably work better as a painting experience as with those colours you can really explore highlighting and shading.

Good stuff man, i really like the Malice marines (even did a small army when the C:CSM came out).


I have to admit that hate painting white, but if your looking for more depth to your white i would say that you should try either codex or shadow grey as an undercoat and shading to your white areas. :wacko:

Thanks for all the feedback guys, it's a big help.


I'm definately going to add more colour to him. I'm thinking I'll add Red Gore detailing, squad marks, etc, similar to the details on the Red Corsairs in C:CSM. For the white, I just painted a couple coats of watered-down Skull White over the plastic. I think for the next guy I'll try a light blue or light grey. I don't want it to be too warm...



Malal's sign is a skull bisected down the middle one half black and one half white.


Okay, thanks. I'll see what I can do with that, even though these guys aren't -officially- related to Malal. They just have his colour scheme and attitude. :cuss



I'll do some more work on him tonight, post updates tomorrow/late tonight.







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