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Termi Sarge Combi Flamer


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Got around to making a comb-flamer for my DW termie sarge, thought I'd post these pics as I am intersted to see how others have done the same conversion.


Pic 1


Pic 2


Pic 3



By the way, I have retained the existing SB but I intend to replace the double muzzle of the SB with a single from a normal bolter. I like the look of the chunky weapon - the normal bolter just looked too small in the termies hand.





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Well, the obvious problem is that you have used the stormbolter that was on the termie, instead of replacing it with a bolter - it's a flamer-bolter combi-weapon, not a flamer-stormbolter combi.


Otherwise, it works well, just tidy up some sharp corners caused by the knifework, drill out the muzzles only one hole in the stormbolter!) and GS the joint and it's done.


I currently have three combi flamer-bolters for my Wolfguard termies, each made differently:


1. The larger of them has the flamer on top of the bolter, with the canister moved to the lefthand side of the flamer. I have then added the drum from the IG grenade launcher under the bolter in place of the sickle magazine. Makes for a nice, big weapon.


2. Similar to yours, a bolter cut down and fitted to the top of the flamer. I have fitted a strip of ammodirectly to the lefthand ejection port.


3. A smaller one using the traditional method of the old handflamer on top of the bolter, with the canister fitted behind the handflamer with a tube connection.


In a more codex chapter, I would make them all the same, but I felt that I needed to reflect the individualistic nature of SW - probably made their own conversion!


As my termies hold their bolters righthanded, the canister and ammostrips are purposely on the lefthand side, for ease of refuelling/reloading.



Well, the obvious problem is that you have used the stormbolter that was on the termie, instead of replacing it with a bolter - it's a flamer-bolter combi-weapon, not a flamer-stormbolter combi.


Yes indeed, I intend to replace the double muzzle of the SB with a single from a normal bolter. I like the look of the chunky weapon - the normal bolter just looked too small in the termies hand.


Thanks for your other ideas.





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