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WIP Mortifactors Headhunters

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In between painting my Chaplain, I've found I love working with these colours. So after having found traits and an army theme I like, I've begun converting some Headhunters - a Tactical Squad with True Grit and Furious Charge. Here's the Veteran Sergeant and the first Tactical Marine.










C&C appreciated.


EDIT: Oversized pic...

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firstly i find the use of furious charge and true grit silly, as both hinder each other


true grit is used to benefit from bolters, while furious charge benefits from more attacks


anyways, why the wolf pelt? it looks a bit out of place, and the shield look enormous, a bit too big in my opinion


the rest looks pretty good however



I am becoming a very big fan of your work here, Rorschach... I loved the Chaplain, and these two guys look positively amazing. The shield looks a bit large, my suggestion either cut it down to a smaller size or lose it comletely, as it does add character, but I don't think regular tactacal marines can hace combat shields ((Though a possibility for a nice combo for assault squads...))

The pictures doesn't quite show it, but the shields are in fact coffin casket lids. The reason for the large size is beacuse I measured them up to fit a Cadian :P I'll only use them for this one squad, as they'll sort of function as a retinue for my Chaplain, and thus I want them to stand out a bit.


As for the True Grit + Furious Charge, I see where you're coming from with it, but I chose traits with though for what I could use for the rest of my army as well (such as Furious on Assaulters and True Grit on Devis). But I believe that is a discussion for another forum? ;)


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