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Objective Markers!


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Well originally i whipped these up as examples for the Objective Marker contest at Hobbyhawk, but the more and more I hear about the new Cities of Death, the more I like it! It sounds like each player gets to choose three Stratagems to give them an advantage or something.. I wont know for certain until I get my hands on a copy and some of those buildings as well!~


but nevertheless here's some quick Objective Markers I made - my favorite being the satellite uplink.




like I said nothing really fancy, simply examples so people get an understanding of what an objective marker is used for. Take and hold missions, capture the flag that type of stuff! If anyone has any ideas for objective markers or stratagems for that matter, which I'm sure they'll be tons of in the new supplement I'm all ears!!!!


here's a better shot of the satellite uplink..




The first two are more like loot counters though, the satellite marker being the only real "objective"!


Cheers! :)

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They look nice, tho I find the tamiya barrels and fuel canisters perhaps a bit too lazily done. Posting WIP pics of stuff you can paint up in an hour or two... One thing came to mind tho, I can't recall seeing anything you've done, to actually end up painted. All manner of dreads, tempest speeders, tanks in the multiples and what not, always some plastic conversion going on, and never finished. Any of those finished and painted yet? :D I know a few guys who are a bit like that, always converting, never finishing stuff. For my part, I don't mind looking at plastic conversions, but they are totally outclassed by stuff that is actually painted. Just an observation.



If the markers in CoD (from what ive seen of rumors and what not) are indeed lil card board based counters, then these are a major improvement. However, I do find the designs a tad bit, basic (trying not to insult you Hobbes, as you are 1 up and plus some on the marker ideas than I am). They remind me of markers that you would see in the Rulebook for ideas. This of course isnt saying simple is bad (its still very effective!) but in terms of CoD, id imagine there be a bit more "complexity" to the markers.



Nonetheless, nice work Hobbes :D

... One thing came to mind tho, I can't recall seeing anything you've done, to actually end up painted.... Any of those finished and painted yet? :blush: I know a few guys who are a bit like that, always converting, never finishing stuff. For my part, I don't mind looking at plastic conversions, but they are totally outclassed by stuff that is actually painted. Just an observation.


Gotta love how you always speak your mind chrono, but Hobbes is one of those that I like seeing things from whether painted or unpainted. Besides you and I really don't need any paint to see how things will turn out, we know how to do it. I have seen some his painted stuff and its very good.


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