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Grey Death Chapter Dev. Squad

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Working on my Grey Death Chapter of Marines.

Alot of Tech etc.


Anyways have my squad of Devastators done with all there techy guys fixing working and running them.


Now see this makes since if they pull these guys forward and they walk thats why they cant shoot in the same turn.

Now its true.



Anyways heres all of them so far.





Thanks for looking.


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Thanks guys.

Sorry small pic.

I will post more when I actually paint them.


My army is a chapter that has alot of tech.

And have the Iron Hands Gene Seed.


And my Dreads will be Four Legged.

To show a difference in them.


Thanks for all the fun and Great feedback.

Thank you all.



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These guys are great! I especially love the middle guy. This gave me an idea: instead of placing the barrel in the middle, place it to the side (like an arm), and make the ammo feed cables run to a box that doubles like the other arm, giving him a more humanoid form.
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