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plastic scouts

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i've just done up a 500pt list consisting of scouts with bolters, CCW and Sniper rifles. they all look similar and i'm wanting some variety.


has anyone applied barhp's tutorial to plastic scouts for:

1 - running (CCW),

2 - kneeling (some bolters, heavy weapons re:missile) and

3 - laying in the prone position (snipers)


is it also a viable option to use IG catachan legs? or are they too small?

is it also posible to use IG cadian assault chainsword arms? or again, too small?



DM :blush:

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I have made a running cadian once, but it would bbe the same as a scout because of the trousers.


You just have to make a cut in the leg, and bend it to where you would like it, and then fill the hole with GS and shape it like clothes. Its not harder than that. ^_^

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i think the ctachan legs would look a bit funny, as he scouts are fairly big and beastly, especially round the jaw and shoulders....
horribly big (until i saw blindhamsters DA scout sgt :P )


but trya few concepts and post us some pics :(
thats the problem, i don't want to spend the dough on some IG legs that may not work. i'll see what i can do to beg borrow and steal some :cuss


@ Master_Aerethos & undead marine: that's what i thought would be the most likely outcome, but would i do the same to the static feet of the SM scout boots, to make it look like it's running?


i think the catcachan legs would look fine, and im fairly sure you could use the rest of the sprues on them
it's a little iffy, but i want to have a range of stances, this could mean a mix of all these:

a - SM scouts (torsos),

b - IG catachan (arms and legs) and

c - IG cadian (arms and assualt weapons)




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  • 11 months later...
I used a pair of catachan legs on one of my scouts, looked ok, didnt really notice the missing cup, they are slightly skinnier than the normal marine one, but was nice for some variety, probably wouldnt make an entire squad of them.


oh and: Barph?

Not in here Mister! This is a Mercedez!

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Conveniently i have my bits boxes next to me so i had a look at a Catachan Leg + Scout Torso combination and it doesnt look that bad at all. As mentioned earlier, you will have to deal with the slightly thinner legs, but that aside it doesnt look half bad. Definitely a good way to add some variation into the scout squad :cry:
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I had the same problem with my scouts, that the poses are way too similar. I was annoyed that in a box full of snipers you only got one set of kneeling legs.


So simply because I can't help myself but let something like that go unchanged I set about making them seem more like snipers. Although I don't have any close combat scouts I haven't made any running/ducking/jumping ones yet (but I intend too!).


Initially, here is a group shot before painting. The sergeant and one sniper still aren't fully painted yet, why they are missing from the painted shots.



And a close up of the sergeant. Another arm was pinned in place of his rather sadly posed left arm. So the hand gesture hand would be raised like he was actually giving a hold order or something! :



A group shot of the five painted guys (the freehand iconography has been cleaned up now however):



And close ups of them all:



There are probably more WIP pictures in my army thread over in the Work in Progress forum, or I can just post them here. I reposed the legs and arms by cutting them up and pinning them together, then filling the gaps with green stuff and re-scultping the cloth of the trousers. All of their cloaks have had to have sections re-sculpted to fit their knew kneeling poses as well.


Though these scouts are only reposed to be kneeling, hopefully these will give you some inspiration and I can provide some tips and advice for you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Good luck with them,


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