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Captain WIP

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I've been away from modelling and painting for about a year now, and I've just gotten the bug to start again. Now, I've always been more fond of converting than painting, but I'm gonna challenge myself to paint this much better when it's done.


That said, here is the WIP shot of a new captain. It's based off of a veteran (MK8 armor and mace). I dremelled off the back of the mace handle, and I cut off the mace so he can have a sword.


The left forearm is from the chaos heavy bolter and I will be sculpting his arm.


I'll also be adding a cape.


My question: Should I keep the helmeted head or should I cut that off and replace it with a bare head? I'm very indecisive.


Comments and crits are always appreciated.





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I finally found my GS. I've made the cape and fixed up the left arm. But it's still a bit plain for my tastes as a captain, though. Suggestions for extra flair?







I'll be painting him up in an off white/bone color, much like Kuh Tathor's pre-heresy Death Guard with the exception of using purple as the trim color.


Here's my plan for his cape once I start practicing.




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hey looks great man, just on the back of the robe make it more flowy, after you put paint on it, it will look way too flat. You don't need to put indentations in it like you did in the front just make it more flowy, one way or the other. I think that might make it easier to paint unless you plan on doing free hand on the back which would be sick too.. :P Good luck and keep us posted with the progress.


- Brother Augusta Decimus'

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The only thing i think that looks plain is the sword. I think i would try and find a more ornate sword to have him weild, that just doesnt scream "Captain Sword!" to me, im not sure about an alternative, perhaps an Emperor's Champion sword with the words filled in with GS, and maybe write something of your own on it?


Otherwise, i really like the pose and the model, Good Luck on the cloak, i think it will look awesome



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Make the arm he is staring at either have something in it or, when you paint it, paint it so that it looks like he just punched through someone/something. Nice Work!


Well, that wasn't the intention of the pose. He's not exactly staring at his fist; rather, it's more of a determined pose where he's clutching his fists saying, "Bring it on." The arm is probably gonna be lower. I'm also thinking about using a pointing arm, though I'd have to sculpt gauntlets on it and I'm not sure I want to try and do that.


may i ask how you did those capes?


The cape was pretty tricky for me. I took GS and let it cure for about 15 to 20 minutes so it was a little bit more solid. I found that using very freshly mixed GS left it to be very 'fluid' and hard to set it in the position I wanted it to be. I just used my fingers to get the right positioning and then smoothed out my fingerprints and rough edges using GS tools and some cooking oil.


The cape itself is going to be bigger so that I have a larger surface to do the freehand on.


Thanks for the comments.



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Whats this I've just picked up off the ground?

At least thats the impression i get from the pose.


:D Yeah haha. The arm is blu-tac'd on right now and I'm fiddling the pose. He isn't going to be looking at his fist, slightly above it, though.




Ja, bring the fist lower, to about half-way down his chest I would say - then maybe he won't look as if he just found a penny :drool: :drool: .


If you want, try and mimic the action he is doing in real life, when I try the sword/glaive arm doesn't feel right (but then thats with fist only, no actual... weapon substitute being used B) ).

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Yeah, I'd second the dropping or lifting the fist. It really looks like he's thinking "hmm, strawberrys at this time of year?" :drool:






Also, I think I may use a bare head, namely the bald Vet. Sgt. head from the Command Squad box.



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Great pose, I've recently chopped the legs and mace off of this guy, and decided to make him true scale by elongating his legs and stance. Stand him on top of a good size piece of slate, and/or include the obligatory severed favorite enemies' head, and maybe a purity seal or two more. And ofcourse all the other excellent advice previously. You know, he would make a great Emp.'s Champ, if you were'nt going the Pre-herest Dth Grd. look. Great model though, cool stance built from an otherwise static figure! :blink:
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That "staring" at the hand pose is a distration imo from seeing the left side of his helmet and upper left torso as well.


In fact it looks like the captain broke his nail, his command squad is going to think he is a wimp.


Otherwise the cape is always an added plus for trade mark and rank distiguishing as well. The sword may be somewhat plain, unless you can paint some kind of marking on it so it appears to be in the out of ordinary.

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