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Executioners Chapter WIP

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Ok here's my test figures. One tactical marine, one scout and one sergeant. I'd like feedback so I can improve them where needed. I know the color scheme probably isn't 100%, but I want them to be "my" army, not just another clone.





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1 is better than 0, isn't it? :D


You could try a wash on them, to get the dark recesses showing, the plating on the sargeant(the guy swinging a sword) belly could use some dark in the recesses of the vent holes.


You could also hightlight the colours you've used just mix in spacewolves grey in the colours, and white for the light blue, and paint some highlights.


Also, you should base them, you always get more "points" if you base your models, it's so easy and quick, that there's absolutely no excuse not to do it.


They remind me of SU-27s' because of the color scheme... :lol:

Ok here's my test figures. One tactical marine, one scout and one sergeant. I'd like feedback so I can improve them where needed. I know the color scheme probably isn't 100%, but I want them to be "my" army, not just another clone.

Well they are certainly exactly that Togusa-san! A very striking colour scheme indeed. Sooner you than me painting that pattern on an entire army of minis, it'll be hard work.


I agree with Chronophague that they need some definition. Washes would work, although they might dull the basic colours. Working up from black and leaving the recesses black would work nicely.


Highlights would be nice too, although I feel that you're going to face one of the major problems of camo-type colour schemes: needing different tones to highlight the different colours. This could get very fiddly. I would suggest trying to develop a single highlight tone that would work for both colours, something which might require varying the base colours of the camo pattern I suppose. If you're going for tabletop standard then 1 or maybe 2 highlight tones would be enough- you're only going for definition rather than the multilayered blending of a GD entrant after all.


Hope this helps. Good luck with your new army. :lol:

To bright. Try darker colors. Dark blues and blacks. :lol:



This is an interesting point. Darker colours would certainly make using washes for depth easier because darker colours wouldn't be dulled down so much by the washes. They might also make it easier to find a simple highlighting scheme that doesn't need different tones for each colour in the base scheme. That last point is speculation mark you. :D

I like em , did something similar with my Dark angels, http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d141/Evilrik/DArbside2.jpg




Nothing wrong with Camouflage marines :lol:


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Well I'm pretty sure even tho it looks like urban camo, the Executioners aren't really meant as camo. No more than say, the Minotaurs or any other flashy epilepsy-inducing chapters. I toyed with adding some blotches of storm blue or codex gray, but that doesn't really show on the picture on UK site.




That's what I'm going by. I don't know if I'll add the dots or not -_-


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