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Old WhirlWind, New Missles.


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Looks real good...


I still wish there were something you could do about straightening their flight paths, but for a conversion on the cheap, it looks pretty good.



Why ever would he want to do that? These flightpaths looks incredible. A bit over accented, but hey, this is warhammer.

I still wish there were something you could do about straightening their flight paths, but for a conversion on the cheap, it looks pretty good.
Why ever would he want to do that?


Because straight trajectories look cool. But hey, you're right, it's his army. :angry:

Thats a very nice conversion - I like it alot :)


The missiles are from the old imperial guard tank sprue - they are what were used on hunter missiles ( in case anyone was curious as to what they were )


Mind me asking where the actual flame / fire thing came from ?


As for straightening - ordnance isnt always accurate ^_^

But - you could model smoke onto the rear of each missile then use that as a cover up for straitening up the missiles - but i dont think that is really needed as it looks good





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