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Flamer Conversion


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This guy was originall put to gether to serve as one of my "Ghetto" Grey Knights (who I started purely for the fun of connverting normal marines into GK's... it's like getting to build an army entire of Vet Sarges) as an Incinerator GK... but I'm now torn. I think I might want to have him in my normal Marine army (becasue I think he'll look better in that paint scheme), but unless I can think of someway for him to fit in as is, i'm gonna have to pop off the powerfist and replace it with something else, maybe a chainsword.










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I like the sense of movement in the pose. Nice conversion idea, well executed. Only one thing I'd consider changing...

If the flamer is tank fed, it wouldnt need the little canister clip on the gun itself. Consider clipping that off and making some sort of 'plug' for it.

i think it looks great. i agree that the small canister needs to go. if you dont feel like doing that you can always say its a backup fuel source. one question tho, it puzzles me, if he's a loyalist marine... why does he have a khorne shoulderpad?


I believe that is a Inquistorial shoulder pad -_-

If your going to use him in the game I would suggest ripping the power fit off, which would be a shame as, apart from some teensie tiny errors that anyone would make, this mini is kick arse! I would suggest using him as a normal marine, as i don't think a grey knight colour scheme would look "right" on him, unless you can do those REALLY nice smooth and even metalics like some of those golden deamon entries (i think that metal looks better than well executed NMM)


Great Job on the mini, mind if i steal some bits of your idea? Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery after all :)

The second tank was left in place originally becasue it was supposed to be an incinerator, which uses two seperate types of fuel, but I think you're all right that it'll habve to go if I make this a normal flamer marine.



For those who asked, it was made using a IG flamer. I cut the backpack tank in half, removed one of the backpacks large nozzles and smoothed that sied, then glued the half-tank in place and GS the joint to make it clean.


Second step was to take cut the nozzle off a Marine flamer and replace it wit the front half of the IG flamer to make the thing longer. Ad a bit of Piano wire for the hose, and your done.


the Shoulderpad is indeed a =I= one, not a Khorne one.. . don't think I even have any Khorne pads in my bits collection. :)



Feel free to steal as many bits of my idea as you want Grey Knight :)



Yeah, looks like the PF is gonna have to go... this guy witll definitely lok better in the Grey and Green of my Marines chapter then in the metallics of a GK or Black and Red of my Black Knights (my ghetto Grey knight force).


So any opinions on what (weapon/pose/etc...) to replace it with? I need something that'll add some bulk or he'll be really unbalanced I think.

Nice work. :blink:


Might I suggest his left arm carrying a replacement cannister of fuel? Use the handle of a meltabomb and the other half of the IG backpack for that. That would balance him out again...



Thanks.. but the tank's integrated into his backpack, a replacement tank in hand wouldn't work very well...




Maybe I could do something with thb base, hae his arm normal, but grabbing a wall or something for balance.... think that'd work?


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