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++The Start of a Golden Daemon Entry++

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++AHG Golden Daemon Paint-a-thon++


++Table of Contents:

1: Purpose

2: The Update Section

3: Gallery

4: The Count Down++


++I have been thinking about doing an AHG Terminator Squad for some time now. I would be decking them out as normal with two deadly Assault Cannons, and doing the AHG normal 9 man squad size. I, Alpha PTP, are going to convert an entire squad of Space Marine Terminators, and get them on a display base in time for Chicago.++


++Updates for 5-30-06: Well, after feeling a little heart broken, and a little rejected, I originaly decided to stop for a week, give me some time to think about things. But, today I have decided to move on, to get more work done. The parts should be in today at my shop, I am going to call them first thing as soon as I get home. I did the little work I could do on the assault cannon brother, the veteran srg's legs have been done, GSed and all of that fun stuff, I am just waiting for the robes. ++


Updates for 5-28-06: After waiting for 2 weeks for sprues to come in, Alpha is pissed and is talking in third person...


Updates for 5-24-06: The thread is now open, I plan to get a picture up tonight of the first marine started and almost done. Updates will be posted progressivly through the night. Yay! Another Paint-a-thon for Alpha. :3


++Gallery Section:

No Gallery since there are no pictures yet, there will be some soon.++


++Days Left Until Gamesday Chicago: 51 days and counting.++

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Alpha looks like I have competition now! lol. I am entering a terminator squad in Chicago too! As well as a Black Templar Venerable Dreadnought from ForgeWorld and Idk what to put into single yet. As V said, hurrt with the pics! lol.
:D ...err? Have we forgotten the -a-thon part of this? :P


I do not have all the bitz I need for the Terminator Squad. I ordered the Crusader Sprues (x4) that I needed for this project 2 weeks ago, and GW has yet to send them to my shop. If they are not there on Tuesday, I am going to skulpt all the things I need because I am starting to get pissed off. I would have had the entire squad DONE being built by now, but I have to bloody wait because of GW.


I am sorry for the lack of updates, when I get the sprues I need, I will have pictures and such, trust me.




:D ...err? Have we forgotten the -a-thon part of this? :D


I do not have all the bitz I need for the Terminator Squad. I ordered the Crusader Sprues (x4) that I needed for this project 2 weeks ago, and GW has yet to send them to my shop. If they are not there on Tuesday, I am going to skulpt all the things I need because I am starting to get pissed off. I would have had the entire squad DONE being built by now, but I have to bloody wait because of GW.


I am sorry for the lack of updates, when I get the sprues I need, I will have pictures and such, trust me.





Get on the phone and rant at them. When that happened to me, I got my sister to pretend she was my angry mom, and they promptly sent out a new order to my house, free of charge, and I got to keep the order to the shop when it arrived. :P

:D ...err? Have we forgotten the -a-thon part of this? :D


I do not have all the bitz I need for the Terminator Squad. I ordered the Crusader Sprues (x4) that I needed for this project 2 weeks ago, and GW has yet to send them to my shop. If they are not there on Tuesday, I am going to skulpt all the things I need because I am starting to get pissed off. I would have had the entire squad DONE being built by now, but I have to bloody wait because of GW.


I am sorry for the lack of updates, when I get the sprues I need, I will have pictures and such, trust me.





Get on the phone and rant at them. When that happened to me, I got my sister to pretend she was my angry mom, and they promptly sent out a new order to my house, free of charge, and I got to keep the order to the shop when it arrived. :P


Haha, too bad I ordered them though my shop to get the discount on them. I get a 15% discount off all GW and other items in my store. I spend 36 bucks on these 4, over priced sprues. The least they could do is send them to me on time. :\




Updates won't be up for at least a week, my heart needs to heal. Me and my girlfriend just broke up after 15 months...

Oh man, that's a hard hit.


But strange as it may seem, I've found through bitter experience that sometimes it makes you work on stuff even harder than before - I don't know whether it's a defence to keep yourself busy, or perhaps something to lose yourself in, but it does work: it's horrible but sometimes....

Best of luck to you and all the strengh you need. :)


I know exactly what you feel like. I broke up with my girlfriend last week too, after over 5 years....


Time will heal they say. Try to stay busy, go out, meet friends and when you need a calm moment go working on your minis. This worked for me the last few days. Callas is exactly right on this.


Best wishes!


Philipp aka Mato Noupa

OK I will be the callous bastard... get over it. If you married your girlfriend from when you were 14 you'd be missing out on life. So breaking up was for your best and most likely inevitable. Anyone you date now is basically practice in building relationships and having some fun while you're a kid. Enjoy being young while you're young ;)


Post some WIPs

nothing soothes a broken heart better than some more WIPs~! i know, i just got over one...but not from a girl, from spending a whole yr and a half training my butt off just to play a sport and then having my body break on me...it was GREAT!, so now im building 1700pts of Crimson Fists, paitning up an inquisitor for the conflict ottawa painting comp, annnnd ya....


now im happy again, so see it really works...more wips, more wips!





OK I will be the callous bastard... get over it. If you married your girlfriend from when you were 14 you'd be missing out on life. So breaking up was for your best and most likely inevitable. Anyone you date now is basically practice in building relationships and having some fun while you're a kid. Enjoy being young while you're young :D


Post some WIPs


Even so, losing love still hurts, man. I will get over it, I just need a little time to think. I think getting some models done with help me with that. I worked on the Assault cannon brother some more. I put a rock on his base. I am going into my local shop today to pick up the parts, so a lot should be done tonight since I will not have to worry about calling someone, or talking to someone, or any of that stuff. xD I feel a lot better than I did before, I think that might have to do with the fact that I am looking forward to Golden Daemon and all. I am really starting to get pumped for painting these guys. :3


Plans have changed, updates will be up tomarrow night. Pictures WILL be up, even if they have to be of the sprues. xD








I will take some pictures when I get home. I am really proud of how these are turning out, I just have this feeling that the bases are not going to be enough. Any one have any hints on how to make nice looking city-fight/cities of dead bases? Destroyed Industrial stuff and stuff? Maybe a resin base? Maybe something custom? Give me some ideas people...


Im sorry to hear about you and your gf man. Gotta be rough.


That said, i look forward to your next updates, and i'll gladly weather the drought up updates until you feel at least a little better.




not Krolli


Haha, thanks Krolli. :3







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