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The Imperators


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So basically Im going to do a DIY chapter called The Imperators. Some people may have seen they have been done by someone in the UK White Dwarf. I was thinking of taking the idea and expading it to make it my own. Make them from a certain company. He said that they have just finished a crusade so I was thinking of using a lot of Bionics and have the enemy they were fighting as the Tyranids. So then I would give them them preferred Enemy:Tyranids. Perhaps the Ultramarines taught them some stuff. I am going to use the Iron Hands parts to show Bionics but I am having trouble thinking of a chapter symbol. The person from UK white dwarf(Christian something beginning from :blink: hasn't actually given them a symbol yet so I'm going to have to make one up. I was going to use the Iron Hands pads because I don't want to waste them but I don't know how to make them slightly different.


I also want to the Chapter to have some kind of bg event happen. Ive read about other people and their civil wars ad part of the chapter turning to chaos and big secrets like the Dark Angels and stuff. I want there to be some kind of mystery surrounding the chapter like this but can't think of anything.

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Ok cool thanks. They fight by having assaulty units backed up by loads of firepower. I'm thinking of giving them Expert fighters:Tyranids and a zealous one.......whats the other zealous one apart from the take the fight to them and the one where you get a 6+ invulnerable save.....I don't have the codex to hand. And then disadvantages- the one with reduced army list thingy and eye to eye.


How could I show the Roman aspect that I've been influenced by. I've done some research but I can't think of anything.

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How could I show the Roman aspect that I've been influenced by. I've done some research but I can't think of anything.


Titles and names of units being similar to the classical Roman terms. Roman-esq named characters and there is of course the modelling aspect. Im sure you could do a google and come up with a whole load of military Roman terms that you could use and also some roman names for your leaders etc.


In my ptolemaic chapter I used notions that were similar to that civilisation. Just try not to be too cliche as you'll overdo it :D Subtle touches work perfectly

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