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Two WIP Figuresand Tec

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Alright, straight into it.

The first mini:

For a while now, I've been working on a Commander figure for my DIY chapter, the Storm Dragons. But hey, you didn't come here to listen to me babble, so without further ado: Commander Marcus Flintlock, Lord Stromgard, Master of the glorious Storm Dragons of the Adeptus Astartes. Bear in mind, this is very WIP, so any suggestions or crits will be incredibly helpful.





A side-on shot of the dragon can be found here





Alrighty, second fig:

No shipping from the UK on this one, I was just bored and had some GS spare ;) And no, he doesnt have servo-harness of any type. Heresy, I know, but I was out... Hopefully, I'll get some bitz to build one up. Apart from that...





Front [2]



Right side:






Well, thats all from me. Hit me. Wait- not literally! Stop that!


In nomine Imperialis.



++EDIT++ I'm also after a name for the techmarine, if anyone's got any suggestions

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Well, I have to say the commander is very nice, especially that sword, top notch! I'm seeing more and more people using the 'steed' idea for space marines, and I must admit it is growing on me. How will you represent the dragon, perhaps as a bike? Although that seems a bit understated for what it is... ^_^


The TM looks good, full of techy stuff, however I would have modelled the robe over his torso, as at stands he looks like he has a hood and a dress ;)



Thanks, Ahmato! Yeah, my local GW recommended i rep it as a bike, and im like ;) ^_^ gah! I was also thinking of it counting as the commander in a Rhino or Predator, possibly.

looks like he has a hood and a dress
Hah, yes... looking at him through a forum is quite enlightening ^_^ Sculpting an open-front techmariney robe on him just went to the top of the list.


*imagines Techmarine beseeching a Land Raider's machine-spirit, and suddenly a strip of parchment prints out: "YOU EXPECT ME TO FIRE FOR A MAN IN A DRESS?", and suddenly he remembers Techpriesting 101 - STC vehicles do not run for men in dresses*


Oh and speaking of adding parts, there's be a slight delay on updates for the Commander... I have to spend 20,30 bucks to have HIS LEFT ARM sent to Aus from the UK. The moral of the story: "Foxes are quite skilled, and also recheck your order before purchase" ;)



In nomine justicium ab Imperator


WHy not simply use the lower part of the Grey Knight STorm bolter arm? That way you just ned to hge tthe GK blister, which I am assuming GW Aus do stock...


ANd is that Kargos the Despoiler I see before me, but Heresy! He has larger wings than normal! :) I have the Kargos model myself, using it as a blue dragon for my Elf Caledor contingent, might actually see whetehr I can shoehorn the spare model I have as a Space Marine steed creature..

WHy not simply use the lower part of the Grey Knight STorm bolter arm? That way you just ned to hge tthe GK blister, which I am assuming GW Aus do stock...
because that would have been the smart thing to do :)


ANd is that Kargos the Despoiler I see before me
o.O never seen the kargos mini... got a pic? nah this's the carnosaur with GS'd-on plastic dragon wings... and yes B3T$T3R, the legs just fit around the body, but only just, so I won't be sculpting a saddle, unless i decide to carve a hunk from the dragon's body... it took a bit of filing and inventive curses to get them to fit as it is ;)


Any recommendations as to the wep he'll have in his left hand? im planning in the stormbolter from the vehicle sprue, but im not sure...


In Imperator fides nos.


Woiw - if that's a Carnosaur, the Kudos - from a plan view, it does look a lot like the old Marauder miniatures High Elf dragon, do a google search for Thaindon and Kargos...


But looking good. Perhaps the paint-job on the lizard might be a little flasher? How about stripes?


Or more colourful hoghlights etc..

Definately looking really sweet as of yet, Although I do think the commander could use an arm :tu: . I also think he looks a little mit too Grey Knight-esque, but if that's how you like 'em, then go for it!


The steed is pretty much just flippin' sweet! At first I also could not tell that it was a carnosaur. Only thing I would change is to add some bitz to make him 1) not so plain and 2) more.....personalized for the commander. You could do something like make a tabard and test your freehand skills by making the commander some heraldry and such (keep in mind I have NO idea how good your freehand skills are/aren't).


The Techie is looking awesome! I love the cloak/skirt he has, it just looks....in place. But he really does need a harness :blink:


Keep up the work, and show us some finished pieces!!!



The steed is pretty much just flippin' sweet! At first I also could not tell that it was a carnosaur. Only thing I would change is to add some bitz to make him 1) not so plain and 2) more.....personalized for the commander. You could do something like make a tabard and test your freehand skills by making the commander some heraldry and such (keep in mind I have NO idea how good your freehand skills are/aren't).


Thanks, Master_Aerethos! Yeah, I'm just trying to think what i could do to make the carnie look good, without killing it... my chapter uses See But Don't Be Seen, and while that obviously won't apply to this guy - terminators riding dragons aren't reknowned for the stealth ;) - I'd still like him to be not too bright. Have to think on that one. Perhaps some DA-green stripes?


Oh, and by a tabard, do you mean on the commander, or the dragon? And I'm not entirely sure about my freehand skillz... :P


Hmm, Idea, switch the shoulder pads

Yeah, thats one problem i've got. just I'm not sure how it'd look with the chapter badge on the right pad... just have to try it, I guess.


Oh, and I am hunting down a harness... might end up pirating a friend's :P


Laudatio Imperator.


Well my painting skills've crashed, I don't think I chanted the Canticles of Paintbrush Entreatment correctly... I wont post the results. I will, however, post a new mini I started sculpting, a librarian...





Right side





I know, I know, I really should paint up the minis I've started before modelling new ones up, but when inspiration strikes... Anyway. Opinions? Once again, fully WIP. Thanks.


Imperator dominatus omnis.


The pic is a bit fuzzy, but from what I can see it looks good. :)


As a suggestion, perhaps lower the bolts slightly, so that they are the same head height as more other troop models? Actually, that would make him a pain in the backside whilst trying to place him in assault (base to base) ;)

You did a great job on the spell effect!!


nit pick for constructive criticism: Robes are very hard to do and it looks like you did them pretty well. You might want fewer folds as the fabric tends to look sort of "wet" when it's overworked like that. Real world reference think to how a shirt looks dry compared to after someone jumps into the water with one on.

The pic is a bit fuzzy, but from what I can see it looks good. :)


As a suggestion, perhaps lower the bolts slightly, so that they are the same head height as more other troop models? Actually, that would make him a pain in the backside whilst trying to place him in assault (base to base) :D

Yeah, my camera skillz've never been the best... :P

As for the bolts, their practicality in the assault phase did come to mind, as well as i was envisaging (sp?) a dramatic combat with a daemon prince or something...


nit pick for constructive criticism: Robes are very hard to do and it looks like you did them pretty well. You might want fewer folds as the fabric tends to look sort of "wet" when it's overworked like that.

Thanks for the compliment, I just like doing robes... as to the overworked, wet thing;

a) I do plan on having these guys trudging across muddy, slushy battlefields with basing and paintjobs to match, so they're not gonna have that pristine, fresh-from-the-landrarium look... i'm planning on probably having them painted sodden and mud-soaked almost halfway up. and;

B) well... i got carried away :P


Thanks again all for the C&C, keep it coming. And just so you can't tell I've been in a modelling mood, I'll have a WIP chaplain up soon.


Where humanity fails, the Emperor prevails.


Wow you got some pretty cool stuff there. I really like the paintjob on the commander. How are you posing him on the dragon? Like sat down of standing on top with reins like a sledge type thing or what?


Thatnks, Brother Redemption. I plan on having him sitting astride the dragon like a really... really... big horse, either with sword arm raised and angled back, firing the stormbolter (or whatever weapon), or with the SB at his side with sword thrust out. Yet to decide which...


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