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WIP Painting DW/=][= Rhino/Razorback incl. interior


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Hey brothers,


here are some pics of a Deathwatch / Inquisition Rhino / Razorback I am currently working on. It will carry my Deathwatch kill-team I posted a while ago in this thread.


I will not glue the top hatch into place, so I can use it both as Rhino and a Razorback.

The side doors can be fully opened and I have cut out the inside doors, so you can actually see interior from sides too.


The painting is at 1st stage overall, except for the details, which are mostly done.


The major task now is highlighting, which needs a lot of neating up and washing down + metalics jobs on the bullet dents, scratches and other damage + some weathering. The black armour will also receive some white scripts here and there.

Would appreciate your feeback on how you like/dislike the looks of it in general, thanks.

Also any ideas on additional details to add are welcomed!







You said that the side doors werent glued so you could see the interior through them. Wheres the pics? :D


Anyway as you have pointed out its too clean now, so i like to see it when you have weathered it, and its covered with bulletholes. :D

Sorry for not responding to your PM earlier...I still haven't. I decided to show you the rhino for my old deathwatch here and now.











I like your's but it looks too clean. Some people have different tastes and one of mine is the dirtier side of Space Marines.


I did not make this rhino Sixestosave made it for me. :D

You might want to consider toning down those highlights. it might just be me, but I find that too-sharp highlights can really ruin the look of an otherwise fantastic model, especially on a black mini. Maybe it's just the camera, but those highlights look far too sharp.


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