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Angels Invidia

Brother Jibreel

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My new DIY chapters basic outline


Name:Angels Invidia

Geneseed:White Scar



Combat Doctrine:Close Combat


Beliefs:They beleive that all xenos and traitors should be utterly exterminated and they will sometimes stay on a planet for longer than is necessary to hunt down and kill all of the enemy


I need to have some ideas for their homeworld and organization and if anyone wants to know Invidia is Latin for hatred

C&C welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Well, your on your own as far as homeworld goes. Organization is another matter. If they are White Scars successors, theoritcally they should follow similar organization. But, here is the fun part. Its YOUR chapter. I say do them how you want. Not all successors follow strictly in their parent chapters footsteps.


Close combat oriented chapter traits would suit them well, if thats how you want them to play. It really depends on how your vision for your chapter is going. My Shadow Legion is loosely based around the Codex Astartes, but they have minor divergences.


Once you have an idea of how you want your Marines to fight, you can build their organization around that. Good luck and have fun with them. DIY chapters are alot more fun, in my opinion, than the set chapters anyhow. Ive played Dark Angels, Black Templars, and Ultramarines, and I wouldnt trade my Shadow Legion for any of them.

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So whats your influence for this chapter? Do you want a dark and secrative chapter? A zealous one? A mysterious one or examples of true warriors?


As said we can't make your chapter for you. What do you want them to be? We can help sew things together but we need something to work with.


Have you got an idea for their colour scheme yet?

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Name:Angels Invidia
Nice Name, seems to follow a Blood Angel successor method of naming (see: Angels Encarmine, Angels Saguine). Thats besides the point, but anyway...
Geneseed:White Scar

I still always prefer DIY chapters to be Ultramarines unless their gene-seed is playing a largish role in their character. White Scar successors are known to be slightly biased towards combat/fast movement. Although they could be codex


Combat Doctrine:Close Combat
Build this up more. There are numerous types of combat. Are they killy-killy like the World Eaters, Sneaky combat like the Raven Guard, White Scar hit and run combat etc

Unless it's important to the character of the chapter, go codex. Chapters don't really go "Lets have 13 chapters of 87 men" without a good reason.

Beliefs:They beleive that all xenos and traitors should be utterly exterminated and they will sometimes stay on a planet for longer than is necessary to hunt down and kill all of the enemy

Pretty much the same idea as most chapters. The keep fighting until everything is gone is intresting though, maybe you could expand upon this more. Most chapters would hit a battle field, turn the tide of the battle in favour of their side and then leave. The Guardsmen will clear up the dribs and drabs of the enemy. Maybe they have had some shame in their past when they where too quick, and the threat came back and cost them a lot in lifes and pride, now they don't stop until it is all gone.




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They're definately going to be killy close combat because I really like the idea of a hundred space marines running into a mass combat and killing everyone they see.:D

I might just make them codex ultramarines succesors with a heavy bias towards close combat.

I'm not sure what my influence was the idea just popped into my head about marines that hunted down the enemy to the last man. I really like the idea of in their past them not killing as much of the enemy as they could, maybe they used to be slightly more merciful than other chapters and let their enemies run but one time too many ran away and they came back with even more men and better tactics than before and almost wiped out one of the companies so now they always hunt down their enemies to the last man.


Please keep ideas coming I need as much help as I can get :)

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One thing to keep in mind is that they dont have to be of Ultramarine genestock to be codex. Your armies background actually sounds a bit more like the Imperial Fists. Staying around longer than is tactically or strategically necessary. Check out the backgrounds on a few chapters, and see what you like.


Personally, my guys arent really decendent from one particular Primarch, but, that is another story.


Anyhow, have fun creating the story for your chapter. Ultimately, its up to you to shape and mold them into what you want they will become. They will become a reflection of you and how you like to wage war in the 41st Millennium.

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