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WIP Sons of Malice Lord and Chosen


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Since I liked the way my SoM tester turned out, especially with the suggestions I got from you guys, I decided to go ahead and start making more of them, specifically a LatD army headed by SoM. I've got the Lord/Arch-Heretic and his five Terminator Chosen.





That's the group shot. One Termie Lord with Combi-Bolter and some type of power weapon, a reaper autocannon and pfist, two pfists, one AC with a pair of LCs and one with a power weapon.



The Lord:











The autocannon guy:






The standard bearer:





The vanilla powerfist guy:





And the power weapon guy:






The 2 LCs AC I've posted pics of before, and nothing's changed with him except that he's no longer a Word Bearer. :lol:



They're all still quite WIP, I've got some GS work left to do on them before I start with the painting. I'm overall fairly pleased with the effect I achieved. Definately heretical, but also showing the fact that they haven't been 'evil' for too long.






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Heehee, they look evil. I like the face on the standard bearer, very ingenious. And I also like how they are all individuals and look suitably different from one another.


I think for this chap:




You should changed the position of the head so that he is looking to where he is pointing the combi-bolter, I do find that if someone is shooting and they see something else they stop firing and retract their arm so you could do that instead if you want to keep the head in that position.

I like! Suitably twisted and mutated. What god does your force follow? Looks univided or Tzeentchian to me (all the mutations) but one could make a case for Nurgle followers as well.


I love the poses on the Lightning Claw and Autocannon guys especially.

Some nice stuff there. You definetley did a good job turning those loyalist scum termies into proper followers of chaos. I have a question. I'm going to be doing a conversion soon using the new termi sprue. Did you remove the purity seals and if so, how much GS work, if any, did it take to repair the damaged areas?


-Your Randomly Numbered Psychotic Friend

They all look suitably chaotic, nice job corrupting the loyalist termies. I think I'd have to see them painted to fully appreciate them though, all the character in the minis doesn't show when they're just grey. That's what I like about them, each one have a character that is shown in its mutations and adornments. It'd be interesting to read some stories about each of them.

Cheers, guys. Thanks for all the feedback.


insane30~I just sliced the purity seals off. If you do it carefully, you can get away with not covering it up. As for the Cruxes, those I had to slice off and then file down. The kneecap cruxes aren't too bad and if you sand them smooth, no coverup is needed. The shoulderpad cruxes, though, I hacked, filed and dremeled off, and most of them needed covering. Hence the skulls on the left shoulders. :P


Moogoo~The Sons of Malice, according to Index Astartes: Rogue Sons, aren't really followers of Chaos. They're just barbaric, violent renegades who fight anybody. There is also an old, no longer included in the fluff fifth Chaos god named Malal, who's colours were black and white. He hated the other Chaos gods and did his best to destroy them. I'm patterning my Sons after his fluff.


Lord_Panthro~Tyranid Gaunt claws! I used two powerfists with the fingers extended and sliced the fingers off. I converted one of the fists to be a righthanded and glued the claws on.



As for paintscheme, they'll be like this:




Except, y'know, better. ;)








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