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Ghosts of Charon

Midnight Hunter

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So after being absent for awhile (moved many times and lack of computer and tme to play for sometime Im back) anywho about my DIY...


I chnaged the name of the chapter and tinkered with thier fluff a bit.


To Inquistor Lord Syri,


My lord this is all the information I have been able to find on the traitors the Shadow Wraiths. My investigation into the Traitor Lurcetia Borgiu has severly hampered, more information about her may shed more light on the motives of the Shadow Wraiths.



Information Prior to becoming Traitors:


++NAME++ Hammers of Charon


++GENESEED++ Unknown


++HOMEWORLD++ Charon

Segmentum Tempestus

Volcanic Death World with few inhabitants.

Local population incredibly violent but well versed in architecture.


++FOUNDING++ Unknown signs point to 13th


++COMBAT DOCTRINE++ Combat engineers with a preference for heavy weapons when attacking fortifications, bolters for entering the breach. Similar preferences when defending friendly fortifications. Also heavily favored use of land mines and explosives.


++CHAPTER COLORS++ Black with dark blue shoulder pads.


++CHAPTER SYMBOL++ Tower with hammers crossed behind it


++BATTLE CRY++ "Into the breach. Let no Live!"




What little remains of the records concerning the Hammers of Charon points to their being created to combat a growing threat of the Iron Warriors in the Segmentum Tempestus. Although capable at siege game they were never a real match for the Iron Warriors. As they learned Zeal and faith doesnt make up thousands of years experiance. The first crusade the Hammers of Charon went on lasted for several decades and they were only able to remove the Iron Warriors from one of the four planets they had captured. The losses to the chapter were massive only enough of the Hammers remained to form little more then a single company battle ready. Over the time it took to rebuild the chapter the Hammers of Charon combat doctrines changed from the slow and deliberate advance that the Iron Warriors favoured to a more aggressiv attack. Picking a single point and throwing their entire might to break it open with the chapter Terminators leading the assault into the breach.




Evidence Damning the Hammers of Charon:


Inquisitorially Review of the Hammers of Charon and disappearance of their Battle Brothers



Inquisitor Lucretia Borgiu,


The files kept the by the leaders of the Hammers of Charon tell of fewer numbers then that of the files on Holy Terra. Having had a chance to enter the Fortress Monastery of the Hammers of Charon on several occasions I made careful note of the Space Marines I spoke with. In a two month period I noticed the disappearance of the several of their Liberians, the chapter was fully present on Charon during that time. I also noted that their numbers appeared to be visibly down as if they had suffered minor losses in battle. When I questioned the Chapter Master as well as several others non of them acknowledged that the missing had every existed. Latter when I checked their files against those on Holy Terra the Librarian in question was not even mentioned in the files of the Hammers of Charon nor was it present in the files of Holy Terra those had a different name one that couldn

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I think if you want to maintain the feel that you have already put forward with this I would stay with the CSM Codex. Now granted you could have splinters from this that were still loyal and then maybe you could use the SM Codex but I just dont think that it would have the right feel.


You might also want to clean up the part about the missing Librarians and others. Add some more details and go from there. Get that I think you will be all right.



Ok I have some more fluff for the ghost.




Sargeant Cappad looked across the table at his captors. His grey forlon eyes heavy with sadness followed movement behind the Inquisitor speaking to him.


"Where" Her voice grated on his ears, "did the chapters libarinas go"?


Cappad paused for a moment before answering as if gathering his thoughts "The Otherside". His eyes focused back on the Inquistor before going back traking the moevment behind her.


"LOOK AT ME TRAITOR"! Cappad look back to the Inquistor. "Better. Who are these Ferrymen we have heard rumors about"?


His sad eye lost their sad look as the burned with hate "Vengance, you will pay for your crimes". With that Capad attempted to lunge accros the table being stopped short by the chains that held him. [Video cuts out].



Lord Syri,


As you can see we caught one of the traitors in the Ghost Stars after a firefight when they ambushed us near an asteroid field. Most of the vessals got away we caught him after they borded us. We will continue the investigation of the Ghost Stars we are very sure they have a base here. I alos believe this may be a trap after my findings.

The intergation of the prisoner has shed som elight on their motives and the case of the Borgiu as well. My findings follow.


++MOTIVES++ Apperently the Ghosts of charon are haunted by the ghost of the innocent they have killed or helped kill in the name of the imperium (These are the words of the traitior my lord) and are out to get vengance for the dead. Cappad said only the death of the High Lords of Terra and the Inqustion will set the dead and them free from thir torments.


++THE FERRYMEN++ from the what I have found I believe the mysterius Ferrymen to be the missing libarina of the chapter. If I am correct that means they have become something else entirely. They lead the chapter ever closer to the completion of their goals and are very powerful psykers.


++BORGIU++ Their involment with Borgiu appears to just be chance. With Borgius skill at long term machinations it is definetly more then just chance. It appears that all of the prugings of populations was at the behest of Borgiu. They were fighting the Stark Fists during the Borgiu Incident was becuse they were chasing Borgiu and didnt know that the Stark Fists were present. Their force present there was small and only there to kill Borgiu.




the Ghost of Charon are haunted by the spirits of the mnay innocents that have suffered at their hands. through out their years with the Imperium many of the Hammers took their own lives to stop their torment. The Libarians of the chapter were growing concerned as the frequency of the deaths increased what they saw when the looked into the future was unspeakable and tugged at their very souls. After they recived a transmission form an unkown sorce they packed up as much as they could in the short time they had an fled into deep space. What the Libarinas did to themselves while thier brothes prepared for the evacuation is known only to them and the Ferrymen. Currenlty they have set up base in the Ghost Stars.


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