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Company champion pictures

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Converted and painted this dude for the ultramarines. I don't really know what I intended him to be- a company champion or a captain, I just liked how he looked. I intended to sell him on ebay (gotta get some money for the PS3 launch :D ) but coolmini is so screwed up nowadays that linking to an auction is pretty much impossible ;) )





Comments and crit much appreciated, thanks if you'd like to vote.

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Very nice, I really like the leathery look on the leather strap things that hang from his waist. The color and highlights are just right for that leather look.


The overall painting on the model is outstanding, tho it in my opion suffers from the "pastel" problem, so many models of that style of painting do. Meaning it looks too "soft" and sorta dusty. But that's more a style issue than anything else.


I think the base is a slight let down, the green plant stuff you got going could've used a drybrush to accentuate it more. Also, no writing on his purity seals, makes it look like he has just got paper pieces glue to him, or does he use them to write notes? ;)


Great stuff.



Very nice! It reminds me of the current "european" style, very painterly. My only comment is I'd like to see a bit more freehand embellishment, but that's as much personal taste as anything else. I looked through your other models as well, and I have to say they were all gorgeous. good job!


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