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Shadow Legion rewrite

Master Rameus

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I re-wrote some of the fluff for The Shadow Legion to make it work alittle better. So, again, any comments or criticizms(constructive of course) are welcome.







The Shadow Legions history is shrouded in mystery. The original members of the Shadow Legion are Dark Angels serving a crusade of penitance. Not to be confused with the Fallen, the ousted Dark Angels where part of a task force of Dark Angels seeking information on the location of several Fallen Angels. Led by Master Rameus, then Master of the Deathwing, the task force set about their mission. They fell up their wayward brothers aboard the Rogue Trader vessel "The Indominable". Upon seizing their prey, the Dark Angels secured the vessel, killed the entire crew for traitorious activity, and returned to their Battle Barge "Vindictus Angelis". In the interrogation chambers aboard the massive vessel, they extracted much information about their fallen brothers.


Four fallen where recovered, a huge success given the nature of the Fallen. In their interrogations, they learned that the Fallen where in-route to join with other excommunicated loyal Marines. In an apparent type of underground, excommunicated and banished Marines from just about all Chapters where trying to form an alliance. Each Marine trying to regain his honor, hoping one day to return to his Chapter. Brother-Librarian Aubris made an initial vision quest into the minds of each of the Fallen. In all four, he found truth and honor in their endeavors, and came to the conclusion that not all Fallen where tainted by Chaos. This school of thought became the downfall of the task force. Aubris, after much deliberation with the other members of the Deathwing, including Master Rameus, sought to petition Grand Master Azrael to "repatriate" the Fallen, rather than granting them the Emperors Forgiveness.


Upon return to the Dark Angels fortress monestery, "The Tower of Angels in High Gothic", also known as "The Rock", Aubris and Rameus where brought to question about their intentions. No Fallen had ever been made to repent without dying. Why would these now wish to rejoin their former brothers after 10,000 years in exile? The Fallen where subjected to psychic intrusion of all of the Chapters Librarians, and the conclusions where the same by all. The Fallen had honorable intention. Rameus and Aubris, and the rest of the task force, 1/4 of the Deathwing, and 1/2 a company of Dark Angels where sequestered to their chambers while the Inner Circle confered.


A conclusion was reached. The task force as a whole had went against Chapter policy, and violated cult dogma. They had allowed Fallen to live, and influence their decisions. Regardless of the intentions of the Fallen Dark Angels, they where traitors to be shown no mercy. Master Azrael made probably his hardest and most agonizing decision since becoming Chapter Master. The great heros of the Chapter, Master Rameus, and Librarian Aubris, two of his most trusted commanders, where to be sent on a crusade of penitance along with the entire task force. He decreed that their armor would be painted black, an outward sign of their shame, and that they could no longer call themselves Dark Angels until they had regained their honor. The Fallen where immediately taken to the interrogation chambers and executed.


Outcasts in the eyes of their own Chapter, and dishonored by their decision to show mercy to former brothers, they left The Rock in shame. Master Azrael granted them safe passage, and provided them with their battle barge, "Vindictus Angelis" and a fleet of strike cruisers and escort craft. Given Rameus' status within the Chapter, the task force was to be fully armed and equipped, an unexpected move by Azrael to say the least. Before leaving, Azrael charged his commanders with one final mission, to fulfill their oaths to the Emperor with honor, by any means. Including death in battle. And with that, the Dark Angels lost two of their most honored commanders, three of their most zealous Chaplains, and three dreadnoughts


Rameus accepted the decision of his Master, mentor, and friend. He left with his task force to seek redemption, and to regain his honor and that of his brothers. Knowing of the underground, Rameus knew he must seek to aid them. He was now commander of his own small contingent of outcasts. Now, they must exist on their own. Rameus spent the next 50 years seeking out other banished Marines, earning their trust and loyalty until he had built 4 codex-sized battle companies. Each Marine bringing his own equipment, weapons, and intentions. Rameus molded his force after the Codex Astartes, retraining and repatriating the shamed Marines. They became a cohesive force, able to carry out numerous missions with great effect.


And so, the Shadow Legion was born.




The Shadow Legion is organized in accordance to the Codex Astartes. Since its initial inception, it has grown over the last 200 years with 4 fully armed and equipped companies. It has built for itself a small fleet consisting of one battle barge, three strike cruisers, escort craft, forge and training ships, and squadrons of fighters, bombers, and Thunderhawk gunships for close support.


Combat Doctrine:


The Shadow Legion, being an amalgemation of different types of Space Marines, have melded their fighting style into their own. Roughly based on the Codex Astartes, the Shadow Legion excels at planetary assaults and surgical strikes. Making extensive use of drop pods, and Thunderhawk gunships, the Legion is able to put pressure in specific areas of the battlefield for quick, decisive strikes before exfiltration and extraction back to the Chapters fleet. The Legion capitalizes on the training from their brothers. Surgical strikes are trained by former members of the Raven Guard and White Scars, close assaults are trained by former members of the Blood Angels, and Black Templars. Siege and urban warfare are trained by former members of the Imperial Fists, and even a small contengient of Iron Warriors. Former members of the Crimson Fists train on fighting Xenos races, and former Space Wolves train on scouting and infiltration tactics as well as closing with the enemy undetected. Where it not for their inherent shame and need for secrecy, the Shadow Legion could easily become the greatest Space Marine chapter ever devised. But, such is their shame and history, none can every truly learn of their abilities.


The Shadow Legion operates below Imperial radar, striking when and where they see fit. Usually to further their own unknown agendas. They rarely associate with other Chapters, and never with the Inquistion. If a brother Chapter is in need, they will strike suddenly, then disappear just as quickly.




The Shadow Legion follows its own brand of dogma. All former Marines who pass the rigorous tests set about by the Legions Librarians are repatriated, regardless of their former association. All past history is expunged, and all past sins forgiven. They still venerate the Emperor as their collective father, and fight only to fulfill their oaths to him. All other purposes are forgotten. When a battle brother falls, his name is recorded into the sacred Book of Honor, and that passage is transcribed and sent to his parent Chapter. Earning his place of honor among his battle brothers.




The Shadow Legion shares geneseed from many different chapters. The Legions apothecaries have taken the most pure geneseed, and synthesized it for implantation into aspirants outside the normal recruitment practice. Generally, Dark Angel geneseed is used to replace losses in battle to ensure purity of future battle brothers. Although their primary method of recruitment remains bringing banished Marines in to the fold, the Shadow Legion does choose human aspirants to be inducted into the scout company, and receive the Legions geneseed.


Battle cry:


The Shadow Legion fights from the shadows of their shame and former glory. They are known to have ritual prayers before battle. Once in battle, they charge crying "Death from the Shadows".


Legion colors:


The Shadow Legions armor is painted black to symbolize their shame. Their shoulder pads are painted Shadow Grey, with the left ridge of the shoulder guard left bare metal. The right shoulder guard ridge is painted black.


The Legion symbol is a simple red S, and only the squad number is painted onto the right shoulder guard. Chaplains and Librarians of the Legion also wear the black armor of shame, although the Librarians paint their left shoulderguards Ultramarines Blue.

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Two things here and then I will be quiet,...well maybe not.


1. "When a battle brother falls, his name is recorded into the sacred Book of Honor, and that passage is transcribed and sent to his parent Chapter. Earning his place of honor among his battle brothers."


I like the sacred Book of Honor and how the formerly disgraced Marine is forgiven but I disagree with sending it to the former Chapter. Your boys want to stay low and out of the lime light. Sending a message to the old Chapter probably wont help your cause. I would think that it is enough that your Chapter knows that the deceased Marine has vindicated himself.


2. "The Shadow Legion fights from the shadows of their shame and former glory. They are known to have ritual prayers before battle. Once in battle, they charge crying "Death from the Shadows"."


I just cant see these guys yelling anything. By their very nature and from what you have said so far they are a quiet and secretive Chapter. Thse guys strike me as all buisness and no pleasure. Every fight is an opportunity to regain lost honor, every campaign a chance to make things right. What I can see these guys saying at prayers and before a fight is some type of litany. The Chaplain starts the prayer with the lines of the prayer then it is followed by the return "Death from the Shadows"


Great Emperor hear our prayer; Death from the Shadows


Holy Warrior of Man lead us to glory; Death from the Shadows


Lord of Mankind forgive us our past sins; Death from the Shadows


that and whatever else you might want to add.


Just a few thoughts, hope they help.



Those are the kind of suggestions Im looking for, Severus. I seriously appreciate it. Ive been in this game for going on 6 years now. I love writing fluff, and try to keep my stuff believeable while keeping it unique. This is the feel Im trying to get across with this army, and why I want input from other veterans. So, again, thanks. I will definately take your suggestions to heart.
As of late, Ive been thinking about using DA rules to represent Rameus and the Deathwing. But then it wouldnt be MY chapter, it would be Dark Angels in different underwear. So, I will probably keep them the way they are. I use the minor divergence Cleanse and Purify and the minor drawback We Stand Alone. I think that represents their character pretty well.

Nice fluff, it makes for an interesting tragical doomed thing.

Just some suggestions and questions.


To drop the "death from the shadows" and change it for something somber, redemption seeking.

Purgatory and all things about it is what comes to my mind when reading your fluff.

Adding another somber trait to reflect utmost determination. The one to add turns or see but not be seen. This one would reflect more training and determination. For disadvantages I'd put then Death before dishonour (obvious) and Flesh over steel (they shouldn't have easy access to heavy machinery).


Are the apothecaries in a position to be able to choose geneseed? I mean, come stranded marines in quantities large enough to replace the fallen? As the fallen comrades come from different chapters it should be difficult to keep a purer "main" geneseed for new recruits. And in fact these dark angels are no better as they have fallen in disgrace too, they've just been spared persecution (there's nothing like having good friends in the inner circle).


This chapter looks like a sort of tragical Deathwatch. You could tell why a fallen marine renounces to his former chapter heraldry. Are they "reborn" when joining? If their state is transitory, they sould keep their former heraldry. I also agree with Severus6 that news coming of this chapter's existence could lead to its prosecution so the whole thing of redeeming and coming back to the former chapter should be impossible.


Wouldn't be more logical that Rameus' task force was some way forced to not return? It would add a dramatic charge to their existence, rejected by their former master yet willing to redeem themselves and the fallen. After all they were conniving with the enemy. They could even use fallen angels to add to their ranks (proof of their own thinkings).

It could also be a DA successor trained and directed by Rameus and his forces. When finding their fallen brothers they realize they can't punish honour but can't let it be known to tha DA. So they could be something of a self induced penitent chapter with a dark secret. And have a very skeptical, relativistic point of view, reinforced by stranded comrades coming to join them.


I'm starting to rave.

Again, DOGGED, great suggestions, valid and intelligent points on all.


This Legion is a drop legion. I run them pretty much all in drop pods. My Terminators teleport, and I have an assault squad and a bike squad to represent advance deployed forces. I dont use Rhinos or Predators, so the idea of heavy armored vehicles is out. I was thinking of using major divergences, but it would kinda run counter to the idea that some of the marines are from different schools of thought. So, they train to the Codex with the exception of minor tactical variances.


Im still trying to work the gene-seed stock out. With the majority of the Legion being decendent from Dark Angels, I figured it would only make sense that battle losses are replaced with their geneseed. They were not tainted by Chaos, so the gene-seed is still as pure as the rest of the Dark Angels. Their fall came from a character flaw, not a genetic flaw.


The Marines recovered by the Legion are retrained and repatriated. Most of the Marines sent on a death oath dont return to their chapter. Cpt. Leonatus of the Blood Angels comes to mind. Also, when a marine fulfills his death oath, the parent Chapter is notified anonymously. That way the true nature of the Legion is kept secret. They pretty much hide in the fact that not even the High Lords of Terra know how many actual SM chapters there truely are. With foundings like the 13th and 21st, there could be way more than a 1000 Chapters.


As far as Rameus' task force not returning to the Dark Angels, I left that open. There are a few holes in my story that where put there on purpose. Wouldnt be any fun if it was a tell all would it? hehehehe



Anyways, thanks for the suggestions. The final story of the Shadow Legion is still being written with each battle.

Hehehe, dont feel bad DOGGED, Im an American, I dont speak English either.


As far as "repatriated" goes, that is exactly what it means. Some banished Marines havent been "marines" for a long time. Therefore, any Marine who wishes to join the Shadow Legion is retrained according to the Codex Astartes and their discipline and faith in the Emperor restored.


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