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i, like so many others, read Horus Rising by Dan Abnett and was inspired to create a Luna Wolves force, but seeing the fluff that some pre-heresy players write about their armies i wanted to do something different. too many times have i read about how "this company was lost to the warp for XX years" or how "this part of the legion refused to convert to chaos" so i came up sith something as far as i know is original. Yes the Luna Wolves turned to chaos and later became the Black Legion, but what if an uncorrupted Luna Wolves gene seed was found? what i was thinking was as follows:

An Inquisitorial investigation of warrior cults that defy the Imperial Creed uncover the gene seed of a captain of the Luna Wolves. The inquisitor returns his findings to Terra, where it is decided that the Legion should be re-founded in the teaching of the Codex Astartes. The most powerful of the Legions of old shall be remade as the ultimate weapon against the enemies of the Imperium.

I know it's a little rough, but i can smooth it out later. my main concern is the understanding and wisdom the Imperial Higherups give to the idea of reforming the legion that brought about the Horus Heresy. i've thought about changing it to a Radical Inquisitor but i can't find a way to explain all the new Marine equipment. Any thoughts would be helpful, but remember i WILL build the army no matter how silly it may be (i've posted this on other forums and they nit picked it apart)

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It is an nice idea. But I have a little objection


The most powerful of the Legions of old shall be remade as the ultimate weapon against the enemies of the Imperium.


You see Imperials no mater what wouldn't consider Luna Wolves as the greatest legion of old for one reason and one reason only they turned and that means they had a flaw that could resurface once again.


The idea in itself might be done in a different way.

One way is to make them either 13th or 21st founding for who knows what horrors were created than.

Second way is to make them a repent their sins. Sure they rebeld and followed Horus but it was more out of loyalty to him than alligence to chaos. After the death of Horus a veil is lifted from their minds and they realise what they have done. Proud and stubborn as only marines can be they refuse to follow Abaddon into the EoT and take on a peninet crusade to redeem their sins. During the future millenia they rename themselves and present themselves to the Imperium as one of its # founding chapters. After all who knows how many chapters have been created in those distant times.

Third way is that your force was somewhere on the far side of the Galaxy preferably the far galactic north east. By the time they learn of the heresy it is allready over and Horus is defeated. They are disgusted by the actions of their brethern and ashamed. As a result they denounce their heraldry and name and launch themselves on a crusade to redeem the actions of their former brethren in the eyes of the Emperor. Rest as in option 2.


If I think of something else I will post it.

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The Imperium already has Horus' geneseed. It's locked away on Earth/Mars (can't remember which) along with the rest of the traitor geneseed. If the High Lords wanted to re-create the Luna Wolves, they probably would have done it by now.


Like Hrvat said, about the only way to pull the chapter off and staying within the boundries would be to make them 13th or 21st Founding. In either of these, somebody may have sanctioned the use of the Luna Wolf geneseed in order to see what happened. In this though, there are some problems.


13th "Dark" Founding- Nobody knows the origin of their geneseed anyhow.


21st "Cursed" Founding- The chapter may know where they came from, but would need to keep it a secret. Also, as a rule for 21st Founding chapters, something particularly nasty would have had to happen to the chapter as a whole.

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A lot of the chapters from the 21st "Cursed" Founding had everything from minor flaws to serious mutations but I don't believe that GW has ever stated that all of the chapters from this founding had problems. The rules that they came up with to represent a chapter from this founding merely indicated those that had problems.
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alright i thought about what you guys have said and i think i found a soultion.


It is the 31st millenium, and the hour of the Great Crusade of Humanity is growing very late. The Warmaster Horus is embedded in the ritualistic warrior cults of his homeworld and unbeknownst to all, the will of Chaos calls to him. Soon he will lead his brother marines against the Emperor and his followers, but not all will go as planned. Far to the galactic south, the Sons of Horus continue to shed the light of the Immortal Emperor alongside the mighty Ultramarines. With the Warmaster recovering on Davin, the newly recruited scouts of the Sons of Horus were placed under the command of Robute Guilliman to continue their training. The young Astartes earn a great deal of honour and respect from the Ultramarines, to the extent of personal recognition from the Ultramarines primarch himself. Guilliman was rumored to say ," Never before have I seen such bravery and dedication in an Asartes initiate. If I didn't know better, I'd think they were Ultramarines."

When Horus began his war against the Emperor, the Ultramarines and the Sons of Horus detachment had no knowledge of what was taking place. The Ultramarines and Sons of Horus stood side by side in battle against the heretical Word Bearers, and it was in this sombre engagement that the last Sons of Horus scouts learned of Horus betrayal, and the Emperor's entombment in the Golden Throne. The Ultramarines saw that loyalty still remained in the scouts they had fought and died beside for so long, and gave the uncorrupted remnant of the Sons of Horus the means to fight-on against the foes of the Emperor, the black carapace.

The remnant band of Sons of Horus marines repainted their armour in the fashion of the Luna Wolves, in order to honour the original vision of their stained Legion, and took upon themselves a pentient quest to reclaim the once honoured name of their foundings. The Luna Wolves spent generations stalking the enemies of the Emperor in all their forms, which has led to an uneasy alliance with the Dark Angels Chapter of Space Marines. It seems the two forces have found common ground in their traitorous pasts. The Luna Wolves scour the galaxy in search of those who would seek to destroy the Imperium, and in return for information concerning the Fallen, the Dark Angels supply the Luna Wolves with facilities and equipment. The last remnant of pehaps the greatest of the Legions of old, continues to stalk the Imperium of Man for those who would see it cast down in flames, in the hopes to make amends for the actions of their ancient brothers lost to the warp.


if there's anything in there you don't think works please tell me. My cousin is just starting 40k and is doing DA and my friend from school just finished a pre-heresy Ultramarine army and they both wanted to bee in my fluff. i think i did them both justice. i hope u like

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I like it but some people might think that the fact that they know of the Fallen as going against the fluff (I think ony the first and second founding DA sucsessors only know about that)...


otherwise I dont have any problem with it... WRITE ON MY BROTHER!

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I would stick with your first idea. a founding of lunar wolves geneseed by a rogue or horusian inquistor during the 13th founding could get away with just about anything.


as for your second idea. istead of saying they know of the fallen go more along the ropes as they report activities of any chaos or strange marines they run across specially those in black armor. why the dark angels want that information they can only wonder about but for the help recieved from that legion/chapter all these years is more then worth the info.as for the ultramarine part make them respect the ultra's enough that they have remained codex to the letter since the codex was established .


either way you have an interesting begining I will keep an eye on

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Your initial post said that there were certain themes of the 'loyalist traitors' army idea that you wanted to avoid as you wanted something original:


i, like so many others, read Horus Rising by Dan Abnett and was inspired to create a Luna Wolves force, but seeing the fluff that some pre-heresy players write about their armies i wanted to do something different. too many times have i read about how "this company was lost to the warp for XX years" or how "this part of the legion refused to convert to chaos" so i came up sith something as far as i know is original. Yes the Luna Wolves turned to chaos and later became the Black Legion, but what if an uncorrupted Luna Wolves gene seed was found?


Unfortunately this seems to be exactly the approach that you have gone for in the later post. :unsure:


Now there seems to be a general issue with the use of 'loyalist traitors', and with the popularity of Horus Rising I expect to see a large number of them appear in the next few months. One of the main points of contention is the resistance to the idea of a loyalist chapter overtly created from traitor geneseed, especially given the intense paranoia the Imperial machine has about the traitor legions, especially as geneseed is viewed as a concrete link between marines and their (corrupted) primarchs.


When GW has come close to using traitor geneseed in chapters they have had the very good sense to restrict it to vague hints at their lineage, such as the Cursed Founding Sons of Antaeus or the ambiguity surrounding the Blood Ravens. Even Loyalist Deathguard Captain Garro was cloaked in mystery, with stories of his fate varying from life enprisonment, his eventual, unavoidable fall to Nurgle, or working in secret to battle chaos... GW rightly avoided giving him an overt chapter of loyal deathguard geneseed marines.


I would similarly suggest that if you do go for the loyalist traitor route that you offer them the similar level of vagueness about their origins, and certainly not make them openly of the Horus Geneseed, although this will be tricky given your intended current origin story. A rash of previous traitor loyalist DIY chapter ideas had the Deus Ex Machina of an Inquisitor appearing and with a godlike pronouncement saying they were pure and loyal, before disappearing from the story once more. The use of an Inquisitor as an over-easy rationale for any big holes or inconsistencies in the story is definitely something I would avoid. The use of Guilliman and the Ultramarines is a spin on this, but for me still would not excuse chapters with openly traitor legion origins. :)


Finally, your original post discussed your desire to create something original - something that I would hope everyone creating a DIY chapter strives for - but after Horus Rising / False Gods the next few months will bring a whole avalanche of DIY chapter ideas of traitor legionnaires that never went traitor, so if you want originality, or even not to have your chapter lost in a faceless mass of similar DIY chapters on the board then this might not be the idea to put your creative energies into. :)


However, if you want to go with this idea then it is of course your models and chapter, and it is completely up to you. :)

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