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Cthulhu themed DIY.

Midnight Hunter

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So the other day I'm playing some 40k at the shop I go too and have this idea to do a Cthulhu themed CSM army. So today at work (I have a boring theater job) in the box office I write all this out, and here for your looking pleasure I give you my Cthulhu cult army...


General Information:


Name: Children of the Dreaming One


Geneseed: Imperial Fist


Founding: 10th


Chapter Badge: Originally a Lions head over a Kite Shield. Now the badge has changed to a five pointed star.


Livery: Originally a white with red trim. Now black with sickly green trim and brass or gold accents.



The Knights were a fanatically loyal chapter of marines that would have defended the Imperium to the last man if asked. they chose their Homeworld for its proximity to the Eye of Terror so they may defend the Imperium better and respond to threats with great speed. The knights crusaded little in their history no more then three times although some regard their running battle with the word Bearers to be their fourth and unfinished. Their first Crusade was in M35 they recaptured three worlds from the Word Bearers in the eleven years that the crusade lated. Again in M35 they crusaded with the Hammers of Charon (Whom would go Rouge in M39) against the Iron Warriors although the crusade was a disaster because the Hammers were shattered on the one world they did take, The Iron Warriors were chased from two others with help from the small detachments from the Hammers. The Third crusade that the Knights would participate in lasted some forty years as they drove the Word Bearers from world after world. the Knights continued to fight the Word Bearers and other traitor legions for many centuries until in early M38 a warpstorm engulfed their Homeworlds solar system as well as well as its nearest neighboring solar system. The warpstorm would abate shortly after Abbadons 13th black crusade. The Knights would reemerge as the Children of the Dreaming One and launch a series of devastating raids against near by Imperial worlds. It was only latter after they were tracked back to Triton 3 that it was discovered that they were once the Knights of the Imperium.


During their long stay in the warpstorm the Knights own dogma would slowly be corrupted by the powers that were once worshiped by the long dead race that once in habited Triton 3. When their bodies began top mutate they only thought that it was a gift from their dead but dreaming god. During this time they continued to recruit from the nearby planets as things progressed these recruitments turned into raids to swell their ranks with new marines, slaves, and the worst of all sacrifices to their dark god.





Name: Knight of the Imperium


Homeworld: Triton 3. Uninhabited lush verdant jungle, the previous inhabitants long extinct though to predate e the Eldar by some time. Nothing more is known about them save that their architecture which was made of some odd material that has stood the test of time. Nothing else lives on the planet no animals no insects just the plants and the empty buildings.


Tactics: The Knights favored close combat as they thought that ranged battle was dishonorable. In this vain their tactical squads were equipped with chainswords and bolt pistols.


Beliefs: The Knights had some strange beliefs but this was generally ignored in the face of their defense and zeal for the Imperium. They believe that although not dive that the Emperor would come back after his death and bring peace to mankind. With this in their minds they purged the traitor and the alien with extreme fanaticism.




Name: Children of the Dreaming one


Homeworld: Remains Triton 3. The Children are heavily entrenched in the now dark and twisted jungles. Fighting continues as Imperial forces attempt to remove them from the dank jungles. All attempts to purge the jungle form the planet so that fighting will be easier have met with failure attempts to use planet killing weapons have so far been foiled by the Children. The plants grow back abnormally fast generally in a few days faster as you approach the temples of the Children. Strange creature inhabit the jungles and kill Imperial forces coupled with ambushes set by the Children themselves and their no longer fully human cultist have proved extremely dangerous. The once verdant and lush world has been re classed as Death World.


Tactics: The Children still favor close combat and they have taken ambushing their enemies. By all accounts they are proving to be ex termly good at the both.


Beliefs: Their is a split in the dogma of the Children, but this split does not drive them apart it is only a difference of thought. The first school of thought is that the Emperor is their Dead but Dreaming God Kutulu and that if they can get to Terra and remove him form the Golden Throne Kutulu will awaken and cleanse all. the other side believes that the Emperor is the lock that keeps Kutulu Dreaming and by removing the Emperor from the Golden Throne that R'lyeh will rise and the Galaxy will be cleansed.


Other non-fluff stuff:


I'm going to use the Mark of Slaanesh to represent their dedication to Kutulu because they are so horrible to look upon.


I,m going to use normal CSM models as well as plague marine models to form the base of the troops. I,m getting all my friends Genestealer heads with feeding tentacles and swap out the heads. Ill also probably add some other tentacles to them. I,m also thinking of using some of the Dark Angel models in robes with the hoods made deeper with greens stuff and the have tentacles coming out if the hood.


Any thoughts are welcome. Ill post some images once I start on the models might be awhile with that though...

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I've loved the idea of a Cthulhu based CSM force for a very long time. Even played around on paper with which of the old Rafm minis from their Cthulhu line to use as Chaos daemons. I've always been on the other side of the coin and played Imperial (until recently) when it comes to marines. I really want to see what you do with this once you start painting. Very nice start although I'm a little unsure about the planet being able to survive Exterminatus. I'm not sure if I'd include that little bit. When the Imperium decides to go that route, anything that I've read indicates that it's at least as efficient as a Tyranid horde gorging on your planet and we know that there is absolutely no organic matter left when they're done.
ok I fixed the part about Extermantius so its more clear I meant it more to be that the attempts have been foiled not that the weapons failed to do so. Hope that works for ya. As it turns out im gonna have to model the tentacles with greenstuff cause Im not gonna have a good supply of heads. So I may make the entire army robed. I may use Alpha Legion rules for cultists to give the army more flavor, what do you guys think.


I'll try to whip up a supply of tentacleheads once I pry them from the cold, dead fingers of the anime freaks. I still think MoS is a better choice than MoN due to the weapon restrictions(or lack of them).

Remember: if you want cultists, do LATD. That way, you get spawn as heavies. And ultra-tentacled big muties to soak wounds. And tanks! Tanks are good.....drool......


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