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IF Apothecary

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Here's a WIP shot of my IF Apothecary, because I don't use a command squad for my captain I've been unable to field an Apothecary so I decided to covert one for my Chaplain's Terminator command squad, he acts as a normal Terminator but I thought it would be nice to have one, parts include Calgar's arm, the company champion's helmet, and parts from the command squad and commander box sets.

The Idea for the power fist on top of his armour came from a bit of IF fluff, The process to activate the gene-seed and create new space marines in the Imperial Fists is called 'The Hand of Faith' ( Info taken from pg 20 of 2nd edition Codex Blood Angels, for those interested) Flicking through an old WD showed me how do get the power fist right and also makes it stand out.






A side note on how much better a model looks when it has a good base, A picture of Vermaas with a plain base and another with his new base which I've just finished. Any body collecting an Imperial Fists of Iron Warriors army (or any other army fighting on urban battlefields) should have a look at the Urban Basing Kit.



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now THAT is one kick ass apothecary, i like it, completely, good helmet, big apothecary fist, nice details looks good


Same here, that' s huge !!!

That fist on top is great, if I wasn' t building a black templars'wing, I' d stole this idea !!


Thanks for sharing !! :lol:


The Def'

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quick update, it's still in it's raw stage. From a base coat of chaos black several shades of grey were dry brushed followed by a few layers of skull white, the arm is dry brushed vomit brown, highlighted bleached bone and then shaded with ink yellow. The base has also been started.



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