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White Panthers

Brother Atheos

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Well i'm starting a White Panthers army and was just wondering if anyone knows any fluff about them? so far i know that they liberated Thagra IV from the Alpha Legion, and that Inquisitor Eisenhorn stopped them killing Quovandius (Mutant from Inquisitor). I also know that they are part of the 26th founding. Thanks to recent info, i now also know they will gladly help forces of the Inquisition but will still pursue their own missions and agendas. They seem to fight in a counterattacking manner, soaking up the initial onslaught before devastating the survivors with a brutal all out assault and also make use of Drop pods nad thunderhawks for swift deployment. They are very thorough to remove any trace of the taint of chaos, even to the point of crippling the planets defences and economy.


So heres how i interpret the info i have read so far... They are probably either an Imperial Fists or Ultramarines (maybe Black Templars) successor and would most likely use a large number of infantry (assault squads?) and highly mobile vehicles such as speeders, dreads and bikes. Due to their extreme dislike for all things Chaos (it's the only things they have fought in the fluff i've read) I would assume that Chaplains play a HUGE role in the running of the chapter and Librarians would be a very rare breed.


Any more links to fluff would be greatly appreciated aswell as any ideas/suggestions you have from/about the info i have so far.


I'll take what i've come up with so far and try to add a more narrative feel to it and some more insight into the areas covered by the IA articles in WD and update as i go.


May the blessings of the God Emperor be upon you!


<~Brother Atheos~>

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I done a search here in the forum and it turned up with nothing. They are probably one of those chapters who has had a mention in a WD or IA but not further info than that.


That leaves you pretty much able to do as you wish. I would hazzard a guess at them using Ultramarine Geneseed but you have the reigns really.


Was anything given about their nature of warfare/ tactics etc in their little mentions?

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I heard a rumor once that they were a DIY chapter that won some contest GW was doing and so got a pot in the codex. However I cannot confirm the veracity of the statement. Definitely check out a copy of the 3rd ed. codex as there are some painted minis in it as well.
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Many thanks so far guys, all the info i have so far has come from Wikipedia and Inquisitor mini boxes. Thanks for the info about the 3rd Ed codex, gave me a few more details. I'll update my 1st post with the new info and try to throw in a few of my own ideas.


Once again, thanks!


<~Brother Atheos~>

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I heard a rumor once that they were a DIY chapter that won some contest GW was doing and so got a pot in the codex.
Yes and no. They won during 2nd edition (WD 197, years before 3rd), the appearance in the 3rd edition codex was not the price :blush:


I remember I thought they were so cool. I suppose they still are :tu:


Edit++ Since I have the issue in a drawer in my room I went and checked:

  • They were the winners of a contest at the 1994 Games Day.
  • They are a strict codex chapter except that they use Mk6 power armour (beakies, most chapters do since it's in the tactical squad box but maybe you can build on it).
  • They paint the company colour on their shoulderpad trim, as per the codex.
  • The image shows that the sergeant does not have the red helmet prescribed in the codex astartes.

There is no other fluff in that WD.


Also, I remembered that I have actually made a transfer sheet for them (to print using an office printer) as part of the, now dead, decal project. PM me if you want it:


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