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I need a chapter!


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Ok im basically looking for an officially named chapter that has little to no fluff. The thing is I'm quite picky and I only like simple colour schemes, preferably black. Your help will be welcomed with open arms.


Oh yeah and i'd like to use this chapter in the fall of medusa V

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Firstly, why don't you just go full DIY chapter. This way you can have any colour scheme and name you want. But if you really want a blank Chapter with a simple Colour scheme, how about these...


Avenging Sons

Middle Row, far Right


Brotherhood of a Thousand

Top Row, Middle


Death Knights

Middle Row, Middle


Continue going through those pages and you will find at least four colour schemes you like. Once you've found them, search the net for them, and see if there is any offical fluff for them.

Hmmmm..................I don't know. Suppose I could go full DIY but I can't think of any original colour schemes. Oh I don't know. I need help. I've changed my mind so many times. Before know I've declared myself Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Black Templars, Raven Guard, Iron Hands. There might be more. I suppose it's better to go DIY. But they have to be black lol!
Looking at the picture of the Red Templars it looks like they should be like the White Scars-Loads of bikes. Thats just not my style so I don't really want to do those. I don't think I'll do Deathwatch or Legio B&C because it just doesn't seem right. They're not normal Space Marine chapters if you know what I mean. I think I'm making my own one. I've got a colour scheme but I'm just thinking of a name and chapter badge. It'll be a simple badge probably like the Iron Knights one. I want to be able to paint it freehand. I can't do anything complicated. I may even take a name there already is and make the rest up. Like in White Dwarf 290(UK) there was a person who did Death Spectres. At the time there was no colour scheme or background for them so he made it all up. I may do the same. Ill get a pic of the colour scheme up soon so you can see what you think.
Looking at the picture of the Red Templars it looks like they should be like the White Scars-Loads of bikes.


They should be whatever you want them to be, and limited only by your imagination. If they've got no fluff, grab it and run. If a picture shows a model on a bike, it doesn't mean they're bike-focused; same if you see a Marine with a Tyranid trophy (It doesn't mean the Chapter has Tyranids as a Preferred Enemy, though it doesn't mean they can't either). There are SO many Chapters GW has just pumped out for one or two references then they vanish into the dusty tomes of history. I think they've named, what, 647 Chapters? That number springs to mind for some reason. But they've probably really fluffed out maybe half, IF that?


Nothing wrong with going DIY though. It has pros and cons. Pros being you can pretty much tailor the Chapter however you want, from scheme to doctrine to history. The cons being you can't really put your Chapter in any famous engagements, unless there was squeeze room for them (Actions containing unnamed Chapters, for instance). So, you're pretty much a stranger, but that doesn't stop a few from becoming famous (Molotov's Castigators, Kenton's Fighting Tigers of Veda).


Do whatever you think would be most entertaining. :wacko: Options abound either way.

I can't find any officially named chapters with absolutely no fluff or pics for them. I'm already starting the fluff.


Fluff beginnings

Basically they are going to be a non-codex chapter. Their organisation was as a normal codex chapter and then after a big campaign where there were heavy losses the chapter master broke the chapter into larger battle groups which act independantly-rather like Iron Hands clan companies orBlack Templars crusades- so perhaps 200-300 marines in each including scouts and veterans.

try the Harolds of Ultramar they are basically space marines with a winged star as thier chapter insigna

or the sons of gulliman who are bisected ultramarine blue and som skyish blue cant remember thier insigna at the moment



Oh nevermind these guys are supercodex

I don'y know. I'm going to make my own background. I just can't think of an original colour scheme thats base colour is black and that has a simple chapter badge. I've been looking at the White Templars( I think thats what they're called). They have no fluff. The only problem is I don't like the look of white tanks.
Well, the White Templars are well... :blink: white. I'm guessing you want a black or white army because you want something very simple to paint, something you can just undercoat? Ferrata's provided you with a few excellent chapters, all of whom you could take and do something very interesting with. (Like Cpt_Tiberius' Space Sharks, or SCC's Brazen Claws, both official GW chapters with very little information).


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