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Alchemist Origin Help

Lord Chrisius III

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I posted my chapter on here a while back, before the big crash, and recently I've been thinking about doing some history for them.


Basically, they are a significantly divergant chapter. They are based on a planet where certain powerful Psykers are able to channel the psychic energy and use it to perform alchemy. These talented minority are taken by the chapter and undergo many trials (99% die here) until extremely powerful Alchemists are produced. In my chapter, the Alchemists represent the Librarians, Chaplains and Force Commanders. They can use their powers to enhance their armour and become extremely good fighters, and to change their surroundings, e.g. change the consistency of oxygen in the air to create fireballs etc.


The rest of the force are just basic marines, chosen from the gratest warriors on the planet, think space wolves.


My question is, how viable is it to have Alchemists that use the psychic energy like this? Would the inquisition frown upon it or outlaw it, could the warp be used in this way and so on... I just really need some people who can help me tidy up my Chapter's origins so that it is viable withing the 40k universe.



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I think I would go for "anything possible". If you can think of it logically and with a little bit of science, you are good to go. You main problem is the age of these alchemists, they need to be under fourteen to accept the process of Mariniation, so they will need to show themselves early. Also, the same goes for the Greatest Warriors, why are they all so young?

Someone's been watching Full Metal Alcheminst have they?


I like the idea... as for why there so you... perhaps they are besting adults already? that explains why they are the best because there not... yet... :P


one thing i don't like is that all of these "alchemists" are take by the chapter... to me is seams that some who know the skills would not be made marines but would perhaps be trained to understand and use these powers under direction of the military ala Full Metal Alchemist they would be dogs of the planets military and used to better others with there talents perhaps?

Someone's been watching Full Metal Alcheminst have they?


I like the idea... as for why there so you... perhaps they are besting adults already? that explains why they are the best because there not... yet... :rolleyes:


one thing i don't like is that all of these "alchemists" are take by the chapter... to me is seams that some who know the skills would not be made marines but would perhaps be trained to understand and use these powers under direction of the military ala Full Metal Alchemist they would be dogs of the planets military and used to better others with there talents perhaps?


I don't understand.

Anybody here know String Theory? Well my idea was that mebbe these psykers can somehow change or reshape the atomic makeup of the objects. In other words: natural born atomic scientists or the like(without the need of supercolliders or anything like that).


just a reccomendation


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