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13th Company

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Several Concerned Cricketers painted an arm in Thousand Sons colors, what with the rivalry between the two...


You could do that, or just use a myriad of different schemes. Paint a few Chaos arms like 'normal' 13th Company arms, paint some in enemy colors, or for the ultimate diss...


Paint a arm like the pre-Heresy Dark Angels (black, red insignia), have it come from a slain Fallen, and deface the Chapter logo!

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Mostly the colours of the chapter/unit/legion/whatever they salvaged them from.


But with SW grey, red and gold or black and gold seem to work best.


Still, no reason why they couldn't usurp parts from say, The Pyre, or Thousand Sons. whatever rocks your boat really...

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Erk... the TS Idea hasn't gone too well (no blue ink) so i think i'll stick to Black Legion (silver instead of gold though) and Word bearers as i have a tried and tested method. I like the idea of putting my regular chaos opponents colour on my mini but it may look a bit odd as its those boring old IWs he plays as.


Test mini should be done by midday (GMT)

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Here's the job so far...




I haven't higlighted all the areas yet (gold especially) but have done a few on the legs which didnt show too well aswell as the black chestplate.


c&c always welcome,


<~ Brother Atheos ~>

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On the overall look, i will agree with those before me, that the mini does still look a tad bit too chaos-ie, but some simple changes here and there would work fine to reduce the look.


On the painting aspect of things, very nice mini there, excellent work :D


*Must resist desire to start up a 13th Co for a while*

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Why is the helmet Violet if they're black legion??


Thanks for the c&c guys. I agree about the overly chaotic look of the mini. I guess its something i'll have to keep an eye on when i do the real deal.


As for the purple helmet, i wanted to add some colour other than black and grey, and seeing as purple is quicker and easier to paint than the other 3 gods colours i thought i'd use it as test.


Once again thanks for the c&c.

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Although it looks nice, I'd have to agree with the others. Wearing chaos armor would fall short of any overtly chaotic imagery/iconography. They would let the wulfen knaw on the bits a few hours first to have them suitably "cleansed" :D




I myself played 13th Company many moons ago,and I made sure that the Chaotic elements were suitably defaced.


Here's an example of a Grey Slayer with a Thousand Sons shoulderpad;



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