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Converted Librarian w/ JumpPack

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Wanted to show off and get some CnC on my newest conversion. Here is what I got off the top of my head

-Head is from SM Raider sprue

-Torso is from SM Raider sprue

-R Leg is from SM Bike sprue

-Shoulderpads are from some CSM... i got em from a friend

-L Leg is modelled from 3 different SM legs

-R upper arm is from a SM tact. squad

-R lower arm and staff is from some chaos dude

-Axe on end of staff is from an old SM axe

-Jumppack.... its a jumppack

-Skull is from an old CSM vehicle

-Basing is from an old lago grate thing and come plasticard, also some wire

-L Arm is from the SM commander sprue


This is a very low level conversion for me but I had some spare parts laying around, and wanted a commander with a sweet pose. I know the paint is bad, but I'm not a good painter. Don't even mention lack of highlighting, because I don't do it. I CAN do it, and have, but it IMO makes a model look worse, because its fake light sources. In game this model uses Relictors TCLP rules, and carries force weapon, etherlance, shard of the monolith, jump pack, artificer armour, Iron Halo, Purity Seals, and whatever else i can fit on him. Powers are almost always veil of time and fury of the ancients. He travels in a squad of 5 assault marines.




C&C anyone?






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ugh everyone says he doesnt look like a librarian.. my view is that why should he look different? he can use his powers without the assistance of special machines. I plan on making him more ornamental, but im not adding a psychic hood or anything, none of my libbies have them shown. Sorry for blurry pics, my camera is retarded and takes pics that are in like 2096x something or other resolution , and i need tot take thge pic from afar or it wont focus. then i mod it to actually get the model fromthe pic and it turns out blurry

i also agree it doesnt look too much like a libby...tbh, more like a chappy than anything else.


there should be at least some blue on the model to show his status as a libby, unless the chapter you are using doesnt use those colors for libbys.


just my two cents.

my chapter uses color for ranks, but it is the chaplains that get get blue shoulders, black body. marines get a single red shoulder, black body. libbies get what he has shown, and sargeants get a red and black checker scheme all across their body. each limb as well as head and torso is divided to 1/2 red 1/2 black.


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