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making standards for those who hate banners....

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I admit it, I can't stand those battle standards (mostly cause I can't paint freehand detail at all) So I was thinking, I have built my Aztec company standard with glyphs from the Lizardman temple bitz, but the model is too <hearasy> heavy. Any suggestions oh how to offset the weight of the metal glyphs? (I'm thinking of making a coustom base out of metal weighted sculpty. ) also has anyone done a "Roman Eagle" style conversions here?


now to find my freakin camera (even though the blood god has harvested his fill of my hands at work)


To be exact I have the "wounded sun" disk with the Eagialia glued to the front and back, and trailing small glyphs below, the whole thing has been coated with gold foil and glossed pver.. sticking on the end of theat sideways pole it's staring to bend the pole and the model has to live in it's carrying case....

I personally went the small sinker route. They were the smallest ball sinkers available (and hollow as well), so all i did was grab a pair of pliers put the ball in and squished it real good. Glued a few of them to the base and voila, excellent counter-weight.


Im sure ill end up doing this for Assault Marines, as i know the jetpacks tend to throw off the weight a tad bit. I only did this technique for a converted 'Nid that was rather well, 'head heavy'.


Ball sinkers are pretty cheap, got a bag of 200 for about $5 AUD. Easy to squish and easily found (i found them at K-mart in the fishing section).

I, too, don't have much use for banner-type standards. I ent for more of a Roman Legion look by using the HQ squad standard bearer with the pole. I attached the eagle to the top of the pole and then a few Black Templar icons to the pole itself. I thought it came out pretty well and was essentially what I was looking for, even if it isn't very fancy or dramatic. I'll try and send you a PM.


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