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Will of the Omnissiah


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WEll, my camera just arrived, and once i take some time to learn how ti take better quality images, after messing with lighting, and a few other details, i'll post a few more, but for now, here are a few images of my Skitarii Elite (which count as chaos space marine with bolter and close combat weapon)as a Work in progress, about 90% complete as a conversion. I still need to do some banding and riviting to him, as well as some Green stuff on his face.








ANd here is a work in progress of my treaded Pretaorian Servitors. These Count as Obliterators, i still need to add his power claw, and his twin linked plasma gun.












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I'm sorry, i started a new thread since i could not find the old one. It's a lost and damned list with allied iron warriors. I know, it looks a bit orky, but with WYSISYG rules lawyers, i wanted to have my basics covered. :blush: IT's the most heavily armed piece of infantry in the army, and looks a but cluttered, but hey, it's the only one like it ;)

Hey. Nice work, lerath, especially on the treaded Praetorian. I know a goodly few players that'd be quaking in their powered greaves at the sight of that behemoth being fielded :D That is one hefty beast. And, you know, you dont -have- to play as chaos... You could play with the same rules as the skittari in one of the recent WD's.... *forgets which one* ah well. hmmm... *glances to a different thread* is it just me, or does the skittari look somewhat similar to my own WIP techmarine? :blush:




Eh. Probably just me. Great work, man. I'm looking forward to seeing these painted up!

Imperator abominare proditor et haereticae.


Giving credit where credit is due, i did borrow a little bit of my design from yours, specificly the power plant. i was having alot of trouble comming up with a decently converted one for my troops, and I was rather impressed with the look of the one on your techmarine, changed it a little ( as i did not want it to be identical, AND i did not have the multi-melta canisters, i used the autocannon barels from the obliterator ranged weapon spru instead, it kept with the overall streamlined design of my guys) It Was never my intention to steal your thunder, and i DO appologise if the similairitiy upsets you. But they do say imitation is the sincirest form of Flattery :D


Side note, THe rules for Skitarii, i thaught i was fielding them as per white dwarf, it used a Counts as list of Lost and Damned, with an allied unit of iron warriors. Or do you mean the one in the Australian White Dwarf? If so, We have not saeen that Article in the Us Book Yet. I am looking forward to it.


A question to the mods: what Units From The Lost and damned Codex CANNOT Be posted here on B&C, I'd assume the Traitors would be out, as would their tanks and walkers, but i was wondering about some of the other choices ( Nurgleings, HOunds of Chaos, ETC) just to clear it up, so i know which ones i can post so this thread will not fall to the melta.

Hey, brothers.

It Was never my intention to steal your thunder, and i DO appologise if the similairitiy upsets you. But they do say imitation is the sincirest form of Flattery :D
Nah, its all good... I am very flattered indeed. I must say, you ahve streamlined my design. What're the vertical exhaust pipes on the back? Looks sweet. And as for the pose... "Ya want some'a this? Yeah, come and get it, chaos scum" comes to mind :P How many skittari are you planning to build? I must say, a good-sized force of these'd look sweet. But anyway... heh, steal my thunder indeed. *Packages some thunder, lobs at lerath* B)


Side note, THe rules for Skitarii, i thaught i was fielding them as per white dwarf, it used a Counts as list of Lost and Damned, with an allied unit of iron warriors. Or do you mean the one in the Australian White Dwarf? If so, We have not saeen that Article in the Us Book Yet. I am looking forward to it.

Yeah, sorry, I did mean the one here in Aus...


Imperator renumeram suus fidelis bellator.



++EDIT++ Sorry, only just noticed that you actually said what the exhausts were. My bad. The AC barrels look great.


lovely work in general but one comment.


the techy is absolutely beautiful except for the seriously out of place smoke launchers as vents. It's a lovely idea but they just look so ordinary. With your obviously considerable GS skills, why not embellish them a little bit. Or perhaps trim down the bases of them to fit more snug.


It just gives the impression that the techy has ripped them off the nearest Rhino much like a pikey would rip the winged angel off the bonnet of a Rolls Royce.


Q ^_^


p.s. servitor rocketh my world.

I still need to add a few minor details to both of them, i was planning on adding a servo arm mounted on the sentinal power plant onto the servitor. also i still need to add his fusion cutter, but as i want it to represent a twin linked plasma gun, and not a twin linked plasma pistol, i think i'll be removing the small plasma weapons, and adding in full plasma guns, thus making them longer. I still need to add a few mechandrites, and other odds and ends to him. i was looking at the claws from the techpriest in the inquisitor range.


Also, i was planning on taking 3 of these monsters, and Building 38 Total Skitarii, then a few with both special and heavy weapons, and the veteran seargents (aspiring champions) In different configurations.


In adition to that, if you guys like these, just wait till you see my commander :) He's over in the shop where i work on my mini's and i don't have time to go get him till sunday. I'm also having about 30 Vostroyans and 15 machine cultists ( counts as traitors) The cultists are heavy conversion work, the Vostroyans are standard, but enough about them. I'm also currently modifing the design for the imperail gaurd H-grade servitor model from the kill team end level bosses article in white dwarf, for use as a Large Combat Servitor ( counts as a mutant boss) I'm starting to see what dave taylor sees in the lost and damned army list, so many options. I've also got a Pack of Cyber Mastiff in there, ( counts as Chaos hounds)


Soo many conversions to do. So little time to be ready for Medusa V. Don't know if i'm gonna make it.


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