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Iron Snakes

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Hello all,


Just been digging around the old interweb the last couple of days looking for fluff on the Iron Snakes, with a view to possibly doing some test pieces and writing an IA.


I found an entry on Wikipedia:


"One of the many Chapters of Space Marines who participated in the defence against the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The Chapter also contributed Marines towards the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Amongst the battles fought in that Crusade were: - the relief of the Guard on Ambold Eleven and the assault on Pelbury Civitas, the cleansing of the daemon infested Fornax Aleph, the support of the final extermination of the Zoican horde on Verghast and, of course, the destruction of the mechanised mutant army of Presarius.


Their power armour is silver, and the Chapter's symbol is a blue snake on a white background."


I don't know where this info originally came from though, though going by the Wiki rules, it must be WD or GW/BL literature. There's an entry on GW's chapters gallery with the colour scheme and chapter badge which will prove useful.


I'm also aware there have been several Iron Snakes stories in Inferno, I have the issue numbers, though I've never read any of the stories themselves, I'm wondering if these might prove to be a useful source of info? Has anyone read them?


Anyone have anything else?





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I believe the Iron Snakes have also been declared excommunicatus. Ex...exco...they were kicked out, dammit.


Apparently they were worshipping the Emperor as an animal totem, and the Inquisition didn't like that, so the Iron Snakes were stamped as heretics. I believe they are currently hiding out under the ammonia seas of some planet, where "Only an attack by another Space Marine force can dislodge them".

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I belive his name is Petrock. I know I've seen a coversion of him from one of the games days. Also you might ask around as there was a decal project that was going on last year and I know they did an Iron Snakes sheet. Just don't remember who was involved as it was pre-crash
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I think you are right! Yes, Petrock...


He had a command squad including an Apothecary named Nestor IIRC.


There was a ridiculous story in Inferno where Petrock and his command squad killed a around a thousand Dark Eldar in close combat. A bit stretched even for fluff-SM.


The funny thing is that the same squad gets decimated by a couple of chaos hounds in a sequel story :angry:

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Thanks all, every little bit helps!


I'd love to get my hands on those Inferno stories, but it seems many (all?) of them are out of stock at the Black Library.


As for the decal stuff, while I wish it wasn't so, but I'm guessing that the snake symbol GW uses won't be available at Griffon Games for copyright reasons, but I wonder if they could work something similar up?


Info so far:


Homeworld: Ithaka (archipelago type world)

Notable chararcters: Librarian Petrock (including Apothecary Nestor)


Anyone got any ideas on


1) Obtaining copies of Inferno (already checked eBay)




2) Iron Snakes combat doctrine/organisation (Librarian heavy a la Blood Ravens?)


All information appreicated, off for more research now....




NB: Just checked Wikipedia, Ithaca (Ithaka) is the supposed home of Odysseus? Would I be wrong in assuming this has something to do with Abnett's Inferno stories about a lost hero??

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There's an entry on GW's chapters gallery with the colour scheme and chapter badge which will prove useful.


their colours are also in Insigneum Astartes, according to which:

  • squad type isnt marked anywhere on the armour

  • the right pad bears the squad number as a black roman numeral

  • all marines have white shoulderpads with red trims*

  • the left kneepad is white with red trim* like the shoulderpads, and bears a black roman numeral dentoing the company

* only inner half of the trim is red, the outer half is white.. which would probably be damned hard to paint..


How To Paint Space Marines has a slightly different scheme: the shoulderpad trims are entirely red, the left kneepad is red (purely conjecture but i would go out on a limb and say in this case the pads would be read across the chapter, with the kneepad in the company colour), and they use standard squad markings (albeit it hollow dark blue rather than solid)


as for transfers.. i'm pretty sure there was an Iron Snakes transfer sheet amongst those cobbled together during B&C's 'printable transfers' project.. maybe someone still has them?

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Thanks Vodunius, Archangelus and krusade.


All fluff appreicated, so much fluff that I can't get my paws on!!! Grrr!


* only inner half of the trim is red, the outer half is white.. which would probably be damned hard to paint..


I think you could be right Vodunius , that just isn't happening :P


Does anyone know who to contact regarding the decal project??


Thanks again,



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Tubal, Shoemaker and My Name is Tudor collaborated on creating transfer sheets for chapters of the Space Marines that generally don't have transfers available to them. They do a good job, working within the confines of GW's IP rights. They created the sheets so that people could print them out themselves onto decal paper.
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