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DW/=][= Rhino/Razorback - WIP Painting/Converting


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Hey brothers,


I am not working on a modular Rhino/Razorback for my Deathwatch team.


The model has working side doors with the internal door sections cut off, so you can actually see into the inteior once you open them.


The painting is WIP at 50%, with first highlights made, which will be neated up and toned down with ink washes + liturgy text will be painted on the black armour sections. Weathering and armour damage will be added too.


So far the models looks like this:


Razorback variant:



Rhino variant:



An idea came to me how to spice up the interior and how to use the plastic Dark Eldar I have laying around since I purchased the WH40k boxed gamed years ago...

Model two DE captives with arms chained to the walls siting on the benches!


They are WIP's glued together and conversion damage covered with Green Stuff. I will add some more GS to their bonds to make sort of a hi-tech chains attached to the Rhino interior walls. But only after they are painted up and glued into position.


The aim of the conversion poses was:

- one model wihtout helmet, upriht position full of resistance (DE squad leader)

- one model with helmet in resigned position, female (captured trooper...)


This enables some cool fluff background - as the DE leader having "an affair" with the female warrior and were captured "in the action", while not paying attention too much to what is happening arround... ;)


I am now thinking, what colour scheme would be best to paint them? I would prefer some dark colours (since they are Dark Eldars, right? :angry: ), but still something colourful, so the models are well visible in the interior...


Any sugestions and comments are welcome!


Without top cover:






Incl top cover, side exit door open:






Sneaky view through the side door:




Thanks and cheers! :(

For the xeno scum, might I sugest either sallie's green or ultra-marine blue. Stays dark, but at the same time it will stll be light enough to stand out. PLus, those colors tend not to be cuper common on DW teams, wil lhelp define them as out of place more.


As for what you have there already, outstanding work

Thanks for the feedback sofar guys.


Re DE being trasported inside and not shot dead...

- 1st - DW are not Orks/Chaos to chain their captives outside + these are captured alive for interrogations - if they were transported on the outside, they might get killed by other DE so they do not give away any secrets

- 2nd - as mentioned above, the are going to feel the power of the Inquisiton - the male captive is a high ranked DW leader - it was a mirracle to capture him alive! ;) Hence not shot dead...


Re - bolter in the room

- yup, kinda dangerous - but what is life without a little risk to spice it up, heh? ;)


Re - DE colour scheme

-> Azazal - thanks for the idea - Sallie's green sounds good! What secondary colour would go to the green?

I won't go for the UM blue, since the DW team is a ally to my regular UM army...


- I was also thinkig abt a dark red/bone scheme - something like some GW Tyranids (the 3rd Ed. army) are painted - what do you think?


More suggestions are welcome!!

Re - DE colour scheme

-> Azazal - thanks for the idea - Sallie's green sounds good! What secondary colour would go to the green?

I won't go for the UM blue, since the DW team is a ally to my regular UM army...


- I was also thinkig abt a dark red/bone scheme - something like some GW Tyranids (the 3rd Ed. army) are painted - what do you think?


More suggestions are welcome!!



How about sallie's green with bone? People might see the red of the DE and the DW and have them blend a bit. But with green and bone, they will stand out as outsiders to anyone

Excellent work as always Zgar, very well done :D


The paint job is excellent, particularly the =][= symbol!


The extra work on the interior definitely brings out the rhino more (even if it is the interior). Helps give the tank a sense of purpose and a theme.


As a lil bit of critique. Im assuming the armored DE is the female. And given they were some what "not paying attention" i would have imagine that she would be less armored? I cant imagine marines, particularly of the Deathwatch variety to patiently wait on their prisoners.


Other than look, great work :D

Hey everybody - thanks for the great feedback and your sugestions!! :D


To reply the questions / comments rised:


@Azazal - Green/Bone vs. Red/Bone - I will paint up a Green/Bone test model and will see how it turnes out. Thanks for the tip.


@Brother Huh - HB Ammo feeds - can't do it man, I did not glue the HB's in place, so I can exchange them for Lascannons if desired. And for that I have to pull them out thru the top cover holes... I kinda like the parts as they are there hanging in the air...


@The Angelus Sanctus - "dressed" DE female captive - well let's presume the DE leader has sort of a armour fetish desire... And what do we know abt DE sexual desires in the 41st millenium... ;)


@Slotff - don't worry man, they are not glued yet... No problem there. B)


P.S. For those who do not remember / have missed the DW team, here is the squad who will be in various variants riding the vehicle... I plan to add 1 more HB marine and more bolter / CCW Deathwatch to make it full 10 man team + a captain as a substitute for the librarian for variety.







Cheers! :)


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