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bigger scouts pic heavy

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hey there been busy biggerising some scouts for city fight .i have tried to make them look as individual as possible and make them look as if they have been in the field for the long haul









comments and constructive crit welcome

cheers D -_-

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Could we see these next to a "regular" scout?


As for the figures, themselves....

Awesome. Though I'm not sure about the capes... Don't know what I'd do differently, if anything, but I'm still undecided about them.


I think scouts have come a LOOOOOOOONNNG way since their Advanced Spacequest days with mohawks & such....

thanx for the replies here is the size comparison for lord noble



the idea with the capes is to help blend in to their surroundings

Beornling 3.1415 that is a cool idea wonder if scouts would smoke?

Eh, scouts are just Space Marines without the Power armour.


That is actually incorrect. Scouts have not under gone any of the more drastic genetic augmentation procedures. They are mostly human, and thus should have proporetions comparable to a normal human.


On topic... love the models, thuogh some of the GS work looks a little rough. Could be the pics (probably is!)

Great stuff, keep 'em coming. :tu:



very nice work there daemonclaw, very well done :tu:



The scale change has come out very nicely without ruining the models, in fact it makes them look ALOT better than normal.


Excellent use of various heads too, the combination of IG heads and i assume Wood Elves heads looks great.

pretty good, some poins that need work are the cloaks. The resculpted hoods are a bit rough and i think they should be extended to the ground, its not much of a use hiding behind if they can see you white sneakers below get my point. But all round good models.


dude tell me you wouldn't want a box, not like I'd wanna get my wang shot off. LOL

That is actually incorrect. Scouts have not under gone any of the more drastic genetic augmentation procedures. They are mostly human, and thus should have proporetions comparable to a normal human.


From what i understood, scouts are full marines, the only modification that they lack by that stage is the black carapace. Thats the reason they arent wearing power armour, but they have all the other extra organs etc. Which is why their stat line is exactly the same as a full brother marines.



On topic, i like the capes myself :wub: but one thing you need to be carful with is not going too overboard with biggerising the torso more than the legs. The sarge for instance looks a little off.


Excellent modelling though :)

on the subject of smoking. would you try and take the beer away from a space wolf, or call him weak for subjecting his super tweaked body to it? come to think of it, the codex does make provisions for partaking in normally toxic substances, if only to show devotion to the Emperor blessed geneseed that allows you to comsume said toxins and live for centuries, wilst the normal human would be long dead.

hey all thanx for the replies ,must admit they are not my best greenstuff as this was an exercise in biggerising more than anything else :huh:

the plan is to do a whole army mostly of scouts as i'd like something different to normal marines, as i am trying to make an army severly depleted of normal troops and having to rely on a rush harvest to replenish the ranks(if you read soul drinkers last book you get the picture) ;) not a great winning idea i know but hey i like the idea and it gives my army a different slant and will hopefully be interesting to play.

ideas will all be taken into account especially the mould line(slaps own hand :) )

ps. the bulges are all their own

cheers for the input guys D :)

"not a great winning idea i know"


Actually, in Cities of Death the plentiful cover will mean that the weaker armour is less of an issue and I think that move through cover and the plentiful sniper rifles would make a scout army potentially very good.


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