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Knights of Mars


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The Knights of Mars are a Space Marine chapter founded by the Adeptus Mechanicus to be a specialised marine force dealing with technologically advanced races on their own terms.


Home Worlds:

Many recruits come from Mars itself, while others are taken from medieval worlds where they often start out in life as blacksmith's apprentices and forgeworker's sons.

The Knights of Mars try to recruit children that have brains *and* brawn.


Combat Doctrine

The KoM use bionics regularly to bring them closer to the machine god. They know that even the bravest, toughest warrior can be killed by a single sniper's bullet, so they consider their tactics while other chapters simply run ahead bellowing their war cries. And they know that no enemy in invincible, if you have the right weapon.



Colour Scheme and Insignia

The Knights of Mars use a silver, black and red colour scheme and their chapter badge is a the planet Mars.



The Knights of Mars supposedly use the Iron Hands gene-seed, although some dark rumours suggest that they used Iron Warriors seed as a result of dwindling supplies.




-The Emperor was the greatest tactician and inventor that ever lived - a glorious example and father of all marines.


-The technology of the Tau was stolen from ancient Imperial STC templates. So the KoM must retrieve this technology and bring it back to Mars for study.

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A good start. I like the ideas of knights mixed up with clunky robotics.


Im not sure about recruiting directly from Mars. Im not sure if there is an actual populace there to recruit from and also there already exists the skitari


although some dark rumours suggest that they used Iron Warriors seed as a result of dwindling supplies.
I dont understand this part. What has it to do with supplies? Also does this add anything to your chapter or are you wanting something dark about them? If you so could go for another avenue or perhaps make more subtle hints sewn through the article. Perhaps the way they conduct themselves or the way they act is simiar to those of the IW.


The technology of the Tau was stolen from ancient Imperial STC templates. So the KoM must retrieve this technology and bring it back to Mars for study.


Why do they believe this. Were they told by the AM? I would expand on his a bit more.


Looks good but I would just expand it a bit more. Do they recruit from another planet besides mars? or is it several? If you stick with one that may allow you to develop some more character. You can describe the planet, its geography, its beliefs and perhaps any trials they use to search for initiates.

..although some dark rumours suggest that they used Iron Warriors seed as a result of dwindling supplies.
I believe this is in reference with the gene-seed being low, as in, they didnt have enough to make a full chapter, so they simply used gene-seed from the IW stock. Thats how I understand it anyway.




The technology of the Tau was stolen from ancient Imperial STC templates.


while I believe this would help explain their huge increase in technological feats and such, I must agree with iron. We as the players are not the citizens in the 40k universe, you must explain it :huh:



as for the recruitment, why not recruit from.. factory worlds, worlds like Armageddon? that way you wouldnt be stopped from recruiting the Skitarii into your chapter. Just a thought.

The technology of the Tau was stolen from ancient Imperial STC templates. So the KoM must retrieve this technology and bring it back to Mars for study.



Why do they believe this. Were they told by the AM? I would expand on his a bit more.


It's basically just Bs told by the AM. The AM are frowned on by the Inquisition for looking at Xeno tech IIRC. This is one way round that.


No Xeno's mind could come up with such advanced gadgetry - what a heretical notion!! Basically they tell the KoM that if the Empire is to be as strong as it was before the HH, then all the stolen /lost technology (for this read any cool stuff the AM want to play around with (Like Tau battlesuits) ) must be returned into Human hands and mass-produced for the imperium's armies.

Many recruits come from Mars itself, while others are taken from medieval worlds where they often start out in life as blacksmith's apprentices and forgeworker's sons.

The Knights of Mars try to recruit children that have brains *and* brawn.

Mars would be unsuitable for recruitment. It is based in the safest system in the Universe, so having a chapter based their would be a waste of time (as there are already so many there). You need to select a world further out into the Galaxy. There is also very little populace on Mars which could be recruited. Medieval is not a correct term for describing a planet, it describes a period of our timeline.


The Knights of Mars supposedly use the Iron Hands gene-seed, although some dark rumours suggest that they used Iron Warriors seed as a result of dwindling supplies.

Why are they running out of Gene-seed? If each Marine produces two seeds, are they being killed and their seed's unretrievable? Are they not being kept right? Do they not treat their seed with respect? Where do they get the Iron Warrior seed from? Why do they use it? Why have you tried to push something into your chapter which makes them a weaker realisitic chapter?


The technology of the Tau was stolen from ancient Imperial STC templates. So the KoM must retrieve this technology and bring it back to Mars for study.
It's basically just Bs told by the AM. The AM are frowned on by the Inquisition for looking at Xeno tech IIRC. This is one way round that.

Why would they do that? They can easily make their own forces to take Tau technology or use IG regiments. Space Marines are not forces to be toyed with or taken for granted.

Medieval is not a correct term for describing a planet, it describes a period of our timeline.


Let me see if my brain cells are still plugged in - Medium aevum - Middle Age = Medieval :P . So yes people know what it means in regard to your timeline but for 40k, Hmmm perhaps a tad tricky. I guess you could go along by calling it a fuedal world but then again thats another word created by Historians to break up our own timeline. Personally I think you could get away with calling it a Medieval world or perhaps skip that and just describe its technology stage, weaponry, political state etc. That should get the message across without anyone quibbling it ;)


I do think, as Ferrata says, you will have to expand on the Xeno/Tau part. Perhaps the chapter was/is a bit obssesed with everything Xenos and is known to use Alien technology or perhaps they had no alternative. Then the AM could pick them under their wing and use them as a tool. Not the best story line I admit but it would be nice to create some bonds and themes going through a DIY chapter. It helps bind it all together and make it complete.



Im not sure about recruiting directly from Mars. Im not sure if there is an actual populace there to recruit from and also there already exists the skitari

But there are lots of people on Mars in the fluff, even if a load are just mindless drones. Wherever you have people, you have children.




ironloki: I dont understand this part. What has it to do with supplies?


All the fluff says that geneseed is more precious than gold. It takes the AM years to make the stuf, then a lot of it is disposed of because of malfunctions etc. If the AM really needed it, (for example like -right now!) then they could conceivably take it from IW stocks quietly. If the first of the new Marines created from it (the first KoM) didn't turn to chaos, then continue to make them.


(Re Stolen technology) ironloki:Why do they believe this. Were they told by the AM? I would expand on his a bit more.
Basically the Imperium has lost a load of it's most advanced tech knowledge, computers, STC systems over the years yeah? Instead of saying "The Tau are really clever, they are advancing at a great pace" they are more likely to say that the Tau stole the Tech from humans aren't they?




Mars would be unsuitable for recruitment. It is based in the safest system in the Universe, so having a chapter based their would be a waste of time (as there are already so many there). You need to select a world further out into the Galaxy. There is also very little populace on Mars which could be recruited. Medieval is not a correct term for describing a planet, it describes a period of our timeline.


First off, with the Tyranid fleet, Tau and every other sucker heading towards Terra, an extra bit of protection can't hurt. Can you ever be too safe?


Secondly, Medieval is a perfectly correct term for describing a planet, as GW books constantly decribe worlds as stone age, tribal etc


Why are they running out of Gene-seed? If each Marine produces two seeds, are they being killed and their seed's unretrievable? Are they not being kept right? Do they not treat their seed with respect? Where do they get the Iron Warrior seed from? Why do they use it? Why have you tried to push something into your chapter which makes them a weaker realisitic chapter?


The Space Marines are constantly fighting wars all across the Imperium. And despite their superhuman status and armour, they do die. Entire chapters get wiped out. Marines get crushed by Titans, vaporised by Plasma cannons, dragged kicking and screaming into the warp etc. Gene seed is precious and highly valuable. If the AM could mass produce it and create a new chapter a month then thay probably would.


Ferrata:Why would they do that? They can easily make their own forces to take Tau technology or use IG regiments. Space Marines are not forces to be toyed with or taken for granted.


No, they can't get Tau Tech. Spending time with Xenos is frowned upon. Analysing Xeno tech is frowned upon. Mentioning that aliens are anything less that inferior is frowned upon. No AM is going to say "Hey Commisar, fetch me some Xenotech, we neeed to learn something from them". this is why they perpetuate the Lie that Tau tech is stolen human tech.


Why are the AM and KoM obsessed with the Tau?


Imagine if they could learn enough about Tau battlesuits, combine that with say, SM Terminator armour. Then theoretically the SM's would have a technological advantage over chaos Marines and Tau.

But there are lots of people on Mars in the fluff, even if a load are just mindless drones. Wherever you have people, you have children.
Yes there would be children, but these children will be dedicated to the AM and that of Mars. They will not be recruited for a Space Marine chapter, they will serve the Emperor by working in the factories.


All the fluff says that geneseed is more precious than gold. It takes the AM years to make the stuf, then a lot of it is disposed of because of malfunctions etc. If the AM really needed it, (for example like -right now!) then they could conceivably take it from IW stocks quietly. If the first of the new Marines created from it (the first KoM) didn't turn to chaos, then continue to make them.

The Imperium has vast stores of gene-seed, it's the technology that slows down the process. The reason why Chapters protect their gene-seed so much is it is the lifeblood of the chapter, if the gene-seed is destroyed then the Chapter will die. The Am would not use Iron Warrior gene-seed when they have enough Ultramarine gene-seed to make more Chapters than what would be safe.


Basically the Imperium has lost a load of it's most advanced tech knowledge, computers, STC systems over the years yeah? Instead of saying "The Tau are really clever, they are advancing at a great pace" they are more likely to say that the Tau stole the Tech from humans aren't they?
Or discredit the technology as being weak, if not flashy. The Imperium doesn't want a tech knowledge or advancement, it is quite happy sitting where it is. It's advancement has stagnatted because Technology and Science has became a Religion, and those forward thinkers are killed has heretics.


First off, with the Tyranid fleet, Tau and every other sucker heading towards Terra, an extra bit of protection can't hurt. Can you ever be too safe?


Secondly, Medieval is a perfectly correct term for describing a planet, as GW books constantly decribe worlds as stone age, tribal etc

Yes, when there is thousands of systems between you and them. Why would they place a Chapter in the centre of the Universe, a good few systems from any threat. Imperial Guard, sure, Space Marines are elite stike forces, not sit at home and wait for the baddies forces. They are out there, stiking the hearts of the enemy, attacking the enemy. My problem with Medieval is you could be using better words to describe the world, such as "Pre-Gunpowder" or "Early-Gunpowder Tribal" etc.


The Space Marines are constantly fighting wars all across the Imperium. And despite their superhuman status and armour, they do die. Entire chapters get wiped out. Marines get crushed by Titans, vaporised by Plasma cannons, dragged kicking and screaming into the warp etc. Gene seed is precious and highly valuable. If the AM could mass produce it and create a new chapter a month then thay probably would.

I think it takes a maximum of 15 years for a gene-seed to mature, and one is removed outside of battle. So unless every single Marine dies with 15 years of creation, a chapter should have enough gene-seed to keep going. Give or take the loss via mutation is equalled out by those with the 2nd seed is good, you will get a constant supply of gene-seed.

  • 5 months later...

According to the official GW fluff, there are a thousand or so chapters of 1k of space marines.


I propose that the reason that this number does not swell rapidly (when new space marines are needed now more than ever) is because a hell of a lot of geneseed gets destroyed on the battlefield and is irretrievable. Therefore chapters must use any new geneseed they create to create new battle brothers.


In this thread I made the point that the reason geneseed is so precious is because of it's rarity, other posters seemed to be disputing this fact - in fact claiming that geneseed is plentiful!


If this was the case, why doesn't the imperium have say two thousand chapters instead of one thousand?


Possible reasons why Space marines aren't "mass produced":



1. The argument could be made that it would be risky to have so many superhumans around, after all we don't want another Horus heresy on our hands do we?


Counter-argument: The entire point of dividing the legions up into thousand-strong units was so that one man would never have as much power as Horus did. I don't see why having more thousand strong chapters would cause more of a significant threat against the Imperium, and the potential gains would almost certainly outweigh the risks. (After all they would serve as a system of checks and balances against themselves).


Argument 2. If there were loads more chapters there wouldn't be enough suits of power armour/bolters/thunderhawks to go around.


Even without power armour, Space marines are still superhuman. Even armed with IG waeponry they would be formidable opponents.


What do you think?

Guest Chaplain DeValion

YO, I'am all about your idea... a chapter who's mission is to recover technology so that we (the other SMCs) can secure the Imperium is a good start, I think.


As for geneseed, it is precious, one of the most revered things in a chapter. So mixing is kind of bad, but it it works out then fine.


Have you thought of other names like The Forge Knights, or Forge smiths, this incorprates your medivel theme, though I guess knights do to.


Seriously I think that a DIY should reflect YOU!!! It should reflect your ideals or things you like. If you like machines, mechanics and blacksmiths then good put it in...


Good luck with it all... These guys that are commenting on you are trying to help just remember that... they have helped me see different things so just think about the comments... if you dont like them then dont use them...



Again good luck and I like the symbol... I will keep reading about your crew

Regarding the name, homeworld, and recruiting. I have to agree with the general concensus that Mars is a poor choice for a source of recruits. The name is still good as it is the link to Mars that is more important. A lot of people seem to think that the name needs to be tied to the planet in a case like this. I would disagree. Use the name to imply a link to the AM. Mars does not even have to be the homeworld. I would personally opt for another planet in a nearby system or one of the moons in the Sol system instead of Mars. I suspect that there is very little of Mars available that hasn't been put into use in some form by the AM. Recruiting does not have to be done on the chapter's homeworld. Some chapters do but not all. I like the suggestion to recruit from various forgeworlds or a selection of feudal worlds. I wouldn't go with both as either provides sufficient recruits without seeming to be trying to squeeze in too many ideas. (I didn't understand this with my first chapter. I had several good ideas that I wanted to squeeze in and they just didn't all work well together. I didn't understand that well when I was told it back then but I do now. (One of these days I need to do a complete overhaul of the Sunhawks fluff.)


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