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a work in progress; IA:Gryphon Guard

Sigismund Himself

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Here goes nothing but this is what i've done so far on my chapter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Part 1: the start

The Gryphon Guard[/u]

Geneseed: Raven Guard

Homeplanet: Selm (destroyed)

Founding: 3rd

War Cry: Ne obliviscaris - Do not forget

Physiology: Mutated Sus-An membrane, missing omophega, malfuctioning melanchrome


Soon after the 2nd founding the High Lords of Terra decreed that a new founding was needed. Most geneseed was used as the flaws were still being discovered. The Gryphon Guard was the only 3rd founding from Raven Guard and after this Raven Guards geneseed was used more rarely as the flaws was seen in the created chapters, as the High Lords wanted more pure chapters rather than deviants. The new chapter was given its equipment and started to be trained by their primogenitors. In this way the GG learned to strike from the shadows and hard and fast (a good tactic for a new, vulnerable chapter). After 4 decades of learning under the RG the chapter struck out on their own. They soon found that their tactics needed adjusting and their new chapter master (Commander Kratel) decreed that the chapter needed to learn more. He then ordered a crusade against a DE stricken system. Here they encountered a foe that was just as good as them from striking from nowhere. It was on this campaign that the GG learned their now famed tactic of ambush and also learned of an advantage in that their mutated Sus-An membrane allowed them to wait for days for their foe to fall into their trap. They lay in wait for the DE raiders to attack carefully placed and selected bait. Once the system was declared clear of aliens by the Chapter Master they set up their home planet on one of the freed worlds named Selm. From then on, their combat doctrine focused on getting troops into the best position for the to strike. Apart from that they are a Codex Chapter.


1st post!! hopefully it gets better from here or i'm stuffed :)

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there. part 2 is finished (kinda).


The GG fought tirelessly throughout their time for mankind. They have served well in a number of campaigns including Abaddons 13th Black Crusade in which the Chapter-Master Tirinoth committed fully

Okay, here is some info about the current 5th company (the army i will use).

The 5th company was sent on a 666 year penitant crusade for their bretherens sins. They are still led by the captain (now incased in a dreadnought) that was captured by the Inquisitition. A chaplain and a librarian watch over the company. The area they operate in is very close to the alien Tau's sudden expansion thus they are now experts in fighting Tau.





Purity above all

See but don't be seen



Eye to Eye

Death before dishonour



The 5th company is now constantly watched for signs of corruption and so there are a high number of apothecaries in the company. The 2nd advantage applies to the entire chapter. The 2 disadvantages are only for the 5th company. The 5th company is only allowed a small number of full marines and so among high casualty rate squads such as bikers, there are fewer members or lower amounts of squads. They also will fight as long as they can to try to wipe their fallen brothers sins off them.


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