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Cerberus of Acheron

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Heil brothers I'm thinking about a conversion for this beast but I don't know if he is bigger than a marine, smaller or what :wink: for example I've buy a scythe of confrontation and is big as a nightbringer (well a bit smaller truly) and I've buy an hero Misericord and she is smaller than a sister of battle, truly she is so little.... I'm a bit confused about this miniatures range scale so, there is someone that have an idea of the scale between this 3head beast and a Marine? or a Terminator? A lot of thanks
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Confrontation models are similar scale to 40K stuff, however, Rackham sculpts tend to proportion their people differently to GW. GW uses "heroic" styling which means that everything is beefed up and made to look tough, however, Rackham use a lithe figure for most of their stuff, sure there are beefy models but they tend to be smaller than the equivalent in GW. Rackhams stuff is still made from lead as well so the metal is quite soft, easy for converting but can be interesting when you're just working on it or putting it together.
Looking at the base I think it's going to be a 50mm monster base, you might also like to look at the Tiger of Dirz under the Dirz section if you want funky looking monsters, I think that one comes on a cavalry base. Personally I find the quality of the Rackham models to be better than GW ones, less mould lines and little flash, at least for the ones that I have anyway.

It's quite big and I can confirm that it does indeed have a 50 MM base


as for quality, Rackham is leagues ahead of GW in terms of sculpting, and their minis are a joy to paint. Infact since I started confrontation I pretty much stopped painting GW minis, rackham minis are soo much better, plus confrontation is cool as a game too

^_^ Well! if he is big I can use it for my dirty conversion eheheh I hope show you the model soon... ehehehe :) thanks to all brothers...


p.s: Rackham quality is very good but I prefer GW gaming style anyway I buy some models just to paint it... and sometimes for impressive conversion (see my necromonger style armour) anyway from what I have hear Rackham sculpt his model in a very largescale, inquisitor or bigger and then with laserscans or other industrial process make smaller scale mould to produce his miniature, GW sculpt them with the same scale with they are selled... anyway is just a rumour I've hear, nothing sure :ph34r:

Like they wrote above: The beast is on a 50 mm square base. It's big. A Juggernaut could be comparable in size but I am not sure as I haven't seen one in a long time and I have seen this beast only in the blister on on some picture with another miniature as scale reference. So I don't have any real evidence.

That Cerberus of Acheron will definitely be one of the large base creatures, so we're talking about it being pretty beefy.


Although I doubt very much it's as big as a juggy. Likely we are talking about 10% smaller.


I only have medium base models at the moment and I haven't seen a Cerberus in the flesh yet - but it'll be a large or medium base so it will defiinitely not be bigger than the other large model you bought from Rackham.


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