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Me as a Techmarine!


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Hey hows it going?


WIP as usual, with an "Integrated" Servo Harness...




he has twin-linked plasmapistol, Bolter, Flamer, CCW, 2x Powerfists/Servo Arms... and a nonchalant walking through battle to fix things pose... only thing he needs now is a power weapon... and some servitors, but I haven't decided on how to build those yet..


Would it be wrong to have Marine "Servitors"? Sorta like apprentice Tech-Priests?


C&C appreciated... oh And I'm leaving on a road trip, be back after the fourth!

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Would it be wrong to have Marine "Servitors"? Sorta like apprentice Tech-Priests?


Well those who are unable to become Marines for various reason (gene-seed implants don't take for example) are used by the Chapter in other tasks as Serfs. No reason a few folks may not be turned into servitors (particularly if their brain gets fried during the process of becoming a Marine).

I think what he meant was if it would be feasible to use "Trainee Techpriests" as proxy servitors.


The background says that all neophytes that show technical talent are shipped off to Mars to get trained, and return to the chapter as full-fledged Techmarines, but I'm sure there are loopholes to find.


Say that they are gaining their Work Experience in addition to their studies at Mars, or that the Techmarine is just preparing them with some skills before they are sent off for training.


EDIT: Almost forgot: lovely model :P

Would it be wrong to have Marine "Servitors"? Sorta like apprentice Tech-Priests?


Go for it.


Just make them visibly less elaborate (LR chest plates, etc.) and keep their options clearly visible and you should be fine IMHO.


Do you intend for them to be all the same servitors or mix & match? (4 CC "servitors" would look ACE)




Always happy to see you Hobbes :lol:


I went with the wash-out theme like Kurgan mentioned. I used Scout torsos and legs with a mix of heads. They're Templar themed so I did some hoods and some Marauder helmets with the horns taken off. For the arms I used Middenheim since they have the big armored gauntlets and robey arms. Seems like you want to go a little more Mariney with yours but Scouts are a good base to consider.


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