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Creating my Chapter

Brother Scythe

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Ok so I'm going about creating my DIY Chapter. I've got some of the basics and was wondering what people thought of them thus far.


Name - War Griffons(I was going to go War Wyverns but Griffons sound better IMO, thoughts)


Geneseed - Ultramarines


Founding - 26th Founding(Rather new chapter)


Chapter Symbol - Black Griffon(Same as Howling Griffon symbol)


Chapter Colours - Red and Dark Grey, either Much like the Mortifactors in colour style, or in a Quarted pattern like the Howling Griffons or Brazen Claws.


Homeworld - Nobrei, Segmentum [i need help here I'm not really sure where the Segmentums are] Its roughly the same size as Terra, a rolling plains world with many dense forests.


Organisation - Only 6 Companies. The 1st is a Veteran Company and the 6th is a Scout Company however the other 4 are all Battle Companies with a mix of everything, no specialist or reserve companies. The reason is both because they are quite young, as well as the fact that the training their scouts must endure makes recruitment slower than some chapters. They may one day fully expand to 10 Companies but with current loses during the Black Crusade such hopes are dashed for now.


Combat Style/Doctrine - Nothing really notable here, they use the Bolter as their main weapon, they also prefer to keep mobile sticking to Special Weapons in squads and keeping their Heavy Weapons to Devistator Squads. Also there is a lack of Vehicles in the Chapter. Not because of anything major they have just never needed them prefering to trust their brothers in arms and not technology.


Beliefs - Nothing major divergence here. The worship the Emperor as a man that reunited the human race under a single name and it is their duty now to enforce such a thing and as such devotion to the Emperor is highly regarded within the chapter, making Heretics or even suspected heretics something very vile in their eyes, perhaps more than some chapters. They also have a more humanitarian streak. While in no way polite they do share some things in common with the Salamanders, they live upon the surface of their planet even within human population villages. While they don't overly interact with humans off their homeworld they do value the life of every loyal Imperial serveant highly. Prefering to keep the fighting away from populations unless nessacary for the good of the Emperor and Imperium.


Notes - Were involved with the 13th Black Crusade where they fought the Mutants and Heretics on Demios Secondary, some tension came between themselves and the Black Templars when the War Griffons kept fighting on Demios Secondary rather then join the Crusade into Demios Primary in order to save the Forges and Skitarii located there.


Well thats all for now, not really sure on traits as it sits, I also have some characters I've been working on. No special rules or anything but fluff background and the like. I plan on making them, but using Codex rules with wargear to represent them. Any thoughts or comments?

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Can I just say how refreshing it is to see that you're not trying to make one of the lost foundings, or 13 foundings or something silly.


Out of the blocks... it's nice and easy going. Good basic story, now to expand on it and make it your own. Well, you said about docterines, sounds like "Cleanse and Purify", where you swap out Missile Launchers and Lascannons for Plasma, Melta and Flamers in the Tactical squads.


You can add some flavorful animosity between the BT's, that's always cool. Perhaps a situation where the Salamanders backed you up when the BT's were griping about your "noob" actions.


I hope you know what you're in for doing the Quarted paining... it's a MAJOR pain.


So far so good.... run with it!!!

Not bad for an initial start. I like the idea of new Chapters, I dont think you see enough of them. Generally you see the other route taken. I also like the idea that your Chapter is a group that worries about collateral damage amongst loyal civilians. Since you have chosen the name, War Gryphons, is this based on any background that you are putting together that says that your boys were started by the Howling Gryphons, ie; they share the same geneseed and several individuals were chosen from the CHapter to start this one. I am curious to see where you take this.



Actually yes, I was going to go with a Command Cadre from the Howling Griffons is what led to the creation of the War Griffons, however I am unsure fluffwise(Being an Old Guard player)how exactly the first Chapter Master is chosen. Are they taken from another chapter? Or what? WHat kind of things do they have to do etc, if anyone could help here that would rock. And thanks I was hoping it was a little more uncommon for "normal" chapters to be DIY :P

The space marine background is interesting enough as it is, so it's no bad thing to make a "normal" chapter.

Since they're kind of humanitarian, they might have a diplomatic approach. This could mean they are adept at making alliances and cooperating with outsiders, making them flexible.


As I understand it the salamanders work together with their planet's population much because of the harsh living conditions.


Oh, and I like the name.

The way I understand it is this;


High Lords of Terra authorize a new founding (based on requirements/need).

1.Geneseed is chosen,...generally it will be from the Ultramarines as it is supposedly the most pure.

2.It takes 52 years to create a Chapter based on geneseed growth and availability.

3.It is my understanding that the Chapter Master and several other individuals will be chosen from a Chapter.

4.How this is done, I am not sure. More than likely it will be a Chapter that is in good standing with the High Lords, has maintained a exemplary record, and matches the current need for the new founding.


I can see a Captain that is chosen with several Vet SGTs, a Chaplain, and at least two Librarians (based on the Chapter of course) Tech-Marines and Apothocaries at least 3 a piece, possibly more. The last few may possibly be a chosen man or two. Good friends that act as the Chapter Master bodyguard and advisors. I could be totally wrong on this as I have not seen any official background for this scenario but hopefully this is close and it helps.



as far as the librarians, techmarines, apothocaries, they might need a few to train up the first ones for the new chapter, but they wouldn't necissarily have to stay on with the chapter as once they have trained their replacements, they should be able to return to their own. but i do agree that the first chapter master would likely be a permanent placement from the mentor chapter.


then again, we've always approached this topic in the same way it seems, who's to say that a few of the first marines from the new chapter might not just join with the mentor chapter and train under them before the rest of the chapter is ready, then they would be able to provide most of the early training and you would only need a small cadre to oversee the train up and maybe to act as early leadership.

Ok so some evolution has happened thus far with my chapter. First off this is the Chapter Badge roughly




Ok now fluff, I like the idea of them being a small chapter under strength(and makes it easier to collect the whole chapter :lol: which I plan on doing)


However I had a thought is 6 Companies to small? Should I perhaps make it 7 and have an Assualt Company(5th) and Devastator(6th) as well as 2-4 Being regular, 1 and 7 being the obvious Veteran and Scout? Or do you think it is better to have each Company self sufficent? I like the idea of having them all self sufficent however the idea of an entire collection of Assualt or Devestator appeals to as it would look good and be closer to the Codex(Which I want this to be rather codex like....)


Another thing I'm qorried about with 7 Companies though is Salamanders. I've already gone for a more humanitarian approach like them I don't want to copy their orginastion to.


Also does anyone have any maps about where the Segmentum's are? I like the idea of the Segmentum Pacificus but that may be to far from the EoT(Where they are often used to fight Chaos Cults)


Anyways just some ramblings as it is, I plan to keep working on their IA and would like to know what people think thus far, as always C&C always welcome, and thank you.


P.S - France just scored!

Here you can find the galaxy map. Your chapter could easily be in the galactic north of the Segmentum Pacificus if you wanted to have some sort of proximity to the Eye of Terror.


If you don't want to be like the Salamanders, the obvious answer is to not be like the Salamanders :blink:. One thing to consider, however, is that the Salamanders' companies are larger than the codex. Seven codex-adherent companies would be different from seven larger companies. Also, if you're considering the reserve companies, I would suggest that tactical marines be your priority - they are the mainstay of the chapter, after all.

A company could be anything or any size you wanted. Granted I probably wouldnt go below 50 or 60 marines but after that its entirely up to you. You could say that the HQ and the Tactical Squads of the Company are the only Marines that are dedicated to that group. Everything else is attached based on need and the mission at hand. The reason for this is so that your Dev Squads and Ast. Squad remain together to train. That or it could be a strictly admin decision. The choice would be yours.



I think that would fit in nicely with what you are trying to show with the Chapter being less than at full strength. The Chapter leadership has tried to maintain the general chain of command and structure but has done so with limited personell.




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