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Finally, I've started painting my deamon prince!

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After almost two years of converting, I've finally finished my little pet project. Most of the B&C regulars have probably seen the several incarnations of this monstrosity.

I am very grateful for all the comments many of you have given me, they have been very helpful.

I've finished the conversion by reposing the left leg and adding a tail since you last saw it.

As of today I have just started my first serious painting project, so I really want to push my painting skills to the limit of my abilities.

At the moment I am still not completely sure about the details of the paint scheme, but I

That looks like it took a lot of work. You pulled it off well. It's an awesome conversion, neat and original. I know the shoulders are from a juggy, but is the head from one too? Well done!! Kinda look like a space marine, a daemon, a necron, and a juggy had a big orgy!!

thats one hell of a conversion, my one comment, is it for a more mechanical chaos? because he looks more like a robot than a daemon, with all the wires the built in weapons and the juggernaut heads kinda has that mechanical look too


im also thrown off a bit by the big shoudler pads in his midsection, might of looked better without them


love the tail, legs and wings though, and i like the 4 arms idea, the axe is also very nice looking



***it looks like two bodies rather than one with 4 arms(even from different angles)



Dude.....I have pretty much been folowing this thing since...well, since I've joined this board. And this is the BEST VERSION YET!! I love the addition of the tail. This thing is a beast. Man. I think I'll stop talking.



That must be a relief.

This... monstrosity has to be the best khornate daemon prince I have ever seen. It always reminded me more of a centaur than a dragon.


One question however, what did you use for some of the cabling, It would be quite hard trying to play a guitar with that stuff.


Very very well done!



Absolutely briliant , it looks like a khornate Lord as riding a Juggernought when Khone himself had a flash of inspiration and melded the two. Then he put the juggernaught in control of the resulting monstrosity. Just like Khorne to put the deamon in control of the prince.

That thing is scary! :lol:


Most excellent work; that looks like it took a lot of time and the excessive amount of techy stuff on the exposed flesh/fur really conveys that twisted gothic scifi deamon look without going overly Iron Warrior. I love it. :huh:


One question though; what is the stuff you used for cables (the ones coming out of the backpack on the tail and the larger one above it) in picture 8? are they some kind of chain?

Thanks for all the comments; they are all very much appreciated.


@whiteskull: He is about 14 cm tall, so he's not that big...

A size comparison picture with some of my deathguard models:




@scar weaver: The head is indeed also from a juggernaut, just as the lower body and the shoulder pads on the upper arms.


@-Q-: I have no experience whatsoever in sculpting, so standard bits were my only option. A bit limiting, but then again it is said that imposed limitations encourage the brain to be creative ;)


@Gunmann: It is not nearly big enough to be used as Godzilla in a 40k game :D


@starks333: Thanks for the comment. I intended to use the juggernaut's pads to show that the lower arms and legs grow out of the deamon engine that is the juggernaut, hence all the cybernetics. I guess I went a bit over the top with that, unfortunately it is a little late to change that now.


@Legacy40k: When I am done absorbing knowledge from all the painting tutorials in the PC&A FAQ, I

2. On second thought I'm not completely sure about the flame motive on the fur, I'm afraid it could overcrowd the model. Any opinions?


***its a busy model i think its best to keep most of it simple, with nice detail, but not real big designs or effects


3. Should I try to make the axe appear to be glowing, after all it is a powerweapon. And if I do that, any ideas on the color?


***i think an orange glowing axe if glowing at all, otherwise make it a darkly blended weapon, like dark blues or greens


4. Any other suggestions on painting?


***dont make the red too bright(you are doing red skn right?), or too dark, the biggest thing is contrast, no contrast=bad daemon skin


thats all i can think of for now, maybe write up some of your ideas, and seee what people think?



  • 7 months later...

Now that my life has calmed down a bit, I can finally return to the world of miniature men!

After some pretty intense six months of real life (getting married, going on honeymoon to Japan and getting back to hear that you're being fired from your job), I have started painting again.

At the moment I haven't done any details, highlights or shades, I'm just trying to get the basic colours the way I want them.

I'll skip further ranting and just go to the important part, the pictures:












I'll post updates as soon as I have made any worthwhile progress.

Please tell me what you think of it so far.

Thanks in advance.


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