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IA Shadow Saints

Cptn. Palladorus

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Ok, so it's not so much an IA as it is just a long rambling list of concepts that I would like to include in the IA once I get around to writing it.


Background: A Dark Angels successor chapter, the Shadow Saints were originally a roughly standard codex chapter, with a preference for ranged combat. In M38, they were decimated when attempting to hold their home system (12 inhabited worlds) against a massive Waaagh unsupported long enough for reinforcements to arrive. This attrition coupled with widespread civilian death in the system has made it extremely difficult for the Shadow Saints to recover, and as of M41.998 were still at roughly 67% of optimal chapter strength. In order to remain combat effective, they have since specialised in asymmetrical and unconventional warfare, launching hit-and-run raids, infiltrating or HALO dropping deep into enemy territory to strike at support and logistics targets, and generally sowing confusion and removing the enemy's will and ability to fight without ever directly engaging. Their armour was originally dark grey, however they now repaint it to camouflage matching the local terrain, leaving only the left pauldron the original grey with chapter symbol to appease the armour's machine spirit. They have a penchant for remaining engaged when it would be wiser to withdraw.


Organisation: The Shadow Saints generally operate in 8 man squads, either tactical squads with a flamer and sergeant with pistol and chainsword, or devastator squads with 4 missile launchers, each accompanied by a spotter with a bolter. This allows them to break their tactical squads into four man fire teams and their devastator squads into two man teams where needed. Apart from massive infantry, they also use relatively large numbers of land speeders for tactical airstrikes against heavy armor, and occasionally will deploy scout bikers to scout enemy positions and harass vehicle columns. The chapter maintains armor for when it is needed, but only regularly deploys the Vindicator and Whirlwind, for their usefulness in urban and jungle environments and other close terrain.


Color Scheme: The current color scheme for the Shadow Saints consists of Catachan Green torso, upper legs, helmet, and backpack, with kneepads, greaves, boots, arms, and the right pauldron painted in a standard woodland breakup pattern of Camo Green background with overlays of Bestial Brown and Chaos Black. The left pauldron is Codex Grey with a winged sword in white. Pauldron trim, chest eagles, and all metal parts including exposed metal on the bolter are in Brazen Brass (maybe Tin Bitz), and the bolter casing is in Catachan Green. Eye lenses are Blood Red. Apart from the chapter symbol, no unit or rank markings are used, the marines instead distinguishing their comrades by the unique camouflage patterns.


Traits: See But Don't Be Seen (Sombre) and Death Before Dishonour

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The only big issue I see here is the part where you break your squads into smaller more mobile groups. Not certain if this nothing more than background or you are doing this as a house rule. Sort of curious about that as it is not legal. It is what it is. Other than that its not bad.


Hats off to you for the use of Scout Bikes,...thats awsome. Its very rarely I hear of them or see them being used.



The only big issue I see here is the part where you break your squads into smaller more mobile groups. Not certain if this nothing more than background or you are doing this as a house rule. Sort of curious about that as it is not legal. It is what it is. Other than that its not bad.


Hats off to you for the use of Scout Bikes,...thats awsome. Its very rarely I hear of them or see them being used.




Just background, something I can do in my fluff for the chapter, as well as a little nod to 2E where 10 man squads had corporals in addition to sergeants and could break into two 5 man units during the game. They stay in their full squads on the tabletop.


And I've always thought that Scout Bikes had a lot of potential for a characterful unit. I'm thinking of cutting off the fairing, fenders, floorboards, etc., and making their bikes a lot more like dirt bikes or dual sport bikes than the big bulky cruisers that most marines ride. I was thinking 5 with meltabombs and a vet with PF would be a good unit to include in my first expansion (from 1000 to 1500).


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