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DIY Chapter. Please Help?


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Primarch: Roboute Guiliman


Founding: UnKnown


Traits: Honour Your WarGear, See, But Don't Be Seen, Eye To Eye, And We Stand Alone


Chapter Master: Michael Von Wenzel


Chief Librarian: Animus Orbitus


Master Of Sanctity: UnKnown


Colour: Dark Angels Green/Forest Green Armour


Badges: Yin Yang Symbol


Name: Deciding. Possibly Star Dragons, Or Dragon Warriors, Or Maybe Dragon Claws.


HomeWorld: UnKnown


BackGround: UnKnown , Sort Of.


Please Help With Those, And Filling In Other Details.

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Primarch: Roboute Guiliman

Founding: UnKnown

I would advise having a Founding, maybe even just write 8th or 12th or just something similar. Unknown foundings are not that cool.


Traits: Honour Your WarGear, See, But Don't Be Seen, Eye To Eye, And We Stand Alone

This makes your chapter to out be a slow chapter (eye to eye) but likes to be sneaky and rather defensive. We Stand Alone also shows defensiveness. Is your chapter defensive in both combat doctrine & personality?


Name: Deciding. Possibly Star Dragons, Or Dragon Warriors, Or Maybe Dragon Claws.
Well there is an official Chapter called the Star Dragons, but none of these names seem to fit with your traits. As I said before, your traits seem defensive, so maybe your name should show this too. In my chapters background, there is another Chapter who use a large number of tanks, are slow and very defensive (both in doctrine and personality, think Soviet Russia) and are called the Iron Guard, see how the name fits. Maybe something similar could work with your chapter. You seem to like the Dragon theme, so maybe the Iron Dragons, or Steel Dragons?


HomeWorld: UnKnown

Think of an enviroment first, then proceed to the culture and government types. A name can come last.


Death world (second category required to define sub-type i.e. desert, jungle, volcanic, etc)




Would 25th Founding Chapter Be Ok? What Are The Details On That Founding?


They Are That Way In Combat Doctorine, And Personality, Though For Personality, I Am Not Sure How To Explain That.


What about Dragon Warriors, Or Something Similar? Choosing Names Is Difficult.


They Are Very Proud And Honourable, And Are Honest To An Extreme, Which Has Created Conflicts Before.


For Some More BackGround Info, The Main Types Of Peoples In There Are Similar To Mainly Germanic, but also have some other groups also.


For The HomeWorld I was thinking of a Name like Odin, though that might seem sort of silly, even if the Name is Cool.




The Planet is a Mixture of Norse And Asian Cultures. Sort Of.

A couple of things, first please try to use fewer capital letters at the start of words, it makes it difficult to read.


There is no details on the 25th Founding besides it is the second to last Founding, and between 001.M36 (21st) and 736.M41 (26th), so roughly in the M40's. This will make your chapter young, being around 2000 years old.


It would probably be best to have both the Homeworld and Chapter to be of a similiar culture, in your case Germaic. You could go for different cultures, but having a Chapter of Germaic culutre and a homeworld of Norse/Asain would be confusing.


You could leave the name of the chapter till the end, where their character has been found. You seem to like the Dragon theme, so maybe include that in you chapter.

As Ferrata intimates, it's normal that a chapter acquires certain aspects of the cultures that they recruit from. This isn't necessarily always the case. In chapters such as the Dark Angels, Imperial Fists or Black Templars, which recruit from multiple worlds, the designers have chosen to make the theme of the chapter the over-riding factor.


What aspects of Germanic, Norse and Asian cultures do you find attractive? It's entirely possible to blend them without making it seem too obvious. A lot of people take an easy route of making "Space Japanese" "Space Germans" and the like. If you can root your creation in the 41st millennia instead of the second/third, you're well on your way to make a characterful addition to the mythos.


Traits: Honour Your WarGear, See, But Don't Be Seen, Eye To Eye, And We Stand Alone


This makes your chapter to out be a slow chapter (eye to eye) but likes to be sneaky and rather defensive. We Stand Alone also shows defensiveness. Is your chapter defensive in both combat doctrine & personality?


From my understanding, it seems you've chosen your traits and are now trying to justify them with fluff, rather than the other way round - is that right? There's nothing wrong with that, but it helps us to know if you've chosen particular traits because they fit with your idea of your chapter's background, or if your chapter's background is supposed to fit around the traits.


If you're trying to fluff out your trait-choices, consider that the reasoning for the traits doesn't always have to be what the codex says. Take Aspire to Glory, for example. It could represent a relatively young chapter, without artefacts - but it could also represent a chapter whose fortress-monastery has been destroyed, resulting in a loss of artefacts. Remember to keep an open mind, and be creative. :) Your imagination is your most valuable tool when creating a chapter. Don't be afraid to think outside the box - we'll be ready and willing to try to pull you back down to Earth and make your ideas fit the backstory as best as possible. ;)

Vikings, Knights, And Samurai, In Particular.


As for the Traits, I always did similar stuff with them before the codex, such as trying to take as many heavy weapons as possible, since I Love Missile Launchers.


The Traits are Due To Combat Style Preferances.



Also, The Chapter has an Affinity for Dragons.

Also, There are Dragons All Over Their HomeWorld.


Also, They Prefer To Have Librarians As Leaders.





Nova, the more you write, the more we can help you. What do you like about Vikings, Knights and Samurai? They're linked presumably because they were the warrior classes (or castes) of their respective cultures, but what do you like about them? What aspects would you like to transfer into a Space Marine chapter? What aspects would you like to drop?


The Traits are Due To Combat Style Preferances.
Yours, or those of the chapter?


Also, The Chapter has an Affinity for Dragons.

Also, There are Dragons All Over Their HomeWorld.


Oh, well that's convenient :) I'd feel sorry for the poor little marines if they liked dragons but there were none around... Presumably they've learnt to respect the dragons that roam their homeworld. That's cool. So much so that they've taken their name from them. That's cool and all. You could perhaps take a different angle by making the dragons altogether more dangerous and threatening, somewhat like the huge creatures the Flesh Tearers fought on their homeworld. Perhaps the marines periodically have to carry out culls, attacks against dragon nests to protect the human population?


Why does the chapter employ Librarians to such an extent? Why has your chapter developed to the point where it has disregarded the codex, putting potentially dangerous, chaos-worshipping psykers in positions of authority? Do Librarians also operate as company commanders? Or do you have some sort of Captain position subservient to the Librarians? (Almost a senior sergeant?) Is the Chapter Master a Librarian? Does your chapter still have Chaplains? Do they play a role in watching for the taint of chaos in the Librarians?


Every decision you make has consequences on the rest of your chapter. The process of DIY creation is a very organic one. As you make decisions your chapter might grow or develop in ways you hadn't considered. The more work you put in, though, the more impressive your final work is going to be.

The Pride, Honour, Alot of Traditions, Ideals, and similar types of stuff, as well as the Art, Themes, and Many other Aspects.


Both Mine, And The Chapter.


Although they have an Affinity and Respect for Dragons, the Dragons are VERY Dangerous, and Powerful. A Right Of Passage , is for the Battle Brother to Kill A Dragon, using Weapons and Armour, that they Made Themselves.


They also have to protect People from the Dragons and Wyverns on their Planet.


They have sort of a Party System, Where Each Squad is Close in Comradery.


They Employ Librarians, though they do NOT Follow Chaos.


A Reason , Amongst Many, for the Librarians is from a saying: Know Yourself, And Your Enemy, Then You Need Not Fear The Result Of Any Battle.


Yes, The Chapter Master Is A Librarian.


Yes, They Still Have Chaplains, And Respect The Emperor, But They Protect Humanity As A Priority, And Have Conflicted With The Inquisition, Over Artifacts, And Orders To Destroy Entire Worlds, Due To A Single Person On There, And Many Other Reasons, such as hating being bossed around.


Sorry if that doesn't make sense. Ask any Other Questions if you have them, as they also help with Ideas for the Chapter.

Pride and honour are already part of the Space Marine ethos. As is tradition - the Chapters thrive on centuries - millennia - of superstition and tradition. Exactly what 'themes', 'aspects' and 'ideals' are you trying to convey? Knights, Vikings and Samurai are quite disparate, and you don't seem to be specific yet.


They Employ Librarians, though they do NOT Follow Chaos.
Please read what I said, Nova:


.....putting potentially dangerous, chaos-worshipping psykers in positions of authority?


I said 'potentially chaos-worshipping'. Since the Great Crusade, the Imperium has had grave concerns regarding psykers. It would be foolish to ignore that - so why does your chapter?


Have there been any consequences regarding their 'disagreements' with the Inquisition? Consider the fate of the Celestial Lions, destroyed by the Inquisition for publically stating their disagreement with Inquisitorial policy.

That has more to do with the State that the people on their World are in, such as being Hunter Gatherers, while being more Advanced in Culture and Technology.


They are similar in many ways to them, though I do not know how to clearly explain that.



They disagree with the Inquisition, though they do not state that as openly as the Celestial Lions. They are only called in by the inqusition on more specific types of missions as a result, since they have made a list of certain orders they will obey, and certain orders they will not obey. Exterminatus may or not be obeyed, depending on the civilization, situation, and other factors.


They take More Librarians as a result of several of their practices, where they differ from other Chapters.

An example would be: Where other Chapters Pray, They Meditate. Other reasons vary, but another reason is that they seek to know themselves, and others.


Ask More Stuff For Better Details. Thank You For Helping. Your Questions Are Helpful.

An idea might be to simplfy your chapter's homeworld. Instead of basing your ideas too heavily on Knights/Samurai/Vikings, simply have a medieval-type world with a defined warrior caste. It's this caste that your chapter recruits from. It's entirely possible to have some sort of buddhist/taoist-esque version of the Imperial Creed that the chapter has been influenced by.


I'm really unsure how they can keep their disagreement private, yet have compiled a list of orders they will or won't obey which the Inquisition is presumably aware of? This contradiction confuses me. I'm not really sure why your chapter needs this drama with the Inquisition to be interesting.


I can understand the idea of trying to know themselves - it ties in with your idea of contemplative, meditating marines, and is actually quite a cool idea. But the concept of trying to 'know' and 'understand' the enemy is dangerously close to Heresy. The Astartes don't seek to understand the enemy, for they know the enemy is wrong and must be exterminated. To listen to the lies of the enemy is to risk damnation - and an open mind is like a fortress with its' doors unbarred and unguarded, after all. William King's Space Wolf books explain that in the Imperium, relativism is a sin. Your marines seem to be on a bit of a slippery slope here.

That is more of what I meant, in Terms of their HomeWorld.


They disagree with the Inquisitors on Certain Aspects, yet Disagree on others. They have not denounced the Inquisition as openly as the Celestial Lions, though they do try to convince them to persue other options, or request that they be given other options.


Example: A Person on the World they are assigned to exterminate or cleanse is spreading his influence on that, trying to create a rebellion. The Marines will try to kill him, and the others that the heretic has recruited, rather than destroy the entire planet. Then they will make examples from those people. Then they will also try to convince the people that the way of the Emperor is the right way, in which they will have Librarians nearby to probe the people's minds, and can thus focus on certain aspects that appeal to the people there. If they need to do so, then they will perform the Exterminatus, but only as a last resort.


The Librarians will interrogate people, while having Chaplains and other Librarians nearby, to help prevent that.


Here are some Ideas for the Basis Of The Iconography, Banners, and Similar Items.








There are Many other Ideas also, but those are sort of the basis for the Banners.

Killing a creature as a right of passage feels really unpredictable IMO(one brother might be lucky and kill a dragon within a few days while another may need a whole month just to find one), perhaps such an act should be optional rather than compulsory, a way for a respected brother to prove himself even more. And instead of killing a dragon, why not tame it? It should be a test of your willpower and stubborness, which goes hand in hand with the aspect of knowing yourself.

The Dragon Slaying might be more of a Completion, and step to become a Battle Brother, after being a Scout, though I don't know if I want to keep that idea in their background type information.


The Salamanders do that though.


What do you think on those Photos for Banners? I didn't make them, but selected them as references.

Well maybe their could be numerous smaller dragons which inhabit the homeworld (such as large lizards, aka Salamanders, or just small Dragons like Swamp Dragons from the Discworld series). These are more numerous and thus easier to find, but will still prove a challenge for a non-marine to kill (maybe this is done before they become a scout, so humans vs dargons). The chapter could even breed small dragons for the recruits to fight against. I like the Blood Dragons (Warhammer Fantasy Vampire Section) which drunk the blood of a dragon to become powerful, maybe a similiar activity is done by the chapter. They drink the blood of a slain dragon to absorb its knowledge, its wisdom. This could tie in with their love of Librarians, which has led them to disagree with the Puritan Inquisitors who distrust those who embrace the warp. Maybe the chapter tries to prove it's loyality to the Imperium by pushing harder and harder, never quitting, never giving up. The genetic stability and purity has become important to them to remove any signs of taint, because the accept that having a high number of Librarians will bring them unwanted attention from the Chaos gods.


The first Dragon is an asian dragon while the second two are more European, both have different views on what dragons are.

They are also obsessed with Purity, and they are very selective in some of their recruiting stuff requirements.


Also, though they have their Apothecaries act in similar manners to other chapters, they are loathe to send them into battle, and thus prefer to keep them in the ships/bases, unless they are needed to an extreme on the BattleField.


Dragon Blood is VERY Important to them, in many Rituals.


Some Rituals Include:


A Bath In Dragon Blood Upon Being Promoted.


Dragon Blood As Holy Oils, To Coat And Bless Items, Such as Weapons, And Armour.


Drinking Dragon Blood, And Many Other Rituals.

They don't use them for Every sort of Activity, but the planet has them in many locations. ( Considering editing that Background Info Also.)


Also, aside from Dragons, they have Wyverns there, or Wyvern sort of Creatures, that are sort of a Pest to the People, by Attacking Trade Routes, Villages, and similar stuff.


As for Naming The Chapter, here are some Names I thought of.


Emerald Dragons

Imperial Dragons

Dragon Claws

Roaring Dragons.


BattleCry: A Loud And Deep Roar.

Emerald Dragons

Imperial Dragons

Dragon Claws

Roaring Dragons.

The first two fit with the traits you have selected, both sounding quite static (Honour thy Wargear) and silent (See but not be Seen). The bottom two don't fit with your traits, the Dragon Claws seems more combat orientated over shooting (Honour thy Wargear). Roaring Dragons hardly fits with being stealthy, and again would suggest a more combat orientated doctrine.


BattleCry: A Loud And Deep Roar.

I'm guessing you mean they actually roar over saying "A loud and deep roar" :ph34r:

Imperial Dragons sounds good and would fit a more western view of Dragons (think St George etc), while if you prefered a more Asian view of Dragons, the Emperor's Dragons would fit more.



Well, in the Examples I had shown, there were Pictures of Eastern Dragons, as well as St. George Style Art.

European Dragon - which is usually seen as a sign of evil

Chinese Dragon

Dragons are commonly symbols of good luck/health in some parts of Asia. They are also sometimes worshipped and are considered as mythical rulers of weather and water. Dragon also symbolizes imperial authority in China.

They are probably going to go for the Asian Style Dragon.

Also, Im probably revising that section about the Dragons being all over the place, and the Dragon Hunting.

Not sure how to re-adjust that section though.


Some Adjustments that I was going to do anyway:


Dragons are Revered, Respected, and Admired, and Factor alot into the Culture and Ideals, and Beliefs, like the Wolves on Fenris.


There are still Lots of Dragons all over the Planet though.


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