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I play with a group of about 10 people. We actually starting renting a 2 bedroom apartment because we were all running out of room for our games. With each one of us haveing at least 2 armies (I have 8 another guy has 6) we needed extra space to store our armies, paint and play games. We always keep one 4'x8' table up in the living room at all times but also have 2 other 4'x8' and 2-4'x6' tables that can be set up very quickly if need be.While most of us can only paint to minimun standard "myself included" we have one guy in the group "Cowdy" who can do it all, he has even sculpted minis from scratch useing only green stuff(I'll try to get pics) all scenery you see he built from scratch. http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g118/primarch111/MVC-065F.jpg










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First, sweet table. I'd like take a few rounds on that. Second, you need to buy more stuff!! Living space is a luxury and food and sleep or for the weak. In fact, you should turn your whole apartment into a gaming zone. Pile all of your possessions that you haven't sold for more figs in the middle of the floor and make it up like a hive city!! :)

Not overboard at all. Some friends and I were thinking of purchasing a condo downtown for parties and gaming.


I think you'll see a lot more of this in years to come, with the proliferation of gaming, and with more and more gamers coming on-line into the workforce and making good scratch.

I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but if someone broke into that place they would be extremely confused :o . Cool set-up you have, I'm quite stunned that you are all renting a place just for your hobby, but after a moments reflection it is a great idea.



The gaming club that I belong to have incorporated themselves as a non-profit company. This is to protect us against liabilty. In other words, insurance. We also rent space for the same purposes as you guys. If you need any advice, feel free to contact me or any other officer. The link to the club is in my sig.---HQ the Club, we're out of New York.


Good luck on this endevour.

Six of us pay rent and we are the only ones who have keys and access to the place 24/7, we have other friends and local gamers who come over to play but they can only come over when one of the rent payers is there. Only rent payers are allowed to store their armies and other supplies there however if a rent payer is there all are welcomed to game, paint, construst models or just hang out.


No membership fees, the rent is divided equally so the more the merrier.


Game rooms rock...they add a nice, laidback atmosphere to wargaming.

That's a neat idea you have there with a dedicated place for wargaming. Thumbs up.

Here's mine, but I wish I had that much warhammer goodness lying around!


First part with BL and WD galore:



Middle (thank you IKEA):



Second part (still on going):




I see Lord R got the same idea about the Ikea displays as i did.. In fact i have a catelogue next to me and its around 163cm in height.




Hmm, one day ill have some of those to show case my army, one day, plus i dont think my room atm could really handle a display case like that (and im still working on TRYING to finish at least ONE army).


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