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Tiger Sharks

Librarian Nikol

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Hi all


Wanted to post the fluff and colour scheme for my SM chapter, the Tiger Sharks. here it is:





From the fortress world of Narcissus, the Tiger Sharks are a chapter almost totally devoted to fighting in cities. On their homeworld, they are trained from an early age about how to fight in built up areas and urban landscapes. They use the Imperial Fist Gene-seed, a very pure gene-seed, and lacks the organs that the chapter dosent need.

They make heavy use of agumentative bionics on the eyes, meaning that most sergeants and above will be able to pick up a frog breathing through thick leaves, more suited to fighting in the dank, dark areas they operate in.

Their recent Successes have been on the agri-world of Vipes, where the 2nd Coy, under Brother-Captain Cynewolf repulsed a huge Ork invasion, Orks being their other speciality the chapter holds dear. They pride themselves on their knowledge of the Ork modus operandi, allowing them to achieve major successes where other chapters would require their entire strength to win. One of the units that is specific to the chapter is the Black Hunters. Formed from the ten best Ork fighters in a company, they will lead entire Battlegroups (around 30 men) into battle. Led by a brother Commander, they are the best the chapter has to offer against the Ork menace.







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Welcome to the board, Nikol.


I'm curious to know why you've suggested your chapter utilises Space Wolf gene-seed? The High Lords of Terror forbade the use of Space Wolf gene-seed after the Wolf Brothers chapter regressed into the Wolfen. The Adeptus Mechanicus don't really have the extreme abilities of genetic modification that you seem to suggest (or they would have cured all the chapters of their flaws by now). What sort of modifications are you thinking of for fighting in the dark? Space Marines have extremely acute vision (and other senses) by Human standards, and these are only aided by the auto-senses of power armour.


The other thing I have to say is that Brother-Captain Cynewolf is a character from the Eisenhorn trilogy, by Dan Abnett. Was that intentional?

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Welcome to the board, Nikol.


I'm curious to know why you've suggested your chapter utilises Space Wolf gene-seed? The High Lords of Terror forbade the use of Space Wolf gene-seed after the Wolf Brothers chapter regressed into the Wolfen. The Adeptus Mechanicus don't really have the extreme abilities of genetic modification that you seem to suggest (or they would have cured all the chapters of their flaws by now). What sort of modifications are you thinking of for fighting in the dark? Space Marines have extremely acute vision (and other senses) by Human standards, and these are only aided by the auto-senses of power armour.


The other thing I have to say is that Brother-Captain Cynewolf is a character from the Eisenhorn trilogy, by Dan Abnett. Was that intentional?


I read some GW fluff somwhere for an offshoot chapter of the Blood Angles that states they removed the traces of the Black Rage from the gene-seed, so I based this on that.


The modifications arnet so much seeing in the dark, but being able to pick out diffrent, unnatural tones, meaning they can see contacts who are hiding. also they can pick up movement wit their eyes better than other space marines, which used in conjunction with the movement sensors in the helmet mean they can pick up the smallest movement that may help hem find the enemy (e.g. a small stone falling off a pile of rubble that a sniper has dislodged.)


And Cynewolf was a charecter i made up myself, Ive never read the Eisenhorn series.



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I read some GW fluff somwhere for an offshoot chapter of the Blood Angles that states they removed the traces of the Black Rage from the gene-seed, so I based this on that.

I think you mean the Blood Drinkers, who haven't removed any traces of the Black Rage, they are able to control it better than other chapters and don't allow those who have fallen to fight (they are put out of their misery). But, the one important fact is that a Space Wolf chapter will never have the opportunity to heal itself because the High Lords refuse to create a chapter using their gene-seed while they have plenty of better gene-seed to use. You seem to have modified the gene-seed so much, instead of using the Space Wolf seed which has got better, why not use the Ultramarine gene-seed which has mutated.

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Fair enough, I shall change the background a bit. Ive got a list of mutations in a fluff article I wrote once, I'll have a look for it if you gimmie a sec.....


Well, I cant find it, But I did have a list of the mutations that happened to the gene-seed.


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Alternatively, it could refer to the Lamenters and the 21st Founding. If that's the case, the thing you need to remember, Nikol, is that the Adeptus Mechanicus are very much playing in the dark. They're not experts - they work very much in superstition and tradition. When marines' organs are implanted, marines often don't know what does what - they put organ A in slot B simply because that's what they've been told to do. They simply can't identify stray genes and eliminate them - part of the 21st Founding is that almost all the chapters who were modified have had catastrophic genetic calamities befall them, in part because the Magi Biologis are clumsy and heavy-handed.
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It's also important to note that, while as Molotov said above, all the 21st Foundings (Official ones anyway) have a curse that accompanies them. The Lamenters, while seeming to have their curse removed, also seem to have incredibly bad luck. They ended up running face-first into a Hive Fleet and almost got wiped out.


I don't like the idea of using "heavily mutated" Ultramarines geneseed. It's THE most stable geneseed, otherwise 2/3 of the Chapters wouldn't be based on them. Why not use one of the other Chapters as a base, preferably one of the Chapters whose geneseed is notorious for being slightly unstable. Nothing wrong with using Ultramarines, but if you want a Chapter whose geneseed is heavily mutated, I don't think Ultramarines is the right way to go.


I do like the idea of a Chapter focusing on urban combat. Odd that it should come shortly after the Cities of Death release. :wink:

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I don't like the idea of using "heavily mutated" Ultramarines geneseed. It's THE most stable geneseed, otherwise 2/3 of the Chapters wouldn't be based on them. Why not use one of the other Chapters as a base, preferably one of the Chapters whose geneseed is notorious for being slightly unstable. Nothing wrong with using Ultramarines, but if you want a Chapter whose geneseed is heavily mutated, I don't think Ultramarines is the right way to go.

It is stable, but it doesn't mean it can not mutate. I didn't intend for him to have a heavily mutated gene-seed, just a mutation of the eye, being able to sense the minutest amount of movement. A small mutation like this could happen due to the misuse or storage of the gene-seed or evolution. Maybe they are not mutated at all and use bionic eyes for all their marines? If he does want to the go the way of heavily mutated, then he shouldn't be using the Ultramarines, maybe the Raven Guard which is highly unstable.

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Maybe they are not mutated at all and use bionic eyes for all their marines?


I like this idea of Ferrata's very much indeed. It just strikes me as very convenient that your marines have mutated in such a way that it perfectly meshes with their fighting style, and it's a very beneficial mutation that nobody much minds about. However, I like the idea of your marines being augmented to be even more deadly in the close quarters. Obviously if you're modelling an army of these guys, it might be problematic, but perhaps the bionic surgery only happens to veterans? That ties in with your Ork Hunter idea. Special teams are chosen, augmented and unleashed upon the Orks. It's characterful, fits with the 40k universe, and is pretty darn cool. :P

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A: im sorry, not all that familiar with SM fluff, basicly a newbie. Raven guard sounds pretty good, But ive thought of mabey using imperial fists? from what ive read the mutations of the seed fit.


B: the Chapter was created around the mutatuions of the gene-seed, its not convienient, its purpouseful.


C: Allready have teams like that. Black Hunters. Men who carry twin chainswords and form my kill-team. Each one has A bionic eye, as well as target sensors and the seed mutation to assist them in combat. One thing ive though of is that the mutation has to be controled by use of bionic nureal implants. Becasue if you have that constantly on, and your fighting innumerable orks, it would confuse you.


Keep the sugestions coming lads!

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A: im sorry, not all that familiar with SM fluff, basicly a newbie. Raven guard sounds pretty good, But ive thought of mabey using imperial fists? from what ive read the mutations of the seed fit.
Raven Gaurd would be good yes. The Imperial Fist's are the a highly used chapter for foundings to as they are quite pure and the like. I think the Imperial Fists themselves are unable to Hibernate on long voyages like other marines. Not sure if this will effect their succesors but it does effect them.


B: the Chapter was created around the mutatuions of the gene-seed, its not convienient, its purpouseful.


That dosen't really happen. From my knowledge a chapter is only founded when their is need, and they are founded for the task at hand(Defend the Eye, A key position in Eastern Space etc.) While they may be adept at City Fighting they would not have been made for it per say, and if they were then I agree the 'mutation' is just to convienant.


On another note, Cynewolf is already a named Character, so you may want a new name.

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Well, we're here to answer your questions, but the more specific you are with your questions, the more we can help you. The Imperial Fists, and all their successors, lack the Betcher's Gland and the Sus-an Membrane. This means that they can't spit acid, and they can't enter a comatose state of hibernation.


The Raven Guard have other missing organs - they lack the betcher's gland and the mucranoid (an organ that helps cover a marine's skin in a waxy layer that can provide a certain degree of protection). Their melanchrome (or melanchromic organ) is mutated, and means that as a Raven Guard marine ages, their skin turns paler and their hair and eyes darken, until they look like your stereotypical goth kid.


the Chapter was created around the mutatuions of the gene-seed, its not convienient, its purpouseful.


Created by whom? You, or the High Lords of Terra? Firstly you have to consider just how mutations are seen by the Imperium. Many mutated chapters are eliminated by the HLoT - the Flame Falcons, for example. Obviously some chapters continue, thanks to their influence or their success, but other chapters have to hide their mutations for fear that the HLoT will exterminate them. One example is the Black Dragons. It's in the interests of the High Lords of Terra to create stable marines that they can control. Marines are headstrong at the best of times - there's little point in making marines that are on the brink of mutation, heresy and chaos to begin with. Most mutated chapters have mutated after their inception. But a lot of DIY creators will pick a chapter, say 'Hmm, I want night-fighters, what mutations can I choose to make them awesome?"


You'd actually be doing something unique, different and cool if you took things the other way. Rather than regressing as their DNA mutates, how about progressing as they use technology to improve their standing? Bionics and the like are a firm part of the techno-gothic environment of 40k. If you have these 'black hunters' with bionic eyes, I wouldn't think that you need to have normal marines with mutated eyes also. By having these elite 'black hunters', you've got yourself something awesome, something unique.

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