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Painting Alpha legion

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Ok heres the deal, after weighing up the SM and CSM 'dexs i realised that the csm dex was more my cup of tea, and in particular, the Alpha Legion. I decided to stick with the "standard" scheme of Storm/regal and highlight with goblin but it never looks right, even after a a few blue washes.


Anyone else painted some AL in the standard way and got some nice results? If not i'll have to do black highlighted with green followed by a blue wash.


Thanks in advance for all your help,


Brother Atheos

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try regal and then a watered down goblin green highlight, but not too watered, otherwise it will go everywhere....

Add some dishwashing soap to the thinned green to break the surface tension of the water, and the green wash will spread more in a nice and even flow instead of just collecting in the recesses.

Well, the trick to getting AL blue right is to not use Regal Blue. I know it says that in the codex, but dont use just Regal. For a basecoat, mix regal blue with goblin green in a 2:1 ratio. You should get a nice blue-green colour. This will help tone down the highlights so they dont jump out as much. Highlight with pure goblin green, and then highlight the very outermost edges with snot green. Then, mix up a glaze of your base colour and wash the armour with it :P Thats all there is to it!



I went more for the "standard" scheme for my more recent AL army. I just changed it slightly to make it work better for me. This is done from a bacecoat of regal blue but is worked up using Hawk Turquiose to goblin green. I did it thusly:


1) Do a base coat of regal blue making sure you get all the crevasses.

2) Put a layer of enchanted blue over this leaving any joins in the armour or crevasses regal blue.

3) Blend hawk turquoise in to the enchanted blue at the edges of the armour (where you want the green to go) To do theis I did up to six or more mixes of enchanted blue and incresing amounts of hawk turquoise until it is just hawk turquoise at the edge.

4) mix a very small amount of white into the hawk turquoise and line the edges.

5) Mix up about 1/3 hawk turquoise to 2/3 goblin green and also a bit more white to get the green and concentrate it in the corners of the edges or joins. Mix in a bit more white as a final hilight. (this stage is a bit dodgy as you kind of have to judge for yourself when the mix is the right colour).

6) Just tidy the whole thing up by using hawk turquoise and repeating step three backward until it looks fairly well blended.


and it looks like:





Hope that helps

Well, the trick to getting AL blue right is to not use Regal Blue. I know it says that in the codex, but dont use just Regal. For a basecoat, mix regal blue with goblin green in a 2:1 ratio. You should get a nice blue-green colour. This will help tone down the highlights so they dont jump out as much. Highlight with pure goblin green, and then highlight the very outermost edges with snot green. Then, mix up a glaze of your base colour and wash the armour with it ^_^ Thats all there is to it!




ummm.... goblin highlights followed by extreme snot highlights looks... :ph34r:


I appreciate your efforts to help me tho.



WOW. this is almost exactly what i am after, i may use a darker blue as a basecolour, the finished mini looks too bright for my liking, but the finished effect is fantastic.


May the blessings of the dark gods be upon you!

ummm.... goblin highlights followed by extreme snot highlights looks... :lol:


I appreciate your efforts to help me tho.


Thats what the glaze is for -_- It tones down the highlights so they dont look so stark. If you would actually try the recipe before judging it, you might find that it works quite well. Especially considering I got first place in a painting competition at my local hobby store using that exact technique on my entry...



I used Storm Blue for my base (actually, base was 50/50 Storm Blue/Chaos Black, then Storm Blue), which I don't believe is made any more. However I think Regal Blue would still work.


What I did differently from the codex is use Scaly Green, which is darker so the highlights weren't so severe. However, some of the other techniques listed above look very interesting as well.

ummm.... goblin highlights followed by extreme snot highlights looks... :cuss


I appreciate your efforts to help me tho.


Thats what the glaze is for <_< It tones down the highlights so they dont look so stark. If you would actually try the recipe before judging it, you might find that it works quite well. Especially considering I got first place in a painting competition at my local hobby store using that exact technique on my entry...




Sorry man, i didnt mean to sound rude, it's just that i lined up the pots and the snot seemed to overpower the other 2 colours.


@Honda: I didnt think of using scaly as a transitional colour... its quite dark and has quite a bluish look to it. YOu are right, storm blue isn't made anymore but i know a guy who knows how to mix it up :)


Once more i thank you guys for sharing your collective knowledge.

Drop the standard blue/green scheme... it dosent work! and either go for the black/green scheme shown in the codex .. or .. change to Red Cossairs.. gw suggests using the same rules UK WD 303


a third option could be to go completly oldschool and use the colourscheme shown in the legendary Realm of Chaos, Slaves to Darkness that would be my choice



I would suggest Painting the model Green, and highlighting it as normal, then washing it with blue ink. That will create a cool blue/green color while turning the recesses dark blue.


Ive tried that technique before. I didnt like the outcome too much. Made them look a bit weird...



Sorry havent got a scanner, the colours are green base with red detail and yellow/gold chapter symbol ( not the hydra! )


lets hope brother Jazzman can help


blue and green will in my opinion never realy work its a simple colourtheory ( theres plenty of tutorials on that try http://www.jenova.dk/ under the tips and tutorials and il bet that Cool mini or Not has something similar as well ) blue and green are simply to similar to stand apart from each other, other examples could be yellow & white, red & purple.. blue & purple but then again that just my opinion...


how about really dark blue and really light green, mabye that will work



I agree, the dark blue and green scheme isn't very appealing (although that is a nice scheme Purgatos, I might nick that for a non marine army).


Alpha Legion preheresy scheme was a dark bluish-grey. Maybe that is more up your alley.


You can also paint them up like they are disguised as loyalist marines (a favorite tactic). Complete the look with commandeered weapons and vehicles (bloodied, maybe some dead bodies stuffed in the hatches, etc).


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