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Holwing Griffon WIP and a Zerker

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I am working at the moment on a howling griffon marine and wanted to know what everyone thought of it. Depending on your thoughts I may do a squad of them and see where it goes from there.







Another Front Shot






I also have just finished (except for the base) my first zerker for my WIP chaos army. Sorry about the bad pics ^_^








C&C welcome.




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I like them both a lot. The pictures make it hard to tell, but the 'zerker seems to have some nice shading.


The Howling Griffon is very clean. I like the blacklining, and I think the red half could do with a bit more shading within therecesses to make it really "pop." I think the biggest thing, though, is that the eye lenses are getting lost in the red and he looks like he's missing an eye. Have you considered changing the lens color to blue or green?

The HG marine is coming out very nicely, you should give yourself a good pat on the back. :tu:


Given how well this one mini already is turning out, completing a squads worth or even a small 400 - 500 pt army may be in order.


The Bezerker looks good as well, the way you've done the flesh on the head really makes the model stand out. You might find taking the pic with the light source in front of the mini will help, but taking pics you will get the hang of after a while when you experiment with how to do it (take it from me, im still learning ^_^).



Off to a great start, hope to see the HG marine finished and more of your work in the future. :)

Thanks for the comments. On the HG marine the eyes arent finished, he is still a work in progress atm. When I do get to painting the eyes they will either be blue or green but I havent decided. Ill add some more pics when he's closer to being finished along with some brighter pics of the zerker.




Yeah i agree, the HG mini looks fanastic as far as the 2 main colours go. I really like the yellow, as it has alot of depth and still looks clean.


As for the 'zerker als think the fleshis top notch, maybe using light from a different direction will show the hard work you've put in on hte armour better?


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