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CHAPTER NAME: Iron Phantoms








CHAPTER HERALDRY: Silver helmet with black eyeslits and mouth grill.




HOMEWORLD: Hellstorm - A Death World enduring continuous tectonic disturbances - Continents float above a planet-wide sea of molten metal and rock - Powerfull and erratic magnetic field sustains a natural plasma barrier above the atmosphere, resulting from the supernova of the parent star before the world was settled -


SECTOR: Segmentum Tempestus


COMBAT DOCTRINE: The Iron Phantoms prefer to utilize powerfull ranged weapons, notably plasma and lascannons, to lay down a deadly storm of firepower before the enemy closes in, wherein they engage assault to exterminate the survivors.


ORGANISATION: Codex, save for the fact that each company is co-led by a Librarian.


BELIEF SYSTEM: Defeat and surrender are the ultimate sins one can commit. The chapters hatred for such actions drives them to execute, at times, even allied forces. Defeated members are either killed or exhiled. The Emperor is worshipped as a diety because he represents mankind's will to emerge victorious no matter the cost - especially apparent when The Emperor refused to surrender to Horus, and ultimately defeated him.


TRAITS: Honour Your Wargear - Death Before Dishonor


WARCRY: Defeat is blasphemy, surrender is heresy, VICTORY OR DEATH.

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Okay it seems their environment is very extreme, and that it plays an important part. Since they have chosen to base themselves there they must be really stubborn and dedicated, which ought to go hand in hand with their behaviour in battle. It looks interesting, perhaps they chose to settle there as some kind of sacred duty or something similar, a way to repent or prove themselves, or simply because they as Iron Hands successors despise weakness.

After all settling on a world resembling hell is not something a mentally sane person would do voluntarily :) .

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Questions to answer to help development:

How much did their parent chapter influence them?

Why are they so stubborn/despising weakness?

Why are their companies co-led by a Librarian?

How does their homeworld influence them?

Who are there most common foes?

What was their first chapter master like?

How did he influence his chapters development?


If you can answer most of the questions above, your chapter is well on its way to a great IA. If not, don't worry :) . My DIY chapter (Storm Hawks) is a hanging mess of contradictory fluff and rules :) . A great platform to build on.



PS: I love the warcry

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Hellstorm - A Death World enduring continuous tectonic disturbances - Continents float above a planet-wide sea of molten metal and rock - Powerfull and erratic magnetic field sustains a natural plasma barrier above the atmosphere, resulting from the supernova of the parent star before the world was settled
I just don't like the name to be honest, it seems a little obvious and unreal. I know GW likes similar names like "Lost Hope", but I always find these names seem a little coincidental. As for the planet itself, I'm not sure if something like this physcially could exsist, but I will allow that to slide because it seems "okish"


COMBAT DOCTRINE: The Iron Phantoms prefer to utilize powerfull ranged weapons, notably plasma and lascannons, to lay down a deadly storm of firepower before the enemy closes in, wherein they engage assault to exterminate the survivors.

How has this came about? Surely they didn't just wake up one morning and go "Lets shoot things". Combat Doctrine needs to grow, mature from something codex. What made them go from being codex to being shooty.


ORGANISATION: Codex, save for the fact that each company is co-led by a Librarian.
Why? Librarians are nasty creatures, acceptors of the warp, connecters with Chaos, why would a chapter want to have them in charge? Answers please :)


Defeat and surrender are the ultimate sins one can commit. The chapters hatred for such actions drives them to execute, at times, even allied forces. Defeated members are either killed or exhiled. The Emperor is worshipped as a diety because he represents mankind's will to emerge victorious no matter the cost - especially apparent when The Emperor refused to surrender to Horus, and ultimately defeated him.

Where has the change in belief came from? Why have they made the Emperor a god and not a human?


You have some good idea's, but you need to begin to justify them. Having justification for an end-result changes a good Chapter into a Great one.

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Okay it seems their environment is very extreme, and that it plays an important part. Since they have chosen to base themselves there they must be really stubborn and dedicated, which ought to go hand in hand with their behaviour in battle. It looks interesting, perhaps they chose to settle there as some kind of sacred duty or something similar, a way to repent or prove themselves, or simply because they as Iron Hands successors despise weakness.

After all settling on a world resembling hell is not something a mentally sane person would do voluntarily :ph34r: .


They chose Hellstorm in particular because those who are defeated by the enviroment die almost instantly. The marines on the planet do not stay safely in the confines of the Fortress Monastary - they lead a nomadic and harsh existense, so those who fail to even survive the planet's harsh extremes are lost.


How much did their parent chapter influence them?
Most of their beliefs were inherited from the Iron Hands chapter - such as Emperor worship, and the despising of weakness, which evolved into an abject loathing of defeat.


Why are their companies co-led by a Librarian?

Even though Space Marine tactics and intel are considered to be second to none, Librarians are used to predict enemy movements and assist in combat on the rear and front lines - usually to know where to hit the enemy the hardest and most unforgivingly.


As far as the influence of chaos is concerned, the doctrines of the chapter are so held dear by it's battle-brothers that to surrender to the whims of the warp is a personal affront to self, chapter, and Emperor. The few librarians that have been corrupted have died by putting a bolt into their own brain.




More answers will come later.

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