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Index Astartes - The Dragon Knights

Magos Valkamar

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The Dragon Knights Chapter


“Fiat Iustitia!”


“It’s not the great who are strong; it’s the strong that are great!” Albel Kleinn, Captain of the Dragon Knights’ 5th company




Geneseed: Ultramarines


Founding: 17th


Chapter Symbol: Gold dragon’s head (similar to the Star Dragons Chapter)


Chapter Colours: Chainmail (main) and Scaly Green (shoulder pads, greaves and backpack)


Current Chapter Master: Dragon Marshall Rovik Lasbard


Chapter Traits


Significant Divergence

Courageous: “Be as swift as the wind”

Fierce: “Take the fight to them”


Drawbacks: “Flesh over steel” & “Death before dishonour”




During the 17th founding, it was decided by the High Lords of Terra that a new Chapter was required in Segmentum Tempestus due to increased Ork activity in the segment, and Ultramarines geneseed was selected for this purpose. An experienced Ultramarines Captain named Galius Enterrio was chosen for this task, he picked the planet Vanguard II in the Vanguard system for its harsh ecosystem, which would be excellent for training and for its natives, a hardy and noble people who were devoted to the Emperor, traits that would make for excellent Marine candidates. After meeting representatives of the Order of the Emperor’s Justice, an army of knights with garrisons located in every settlement, who acted as both police and a peace keeping force between the various kingdoms that exist on Vanguard, he was struck by their fierce determination to keep the planet together. He respected the Order so much for this monumental task, he took the new Chapter’s symbol from part of the knight’s emblem (a gold dragon ardent on a green field), naming them the Dragon Knights in honour of the Order.


Records are quite vague on the exact date, but it’s thought that it was within a century since the Chapter’s founding, disaster struck. An Ork Waaagh! under the Warlord Golsnak was gaining momentum a few systems away, looting and destroying everything in their path. By the time the news reached them of the Ork’s rampage, the Waaagh! was nearly upon them. Realising that their best option was to stay within their fortress-monastery and wait for reinforcements to arrive, though they knew the foul beasts would loot and pillage the planet and slaughter the civilians they had pledged to protect while they waited for help that might not even be coming. Enterrio, knowing that staying within their fortress while the Orks rampaged unimpeded outside would betray everything he and his fledgling Chapter believed in, decided on a desperate gambit; they would charge headlong into the jaws of the beast itself. Taking off in their only battle barge, the entire Chapter launched a suicidal lightning strike against the approaching Ork fleet, now almost in orbit around Vanguard II. Punching a hole though the Ork defences towards Golsnak’s flagship, the Dragon Knights boarded the craft, and hacked a bloody path though the thousands of Orks onboard towards their leader. It was said that the carnage onboard the ship was so horrific, it was that many Orks turned tail and fled rather than confront the righteous fury of rampaging Marines. One story even tells of one veteran sergeant, after his chainsword has ceased to function after being clogged up with so much Ork blood, killed a hundred Orks with his bare hands. Enterrio personally slew the Warlord himself and with the death of its leader, the Waaagh! soon lost its momentum and the Orks returned to squabbling amongst themselves. Quickly withdrawing back to Vanguard II, the Chapter watched as the Orks tore themselves apart, and although a few warbands made planet fall (swiftly dealt with by the Dragon Knights, and sometimes by the creatures living within the Forest), the remnants of the Waaagh! were soon destroyed by the timely arrival of a large fleet of the Imperial Navy. Fortunately, even though hundreds of Orks were slain by the marines, their own casualties numbered less than a hundred, and the Chapter was soon battle ready within a few decades. As a result of this event, the Dragon Knights have become experts at direct assaults.


However, three centuries after the founding of the Chapter, Enterrio eventually fell defending the world of Melcian IV from the Eldar. Tragically, at the end of the final battle, although the war had been won, the lower half of his body was blown away by blast from one the foul xenos’ heavy weapons as the aliens retreated, and although he was barely alive, it was a testament to his strength of will that he was still alive when they returned to Vanguard II. He was given the honour of being placed within a Dreadnought and stills serves the Emperor to this very day.




Vanguard II, Segmentum Tempestus: A harsh and cruel world, chosen for its hardy and courageous people, who struggle against adversity every day. It has only one land mass, one third covered by a forest filled with monstrous creatures, simply called the Forest, while the rest of the planet is a great sea of acid. The technology of this civilisation is pre-gunpowder, while scattered communities have grown around the few sources of uncontaminated water, and even a few cities have been constructed around the largest of these. The Dragon Knights interact often with the Order of the Emperor’s Justice; A Chaplin emerges from the Grey Fortress every decade or so, investigating each of the Order’s barracks in turn, drawing new neophytes from the most promising of their recruits (the Order usually starts training new members at the age of six). There is no resentment at this, far from it; the Order is honoured by this, as they view the Space Marines as the epitome of the justice of the Emperor. New recruits are taught every single close combat technique know to the Chapter. Dragon Knights often mingle with the general populace of Vanguard II, but they still live within their fortress-monastery, the Grey Fortress, located deep within the Forest.


It has been speculated by Imperial scholars that sometime during the Age of Strife the planet suffered a catastrophic chemical war that dramatically altered the ecology, thus creating the brutal ecosystem of that world.


Combat Doctrine


The Dragon Knights much prefer close combat, and tactical squads often forego their bolters and use a bolt pistol and chainsword instead, fighting with an almost unmatched ferocity. The Chapter is highly trained in the use of bikes, and can often be seen charging into combat upon their metal “steeds”. Due to their desire to prevail though their fighting skills, the Dragon Knights makes little use of tanks, except to quickly transport troops into the heart of a battle. The Chapter has become somewhat famous for their heroic (but sometimes needless) last stands, as the Dragon Knights often refuse to retreat, even when a strategic withdrawal would be more beneficial.


The Dragon Knights often seek to prevent civilian casualties as much as possible, and while others often see this as a weakness, the Chapter views this as their greatest strength, as the Chapter views contempt for the lives of the Emperor’s subjects often leads to the path of damnation. Even so, if pushed, they will not hesitate to use Exterminatus as a last resort.




Like most Chapters, the Dragon Knights believe that the Emperor is not a God, but the greatest mortal in existence, and therefore the pinnacle of humanity and his strength and courage is something all men should aspire to. This means that they have a rather strained relationship with the Ecclesiarchy, but are on excellent terms with the Ordo Malleus, however the Ordo Xenos almost declared them heretics after it was revealed that the 5th Company was forced to briefly ally themselves with the Eldar during the Burning Eye incident. Ironically, the Chapter hates and mistrusts Eldar more than any other Xenos due to what happened to their founder on Melcian IV, and if had not been for the efforts of Grey Knights Captain Helaman they would have been excommunicated from the Imperium. They have a fairly good relationship with Adeptus Mechanicus due to the high number of forge worlds in the area they protect, meaning they sometimes receive equipment from grateful worlds that other Chapters would not, but they are not followers of the Machine God.


Every Dragon Knight is taught to trust his battle-brothers implicitly, but also self-reliance and individuality when the situation arises. They highly value the chain of command, and will always follow their orders to the letter, making them highly hierarchal.


It has been known for Dragon Knights Companies to swear oaths of brotherhood to other Space Marine Chapters, Imperial Guard regiments and even Titan legions that impress them, for example most famously the 5th Company and the 302nd Kelstrians during the aforementioned Burning Eye incident on Akamatsu’s World. These oaths swear to come to the aid of anyone they make them with, any time and any place, but only if the Dragon Knights believe that the cause is just.




Apart for their preference for hand to hand combat and large number of bikes, the Dragon Knights follow the Codex Astartes fairly closely, with nine companies of a hundred marines – one veteran, four battle, four reserve - and one comprised of scouts. Company colours are displayed as a stripe going vertical across the top of the helmet, while sergeants have red helmets. Marines with veteran status are identified by the white trim of their shoulder pads.

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You may of thought of this but using a name like stormwings, to me, kind of indicates landspeeders and assault squads, but thats just me.


Also if the people are so scattered how do the knights keep in contact, do all citizens know of the emperor or are they told that upon becoming a knight, and do the marines interact with the basic population or just the knights.


Again these are just my thoughts, if they are totally inadequate feel free to laugh at my expense, but by and large i like what you have done.


Good luck with the chapter!

I prefer the term "Pre-Gunpowder" as a description of a planet over "Middle Ages", its seems more realisitic. Rest of the homeworld seems pretty good.


I think the doctine is nice, but why have the Chapter gone this way? Was it their parent chapters influcence or the Order of the Emperor's Justice?


Organisation seems ok, but you fail to take into account the Scout Company. Surely if Hit & Run is seen as cowardice, shouldn't infiltration go there as well, so how does the Scout Company deploy.


I'm not a big fan of the term Legion in names for Chapters, maybe something else would work better

You may of thought of this but using a name like stormwings, to me, kind of indicates landspeeders and assault squads, but thats just me.


Also if the people are so scattered how do the knights keep in contact, do all citizens know of the emperor or are they told that upon becoming a knight, and do the marines interact with the basic population or just the knights.


Again these are just my thoughts, if they are totally inadequate feel free to laugh at my expense, but by and large i like what you have done.


Good luck with the chapter!




In actual fact, I think I may change the name of the Stormwings to something else, seeing as I

Would any of the marines use the reptilian mounts? i have a great picture in my head of a mounted marine.


Interesting idea, but I think Marines wearing full power armour would be a little too much for them to carry, but scouts on the other hand...

  • 4 weeks later...

Jack: Not bad so far. Now that you are using Dragon in the name, have you thought about joining the Draco Astartes?


A few big things jump out at me. One is the fact that you claim to be using Ultras geneseed, yet rules wise your chapter has what is considered a "significant divergence" from the codex as far as tactics, if not organization. You might wanter to consider giving them a different heritage that they could show a closer connection to. Another is the logo. The white dragon head is used not just for the Black Dragons, but the Star Dragons and Salamanders as well. Somone else here is doing a chapter called the White Dragons as well. A dragon head would be fine, but you might want to think about other colors.



Speaking of colors, you spoke about scouts mounted on reptiles. I like the idea, it makes me think of Stormtroopers mounted on dewbacks. You do realize that using 'Have Pride in Your Colors' will seriously nerf scouts, right?


I see a bunch of other things I'd suggest changing, but most are pretty minor right now. How nit-picky do you want us to be? I tend to go over things with a comb so fine-toothed people have claimed it's a razor.

Ah, but remember that the Mortifactors are a Chapter that comes from Ultramarine geneseed, and they couldn't be anymore different from their parent chapter. Originally, they came from Salamanders, but I thought with them being heroic and chivalrous knights, Ultramarines would suit them better.


As for the chapter logo, I've found a dragon transfer on the Bretonnia sheet that would fit them perfectly, but white is really the only colour that can show up properly on Scaly Green.


I honestly didn't realise about the stormtroopers on dewbacks similarity, but now I can see it! I think the Have pride in your colours disadvantage fits in with Chapter's dislike of infiltration and the like.

Eh, but how many people really care or know about the Mortificators? There are always a few bad apples (21st founding anyone?) but most chapters are expected to show a little of their geneseed traits. From their fighting style etc. I would peg them more as Imperial Fists geneseed, though not closely linked by much else. Where did you see that the Mortificatos are Ultra stock though? I don't see that listed here.


Had a feeling you'd mention that. I've looked at those too, I think the metallic ones would work on green as well. Another idea I came up with was using just one set of those decals to create stencils for painting in dragon heads. You could add more detail like eyes that way. A third possibility is to buy other decals. I plan on using some from Battletech for my chapter. I compared the size of those decals to GW Marine ones at a local store. Most will fit nicely on shoulder pads. You can find the official Battletech/Mechwarrior decals at Fighting Pirannha Graphics.



Well if they don't like infiltrating, why focus so much on scouts? That's my point. What role would you have your scouts fill? If you plan to have them snipe, having them mounted wouldn't make much sense.

Eh, but how many people really care or know about the Mortificators? There are always a few bad apples (21st founding anyone?) but most chapters are expected to show a little of their geneseed traits. From their fighting style etc. I would peg them more as Imperial Fists geneseed, though not closely linked by much else. Where did you see that the Mortificatos are Ultra stock though? I don't see that listed here.

It statest the Mortifactors are from Ultramarine stock in the second Ultramarines novel, can't remember the name of it now. The Ultras in the book are pretty disgusted by the deviation shown by the Mortifactors.


I don't buy into the whole "geneseed has to influence your chapter traits thing". I think other things such as the beleifs of the first Chapter Master and the world they recruit from would have more of an influence. Especially since the Ultra's geneseed is so pure and stable. If you were to use BA or SW geneseed then that would have a big effect on your chapter due to the flaws in it.


Just my 2p worth :cuss

The book the Mortifactors were featured in was Warriors Of Ultramar.


Their Ultramarines heritage has had a great influence on them, but it's the Order of the Emperor's Justice has the greater influence on them. In fact the original Chapter Master admired them so much; he adopted their colours and part of their emblem for the newborn Chapter.


I'm still tinkering Chapter traits, and I'm actually having second thoughts about Have pride, so I'm considering just going back to the Chapter having a Notable Divergence.

Chapter Colours: Chainmail (main) and Scaly Green (shoulder pads, greaves and backpack)


That's it? Even taking a few liberties in the painter, from that description they look pretty plain. Is there any more detailing?



But 29 years after the Chapter

First of all, let me say that it's nice to see someone actually using disadvantages. (As opposed to "disadvantages" ;) )



I like the chapter, and think it is nice to see Ultramarine successors. I too have gripes with the "cut out the Waagh's head" - incident. Allthough we all know the stories after successful campagns are not to be thrusted (A 100 orks bare-handed :P ) I too find it hard to understand why the young chaptermaster found it "cowardly" to go on a mission that Space Marines are bread for. I think you need to work on that story, both in depth and to explain the motivation/aftermath.


I like the coulourscheme, sound simple enough, but I agree that it might benefit from another colour and I'm not certain how 'scaly green' will look on non-organic armour.


Congratulations on beeing on your way on getting your own DIY-chapter! :devil:



That's it? Even taking a few liberties in the painter, from that description they look pretty plain. Is there any more detailing?
I think the Chapter colours are pretty good, I've already painted a squad and it's rather pleasing to the eye in my opinion.


Only 29 years? Why that exact number? I think that's actualy too soon after a founding for a chapter to be at all comabt operational, much less have a battle barge. Why did it take so long for word to reach them if the Waaagh was affecting such a large area? If the chapter could maintian a battle barge I'd imagine they would have some smaller vessels able to scout for them.


Holy crap! 100 bare handed? You do know vet. Sgt. with skills like that would probably be proclaimed a hero of the empire and given his own chapter? If I'm not mistaken, orks are supposedly better than SMs at hand to hand, but they don't shoot as well.

So the big hero kills the BBEG in single combat, the green skinned army ceases to be a threat and falls apart, the day is saved. Wait! *scratches head* Was that 40K or the Wizard of Oz? The resolution is just too neat. You make it sound way too easy, especially since this is supposed to be an epic battle against impossible odds. Besides, these are orks, you always have to mop up a few leftovers.


29 years was really the first number that came into my head! It seemed like a good halfway point, but how strong would a chapter actually be at around that stage? Maybe I should give them a smaller ship too. I was guessing 300-400 men, but maybe that's too much? The story about the sergeant is just that; a story. It was probably considerably less and got greatly exaggerated over the years.


It has to be said that the Orks were still some way from the Dragon Knights home system, but you're right; the Orks really wouldn't just stop there, even if they did lose focus. I'll add that help finally arrived soon after the Warlord's defeat.


This is another sport where your internal logic breaks down. You say that this guy went off to a huge battle that most would consider a suicide mission, dared against all odds, risked his own neck, and won....yet thinks that choice was more cowardly than hiding in his fortress? This guy insn't a masochist, he's got a death wish! SMs are like real knights: codes of honor are well and good, but against a foe you consider to be mere scum, fighting dirty is expected. I think Marine neophytes probably all have to take classes on dirty tricks. There is a quote in the 40K rulebook: Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.


You go on to say how they use close combat techniques because this is the opposite of what helped them defeat the orks. Umm, wasn't that how they won and beat the leader? I think Sgt. Rip & Tear liked being in close already! Btw, did he transfer in, or was he a veteran in only 29 years?

Actually, I completely agree with you on this. I was never completely satisfied with this explanation. I was actually trying to explain why they didn’t use fast attack vehicles very much, and it rather got out of control and included infiltration as well! I'm definitely going to change their disadvantages around slightly, maybe "Death before dishonour" rather than "Have pride in your colours" would suit them more? Rip & Tear was a transfer from the Ultramarines.


-One of the biggest flaws so far is the proliferation of typos, misspellings, and other little goofs that hsould be caught by proofreading. Mistakes in normal posts are fine, but having goofs in your fluff looks particulalrly bad. Read over it carefully and edit it a bit, and I think you'll be more proud of it. Oh yeah, there's no r in Waaaagh!


I haven't a clue how I missed that!


-IIRC you mention the Grey Fortress long before you mention what it is at all. You might want to tweak some of the odering at least.
Will do.


-You mention speculation of chemical war changing the ecology radically, then say nothing more of it. You should elaborate on that or delete it, having it dangle as a single thought makes it seem like something you threw in at the last moment.


The chemical war speculation was to explain why there was a sea of acid and a forest filled with monsters. But on the other hand, that is just a little vague.


-The swearing oaths thing...why only with IG?


I'll expand it to others as well.

-The steel horns obviously make them look like chaos forces, but you might want to state explicitly that is why they were investigated. Do you plan to use chaos heads for the conversion?
Okay. Yeah, I'm using Chaos heads for the veterans.


-One other little thing... isn't there already a planet Vanguard? Seems familiar. Vangard sounds too similar. Maybe something like Vanengrad? I think that sounds knightly.


Maybe you're thinking of Medrengard, the homeworld of the Iron Warriors in the Eye of Terror?


Thanks for your comments Gator!


Storm Dragon:


I don't think you should be quite so specific as to when the Waaagh! hit them. I think some thing like...


Reports of an Ork Waaagh under Warlord Golsnak began to reach Dragon Knights. Coming so soon after their founding the Chapter had not yet reached full strength.


Not very well written I know, but you get the idea. :)

Perhaps being vague would be better, something like "records were vague on the exact date"?


I'm not sure about this bit either. I'd view sitting in their fortress monastery as the cowardly action. Charging straight into the jaws of an Ork Waaagh might be many things, but cowardly certainly isn't one of them. You could say as a result of this action and its success they favour direct assaults rather than skulking in the shadows performing hit and run attacks.


Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I'll use something like that, thanks!




First of all, let me say that it's nice to see someone actually using disadvantages. (As opposed to "disadvantages" ;) )



I like the chapter, and think it is nice to see Ultramarine successors. I too have gripes with the "cut out the Waagh's head" - incident. Allthough we all know the stories after successful campagns are not to be thrusted (A 100 orks bare-handed ;) ) I too find it hard to understand why the young chaptermaster found it "cowardly" to go on a mission that Space Marines are bread for. I think you need to work on that story, both in depth and to explain the motivation/aftermath.


I like the coulourscheme, sound simple enough, but I agree that it might benefit from another colour and I'm not certain how 'scaly green' will look on non-organic armour.


Congratulations on beeing on your way on getting your own DIY-chapter! :)


Thanks! But Scaly Green actually looks very good!


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