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Index Astartes - The Dragon Knights

Magos Valkamar

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You're welcome, I hope it all helps. I think you've got some better ideas now.


I think the Chapter colours are pretty good, I've already painted a squad and it's rather pleasing to the eye in my opinion.


So you've painted minis? Why haven't you shown us then?!? That's what we want!



29 years was really the first number that came into my head! It seemed like a good halfway point, but how strong would a chapter actually be at around that stage? Maybe I should give them a smaller ship too. I was guessing 300-400 men, but maybe that's too much? The story about the sergeant is just that; a story. It was probably considerably less and got greatly exaggerated over the years.


Heh, yeah, but you should hear the story about the size of the ork that got away! Anyways, with historical recordkeeping being so poor, it's best to be as vague as possible with timekeeping. Furthermore, bcause elite humans have such long lifespans, their sense of time is very different from ours. The most specific unit of time you generally want to deal with in most situations is a century.



It has to be said that the Orks were still some way from the Dragon Knights home system, but you're right; the Orks really wouldn't just stop there, even if they did lose focus. I'll add that help finally arrived soon after the Warlord's defeat.


That's a bit more realistic, but still not very satisfying....at least not in a 40K sense. It just smacks too much of deus ex machina.



The chemical war speculation was to explain why there was a sea of acid and a forest filled with monsters. But on the other hand, that is just a little vague.


I figured that was why, but you never actually say so or link the two topics.



Maybe you're thinking of Medrengard, the homeworld of the Iron Warriors in the Eye of Terror?


No, I guess not. I think it's just that the term vanguard is so commonly used for so many things.

Sorry about the late reply Gator! Been busy, I'm afraid (painting, amongst other things!).


Yeah, I've just finished painting a tactical squad, but before I get pictures of them up, I really want to put the transfers on them, which I should be receiving soon, hopefully. I've also nearly finished a captain; I just need to tidy him up.


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